I wish they would flash back to...

I have a few.

I would like to see a flash back of Mac with Claire, it would be interesting to see how he was with her. Possibly something from a case brings something to mind for Mac or something Reed asks that makes Mac think back.

Flack as a beat cop would be something I would like to see especially if his father was still in the force at the time.

Also I would love to see as stormymac said a flash back of Don after the explosion. Plus I would love to see if Mac was there as he promised.

Adam, I think seeing him with his father would be a good storyline. Possibly an abuse case could cause him to flash back to his own troubled youth.

Stella, how she came to join the police department. Her time at the orphanage. How she ended up being a CSI.

More information on Mac as a Marine would be one I would love to see, Gary looks hot in uniform..*g* So sue me I am shallow..:). But seriously I would like to know more about his past both in the Marines, with Claire, his history in the police and how he met Stella.
You wanting to see Adam? Very shocking ;)

I'd really like to know more about Hawkes. I know there was last night's episode, but I want to know why he became a doctor in the first place. Also, he apparently has had only two women in his life... that chick he mentioned in Crimes and Misdemeanors and his ex last night. Why can't we see like a nervous Hawkes? I'd like to see a point in his past where he has been embarrassed even if he is super sophisticated and sexy *drools*

I'd like more Hawkes too. I was not content with the last episode (hawkes-wise) because it was supposed to a Hawkes epi, but there wasn't that much Hawkes in it (not as as much as I thought)! Also I'd like more Mac and more Stella. I know they're on focus all the time, after all they're the main characters, but as I said already in the smacked thread, we know almost nothing about Mac and Stella's past history. Sometimes It feels like they keep going around in circles with the characters, you know what I mean? They try and try to make the stories go personal, but they never get deep enough (except for Danny maybe), it looks shallow on a global perspective -> Like this was supposed to be a Hawkes episode, and it was, but IMO, the character development I expected for Hawkes was underachived.

I'd love to see Adam's past and see him slowly evolving too. It would be amazing if he went "from quirky to cool", like they did with Greg on CSI LV, and McGee on NCIS. But I don't know. I just don't know. :confused:
I hope TPTB succumb to our prayers.
Hee! I wonder if they'd put Flack in a big wig with tacky sideburns? :lol: They'd probably circle each other, eyes narrowed, for the first day - then that night they'd be at the bar talking like old friends. Or something. WANT NOW! :lol:

Oh god. The dreaded pornstache could rear it's ugly head - on both of them!

I don't think they met in the 70s, people! :lol:
:p Hey now, I was thinking of Flack's season 1 look, with the big hair and the sideburns - I didn't realize until watching a season 1 episode the other day just how big his hair was. :wtf:

But now I have the mental image of a 'flashback' to when Flack's father was a cop and Danny's father was on the Other Side of the Law, and they had a run-in back in the 70s - and they'd be played by Eddie and Carmine, of course, with the wardrobe and the hair and the facial hair...*dies laughing* :guffaw:

(I have never used that smilie because it creeps me out - so you can tell how amused I am. :p)

And I can't help wonder if they met when Flack rescued Danny from some terrible danger. Since they seem to be really good at that routine now. :lol:
I wouldn't be surprised. :lol:

1) Mac and Claire. I would love to learn more about their relationship. It's just intriguing....
Yes, this I would definitely love to see - we'd get to see Mac in a happier period in his life, before he had quite so much tragedy in his past. I'm guessing he would have been a very different man back then - it would be interesting to see Gary work with that...

Flack as a beat cop would be something I would like to see especially if his father was still in the force at the time.
I'm such a nerd - I was like, 'Omigah, Flack in a uniform!' :lol: I bet he'd have his hair combed over to the side or something. *squees a little bit* ...I'm so ashamed. :eek:
But now I have the mental image of a 'flashback' to when Flack's father was a cop and Danny's father was on the Other Side of the Law, and they had a run-in back in the 70s - and they'd be played by Eddie and Carmine, of course, with the wardrobe and the hair and the facial hair...*dies laughing* :guffaw:

OK, now that I really want to see, complete with a cheesy 70s soundtrack. :lol:

I've always thought it would have been kind of cool to find out Danny and Flack crossed paths as kids/teens in some way, but maybe that's too fannish. :lol:
Adam, I think seeing him with his father would be a good storyline. Possibly an abuse case could cause him to flash back to his own troubled youth.

Maybe I missed something - how would an abuse case affect Adam? Was he abused as a chlid? I feel like I missed way too much sometimes!
^He mentioned a few times that his dad was a bully :(

I personally would like to see Flack in his kiddie years and how he got so protective over Sam.

And the how Mac and Claire met seems pretty interesting too.

Ooh, and Hawkes' first days at the morgue, and have rookie jokes played on him by Sid :lol:
Adam, I think seeing him with his father would be a good storyline. Possibly an abuse case could cause him to flash back to his own troubled youth.

Maybe I missed something - how would an abuse case affect Adam? Was he abused as a chlid? I feel like I missed way too much sometimes!

In the episode with Nelly Fertado Adam said his dad was a bully, then in the episode where Adam tells Danny how much it costs to bring up a kid he says he knew that info. because his dad was always telling him when he was growing up. Poor Adam. :(
i would love to see:

- flack and danny as kids/teens (with sam and louie) and when they met lol
- flack and angell's irish coffee date :p
- some of you may not agree.. but i wanna see the after-419. danny and lindsay. we need to know what happened. LOL.
- mac and claire with the 9/11 thing
- sid's and hawkes' family background
- adam's "bullied" past
- the nypd vs. the firemen playoffs! lol. that would be so fun to watch the whole team play and run and bat. haha. (turbulence, stella was practicing for that)
These are all really good. I dont have much to add, just that yeah, I'd like to see Mac and Claire, maybe the day she died; although I;'d love to see them together happy, just living life, I'd love to see Mac's reaction to her death.
The day they all met or the first few days of getting to know each other would be cool.
The childhood flashbacks- obviously; they'd probably proivde a lot of insight into who they are now. And maybe explain some things (i.e. Danny, Adam, Lindsay, Flack...Ok, pretty much everyone!)
Childhood flashbacks i think are almost a must, i mean it just gives so much information on who they are. this is coming after a psych class, but depending on where they are situated in the family makes a big deal. I just keep thinking that with Lindsay, alot of people find her a little annoying and others love her to death, that smugness that keeps being mentioned, could have something to do with where she was placed in the family...so yea i'm all for a little lindsay.

um Mac and Claire, 911, maybe how Stella helps Mac deal with it (right after the fact) it would be a big episode that would have to be like a finale or something.

Adam, love him to death, and maybe show him as a kid, or when he decided to head out to NY, he mentioned in season 3 that he's from Phoenix '85 degrees is considered freezing) was he forced to leave??? live with his uncle in ny, i forget where that was mentioned but he mentioned an uncle.

Sid, i would love to get an actual glimpse into one of his creepy place stories.

Danny flack flashbacks too, maybe flack and sam and those drunk and disorderly nights mentioned earlier this season,

and i'm all for a nypd/fdny playoff game
Oh yeah, the baseball game! In the spoilers/notes about that epiodes, I thought we were actually gonna see a little bit of that game...but nothing. That'd be cool too.
1. Mac and Claire. I'd love to see a flashback to 9/11 -this could also deal with how Hawkes and Flack were affected by the tragedy. Hawkes must have been either a doctor or a rookie M.E. at the time, if he became an M.E. '8 years ago' after what happened with Kara. While all New Yorkers and people worldwide were affected by 9/11, I think it hit Mac, Flack, and Hawkes the hardest of all. Mac because he lost Claire. Flack because of all the cops and firemen who died. Hawkes because maybe he had to identify/process the bodies and remains. I'd love to see Stella helping Mac through his pain.
I'd also love to see some happy flashbacks of Mac and Claire. Like Faylinn said, he must have been a very different man back then, and it'd be interesting to see.

2. How the team met. Especially Mac and Stella meeting, Mac and Danny meeting (remember Mac was advised by some people not to hire Danny?), Danny and Flack, Flack and Angell. Oh, and Hawkes and Sid

3. Adam's childhood, and his bullying father. Stella's childhood in the orphanage. Flack's childhood - maybe with little sister Sam? What was it like for Flack having a cop for a dad? Did little Donnie dress up as a policeman? I wanna know! Danny's childhood, especially interactions with Louie (Danny's story in The Deep suggests they used to get up to mischief together!) and what it was like growing up in a 'shady' family. Something to show why he's so emotional and need. Anything about Mac's family would be great. Oooh, and I'd love to see young Sid. He mentioned once that a teacher told his mother it's what's on the inside that counts, so I'm guessing Sid was a bit of a misfit as a child.

4. Lindsay as a CSI in Montana. Her first case. I think Lindsay could benefit from development that is entirely separate from Danny.

5. Hawkes as a doctor, or Hawkes's relationship with Kara.

6. Mac's time in the Marines.:drool: More than those really brief ones we got in CoTP where we didn't even see Mac.

7. Flack as a young beat cop, responding to his first domestic, or his first murder, with that mentor guy of his whose name I forget. What it was like for him being a cop when his dad had such a great reputation. Did that make it easier or harder for him to be part of the force?

8. Sid and one of his previous wives! Seeing him getting drunk after one of his divorces was finalized, maybe.:lol:

9. I'd love to see Mac and Flack after COTP. They seem closer in s3/s4, even including their fight over Dobson, than in the first two seasons. I really think Mac was there for Don, and able to help him, he has been through a similar thing in Beirut after all.

10. Danny flashing back to meeting Rikki and Ruben for the first time. It seemed in Child's Play that Ruben and Danny had maybe 'hung out' before. Rikki certainly seemed very comfortable Ruben go off with Danny, and that suggests they know, trust, and like one another. Maybe sweet Danny helped Rikki out when she was moving in. I'd love the chance to learn more of Rikki's story too, about what happened to Ruben's father. Did they divorce? Did he die? Was he a one night stand or a fling?
Gee,what would I love to see.
Well,the childhood of the characters.
Like Danny`s baseball career before he broke his wrist.
He has talked about it twice now,so it would be nice to see it.
Flack and his family,especially with Sam.
Those cartrips certainly sounded fun,so that would be nice.
Oh and Hawkes as student,maybe we can learn something from him:p
I think it might be cool if they had some sort of episode where the case is kind of straightforward, leaving plenty of time for some flashbacks - like maybe each character flashes back to the same moment in their own life. That way we could get a glimpse of their past while also being able to compare things - how Adam's childhood compared to Danny's compared to Sheldon's, etc. We'd see the differences - but maybe some unexpected similarities too...