Everybody loved it huh? I didn't think it was as good as other eps this season, and therefore couldn't bring myself to give it an A.
B+ though.
: Stella. Adam. Flack Flack Flack. Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiid! Haaaaaaaaaaaawkes! Adam and Stella, eyelash. Flack and Stella, damn near looked like Melina was gonna crack up at one point. Flack and Danny. Sid being badass. Hawkes being badass. Mac and Hawkes. Mac and Sinclair in the end.
Kinda Unimpressed :vulcan: : Less than subtle issues of budget cuts and whatnot. NYPD for rentacops, Sinclair walking in on that little rant... 'Every year you ask us to do more with less/and every year you manage to do it.' No, no sense of predictable foreboding there at all. Also the long shadowy walk in the shadowy massive evidence warehouse and shadowy hand taking shadowy thumb drive of shadowy info on shadowy people with shadowy ominous portents of things being revisited down the line. Oh no. I never saw that coming. If it's handled along the lines PerfectAnomoly describes it, it could be really good. A particularly devious villain with shadowy intentions drawn out here and there rather than an 'omigod the labs are at risk hire back all the cops after the team saves the city higher ups' type deal.
Meh's :shifty: : Lindsay. I know everyone's gonna go "OOO! See? Funny! Eh? Eh? Fuuuuuuunny! Ha. Toldaya." Meh I says. The *concept* was funny. The moment was meh. Look at me, I'm remembering my lines and Being Funny and not runnning into a streetlamp or passerby while walking and talking at the same time. Know what would have made me laugh out loud? If it had been Danny instead of Lindsay. Or even Hawkes. I'm not particularly into kapoodles and that's not really my intent, but that would have taken the concept a half step further and made me laugh simply because it was either one of them. Plus I think either would have pulled it off even better. I think Flack should get Monroe for being the one the writers stuck in that scene with her. But see below for the other side of what I did like from Linds.
Grudging Curiosity. Sigh. :shifty: : Lindsay. Out of the lab finally. I thought her better parts in the ep were collecting the doll with Flack from creepo dude's apartment, and her interacting with creepo dude trying to trace how he got it and then convince him to let them take her for tests. That was more well played than the rather forced moment in the street after. Also thought she was better back in the labs with Stella running said tests. (BTW that whole seen of processing the doll was a tad disturbing. Including Adam, much as I adore him). The last I will say on Linds here is that maybe this was a start into/and a way of TPTB trying to retain some of whatever direction they'd originally intended for Monroe this season, a little more fun and lively than last year. I will grudgingly wait and see what else they manage to salvage from their original aims to give her, outside of a bump. Will try to be fair. But it makes me really irritable because her credit's long gone, and the whole pregnancy thing fills me with dread.
Grudging Admittance
: Sinclair. Was prepared to dislike the whole internal battle between him and Mac. I'm honest in acknowleging that that stems from my general dislike of persecution type storylines, and that's where I thought it might go again. Sinclair and Mac, gotta really and truly give it up and say I was surprised by the low key type ending, and thought it was one of the most human and layered real moments for both of them, and also between them.
Trying too Hard
- Lindsay being funny.
- The show's Lead in. NY has this thing for turning out the lights and having people glow in the dark in festive ways. In subway cars. In shopping carts. In paintball games. On model runways with painted outfits. On stilts. yada. Relax. New York is a cool place already.
Hawkes :thumbsup: : Yay Hawkes, about time you got more than six lines an ep. Also nice to see him kick butt too. Still, somehow a teeny bit disappointed. Wish there was even more depth and time given to him, cos you know Harper Hill could give so much more. Old College Bud drops by, all of a sudden his father's responsable for the scholarship Sheldon was granted to go thru medical school, father was actually a hypocrytical bastard, raised an equally bastard son who simply resorts to beating up old bud because Hawkes isn't a hypocrite? What did the silly f*ck think that would get him? Just a way for Hawkes to then put ex-bud in prison? I never for a moment doubted that Hawkes would just walk away from a guy who tried to pull something like asking him to compromise evidence. There was no real tension there at all, only a moment to illustrate what I already knew of Hawkes' character, even though it was great he had opportunity to show it again. It was fun to learn a bit about his past, what he was apparently like in college, and hints of what his circumstances were as a student. And while I liked the fight scene, holding his own and showing some absolutely kick-ass moves in an extended 3-on-1 throwdown, I was sighing at the same time. That's the meaty development we get for Sheldon? I guess I'm just holding onto Raising Shane and the other paired ep as how much Harper Hill can really shine. Give him more please. Mo' mo' mo'. And damn did the man look good. Even with a shiner.
...Eh Whut??? :cardie: : Mebbe I missed something here. Please tell me what. Hair interwoven in a nylon? Who's nylon? If it was the victim's, this got on her how while snooping in dude's apt. to download files? Or transferred while getting bounced off a mailbox or whatever? Traced to a missing person from Boston who's dead but who's hair was sold to a silicone - 'scuse me - japanese super silicone whatever doll manufacturer in New York? And how did the super silicone get wedged in her bracelet? Did she try to fend him off while he beat her over the head with the doll? I thought I saw the whole ep. Maybe I zoned out momentarily?
: Liked him. Answering endless phone calls from paranoid corrupted power officials over a lipstick thumb drive. Liked the interrogation scene with creepo dude. Liked the moment with Sheldon. Again, really liked the ending moment with Sinclair.
: Interrogation with the ex-cop. Can only say it's a good thing dude directed the sister comment at Danny and not Flack, or there may have been another tongue removed. Fun scene. 'WHOA.' Danny and Flack also pulled off some of the best lines. Faves: Danny - 'That's why boys shouldn't play with dolls.' Flack: 'That's why god created warrants.'
Fun fact learned
: Adam likes redheads.
Indiana Jones: Noted that flavour too. The warehouse, plus the preview for next week. Gee. Wonder if Spielberg's gonna direct. Their writers musta been watching lotsa movies during the strike.
B+ because it was entertaining even if somewhat run of the mill for me, and I liked other eps better. Can't help but say I was soon looking to see the preview for next week's ep.
B+ though.
Kinda Unimpressed :vulcan: : Less than subtle issues of budget cuts and whatnot. NYPD for rentacops, Sinclair walking in on that little rant... 'Every year you ask us to do more with less/and every year you manage to do it.' No, no sense of predictable foreboding there at all. Also the long shadowy walk in the shadowy massive evidence warehouse and shadowy hand taking shadowy thumb drive of shadowy info on shadowy people with shadowy ominous portents of things being revisited down the line. Oh no. I never saw that coming. If it's handled along the lines PerfectAnomoly describes it, it could be really good. A particularly devious villain with shadowy intentions drawn out here and there rather than an 'omigod the labs are at risk hire back all the cops after the team saves the city higher ups' type deal.
Meh's :shifty: : Lindsay. I know everyone's gonna go "OOO! See? Funny! Eh? Eh? Fuuuuuuunny! Ha. Toldaya." Meh I says. The *concept* was funny. The moment was meh. Look at me, I'm remembering my lines and Being Funny and not runnning into a streetlamp or passerby while walking and talking at the same time. Know what would have made me laugh out loud? If it had been Danny instead of Lindsay. Or even Hawkes. I'm not particularly into kapoodles and that's not really my intent, but that would have taken the concept a half step further and made me laugh simply because it was either one of them. Plus I think either would have pulled it off even better. I think Flack should get Monroe for being the one the writers stuck in that scene with her. But see below for the other side of what I did like from Linds.
Grudging Curiosity. Sigh. :shifty: : Lindsay. Out of the lab finally. I thought her better parts in the ep were collecting the doll with Flack from creepo dude's apartment, and her interacting with creepo dude trying to trace how he got it and then convince him to let them take her for tests. That was more well played than the rather forced moment in the street after. Also thought she was better back in the labs with Stella running said tests. (BTW that whole seen of processing the doll was a tad disturbing. Including Adam, much as I adore him). The last I will say on Linds here is that maybe this was a start into/and a way of TPTB trying to retain some of whatever direction they'd originally intended for Monroe this season, a little more fun and lively than last year. I will grudgingly wait and see what else they manage to salvage from their original aims to give her, outside of a bump. Will try to be fair. But it makes me really irritable because her credit's long gone, and the whole pregnancy thing fills me with dread.
Grudging Admittance
Trying too Hard
- Lindsay being funny.
- The show's Lead in. NY has this thing for turning out the lights and having people glow in the dark in festive ways. In subway cars. In shopping carts. In paintball games. On model runways with painted outfits. On stilts. yada. Relax. New York is a cool place already.
Hawkes :thumbsup: : Yay Hawkes, about time you got more than six lines an ep. Also nice to see him kick butt too. Still, somehow a teeny bit disappointed. Wish there was even more depth and time given to him, cos you know Harper Hill could give so much more. Old College Bud drops by, all of a sudden his father's responsable for the scholarship Sheldon was granted to go thru medical school, father was actually a hypocrytical bastard, raised an equally bastard son who simply resorts to beating up old bud because Hawkes isn't a hypocrite? What did the silly f*ck think that would get him? Just a way for Hawkes to then put ex-bud in prison? I never for a moment doubted that Hawkes would just walk away from a guy who tried to pull something like asking him to compromise evidence. There was no real tension there at all, only a moment to illustrate what I already knew of Hawkes' character, even though it was great he had opportunity to show it again. It was fun to learn a bit about his past, what he was apparently like in college, and hints of what his circumstances were as a student. And while I liked the fight scene, holding his own and showing some absolutely kick-ass moves in an extended 3-on-1 throwdown, I was sighing at the same time. That's the meaty development we get for Sheldon? I guess I'm just holding onto Raising Shane and the other paired ep as how much Harper Hill can really shine. Give him more please. Mo' mo' mo'. And damn did the man look good. Even with a shiner.
...Eh Whut??? :cardie: : Mebbe I missed something here. Please tell me what. Hair interwoven in a nylon? Who's nylon? If it was the victim's, this got on her how while snooping in dude's apt. to download files? Or transferred while getting bounced off a mailbox or whatever? Traced to a missing person from Boston who's dead but who's hair was sold to a silicone - 'scuse me - japanese super silicone whatever doll manufacturer in New York? And how did the super silicone get wedged in her bracelet? Did she try to fend him off while he beat her over the head with the doll? I thought I saw the whole ep. Maybe I zoned out momentarily?
Fun fact learned
Indiana Jones: Noted that flavour too. The warehouse, plus the preview for next week. Gee. Wonder if Spielberg's gonna direct. Their writers musta been watching lotsa movies during the strike.
B+ because it was entertaining even if somewhat run of the mill for me, and I liked other eps better. Can't help but say I was soon looking to see the preview for next week's ep.