Okies, I'm back to typing as I watch this week. Not sure how I'm going to feel about this one. Guess we're about to see.
~ Crazy man is crazy.
~ I've had enough of 'boom'.
~ Was he going to say something Major over the damn phone? Oh, Danny.
~ OH NOES THERE IS DRAMA WHAT IS GOING ON? *clings to Adam and puts on tinfoil hat*
~ Ooh, so exciting. *pees self*
~ Just so ya know, if that had been me in that truck, there would have been a me-shaped hole in the door, kthanx.
~ *pets the Flack*
~ *looks for cleavage* :devil:
~ LOL, Mac disappeared.
~ Hee! Flack's superstitious again.
~ SID!
~ My little sister is currently spazzing out over the autopsy scene. :lol: I'm like, 'Bonesaw, nummy!'
~ Heehee, Sheldon is horrible. Sneaking in popcorn so he could eat it in the morgue? Not good, bb, not good.
~ Pacemaker go splodey?
~ Microwaved.
~ 'What happened to the picture?' It went away.
~ Hahaha. 'The Triangle strikes again.' :lol:
~ Aww, Danny is a cute worried father-to-be. I'm afraid I have to agree with Anna here - he's adorable. Too bad it was a lame way to propose (as an afterthought after asking if she had crazies in her family).
~ Is Sheldon playing with Adam's puzzle thingy?
~ Sheldon is so sexy when he's excited about nerdy things. It makes me happy in my pants. :devil:
~ "Let's do this before somebody wets themselves, please" - I'm guessing it would be you, Danno. Sheldon was all excited about being up there.
~ Danny's hair is all fluffy. XD
~ "Can you hear me now?" :lol:
~ I kid you not, my 14-year-old sister just said, "There was something homoerotic about that scene." :lol:
~ Mac ain't intimidated by you, foo'
~ CONTINUITIES! It's always nice when something escapes the powahs of the Black Hole of Continuity.
~ How long did Lindsay's snack break last? Keeps coming in to ask how Adam's doing with all of the evidence.
~ Haha @ Adam's evil laugh. (I didn't hear his entire explanation about the ring, though.)
~ Ooh, Flack going after an ex-con. I HAS TINGLE!PANTS
~ Lindsay is actually processing something. Wow.
~ She's actually thinking about the chemicals. Color me surprised.
~ Oy. She really tried the "friend" thing? *wince* I'm glad they didn't have Stella act stupid enough to believe that.
~ This whole pulling-back-through-a-surface thing is odd (first the truck's windshield and then the computer screen).
~ Significant crazy man was totally significant.
~ Adam again
~ It's a puppy! ^_^ *snorgles the puppy*
~ I like when Mac and Flack talk stuff out.
~ HEE! Sheldon said "hot damn!" *tingle!pants*
~ Those tantoo things (or whatever they're called) are so effing stupid. I will never understand people, I swear.
~ I'm guessing it was the blonde chick at the bar - I knew she'd be significant when they made sure to concentrate on her for a second in the scene.
~ This episode feels very
long for some reason.
~ "two megawatts of portable microwave mayhem" - lulz!
~ Aaaand my stupid cable is messing up - I don't have a picture right now. *sighs* :brickwall:
~ And it comes back in time for me to see the chick's boobs with that tacky tantoo on one of them. Do not want!
~ Ooh, that was the guy that helped steal the USB? *le gasp*
~ Bwuahahahahahahahaha! That D/L scene was so corny. :lol: Nothing we didn't know they'd say, though. WHERE IS THIS NON-TYPICALNESS THEY SPOKE OF BEFORE?
~ OMG WAS THAT A MANHUG? Not quite what I wanted, but I'll take it.
Preview: Dun dun duuuun - the SecretU chick is back. I hope she's not stalking Mac. :wtf: And LOL at Flack talking about the crap people were apparently eating.