This one is based on something that happened to me once when I went to Tupelo, Mississippi. What happened involved The Monkees. This is the "You Know You Watch Too Much CSI: NY When..." take of it. I'll tell you what happened in Tupelo at the end of this post.
You Know You Watch Too Much CSI: NY When...
You're in a store that sells tvs-(Sears, Best Buy, Wal-Mart) and you hear Baba O'Reilly playing on the store's overhead speakers (the store's radio) and you're close to the tvs so you go to the tvs to see if they're showing an episode of CSI: NY on them. When you get to the tvs there's
NO CSI: NY and you realize now that the song was coming from the store radio-(speakers in the ceiling).
What happened in Tupelo in the year 2000 with The Monkees's theme song was :guffaw:funny but embarrassing

, I gotta tell you.
What happened was this:
My 1/2 brother who died in March 2004, mom and I were in Sears and suddenly I hear "Hey Hey We're the Monkees". It didn't dawn on me it was coming from overhead...from the speakers in the ceiling, the store's radio. I was close to the tvs so I went to tvs to see if Tupelo had a station we didn't have at home that was showing The Monkees. I got to the tvs,
NO Monkees. Then it dawned on me it was coming from the speakers overhead in the ceiling. Like I said: :guffaw:funny but embarrassing
