CSI Level Two
I have a few.
I would like to see a flash back of Mac with Claire, it would be interesting to see how he was with her. Possibly something from a case brings something to mind for Mac or something Reed asks that makes Mac think back.
Flack as a beat cop would be something I would like to see especially if his father was still in the force at the time.
Also I would love to see as stormymac said a flash back of Don after the explosion. Plus I would love to see if Mac was there as he promised.
Adam, I think seeing him with his father would be a good storyline. Possibly an abuse case could cause him to flash back to his own troubled youth.
Stella, how she came to join the police department. Her time at the orphanage. How she ended up being a CSI.
More information on Mac as a Marine would be one I would love to see, Gary looks hot in uniform..*g* So sue me I am shallow..
. But seriously I would like to know more about his past both in the Marines, with Claire, his history in the police and how he met Stella.
I would like to see a flash back of Mac with Claire, it would be interesting to see how he was with her. Possibly something from a case brings something to mind for Mac or something Reed asks that makes Mac think back.
Flack as a beat cop would be something I would like to see especially if his father was still in the force at the time.
Also I would love to see as stormymac said a flash back of Don after the explosion. Plus I would love to see if Mac was there as he promised.
Adam, I think seeing him with his father would be a good storyline. Possibly an abuse case could cause him to flash back to his own troubled youth.
Stella, how she came to join the police department. Her time at the orphanage. How she ended up being a CSI.
More information on Mac as a Marine would be one I would love to see, Gary looks hot in uniform..*g* So sue me I am shallow..