Jorja/Sara: A Passionate Heart #7

Jorja Fox, star of the CBS television series "CSI," will attend Irvine's Silent River Film Festival on Oct. 14 to promote her documentary "How I Became an Elephant," which will screen at the Edwards Westpark Theater. Fox will also receive the 2012 River Glory award for her work and support of animal rights. Silent River is Irvine's first international film festival. Visit for more information.
Silent River
Last weekend Jorja was presented with the 2012 ADI Animal Champion Award at their
Lion Ark Gala Fundraiser: A Love Fest for Animal Advocates

Lion Ark Gala sponsored by ADI – Animal Defenders International was a fantastic party in the Hollywood Hills on a beautiful October Saturday night at the very impressive manse of actor James Costa. (It was the 25th animal fundraiser that he has hosted.) Lion Ark gala was packed with animal rights leaders, animal artists and animal lovers, Hollywood celebrities, celebrities in the animal advocacy world, and at least two genuine celebrities in both fields. Awards were given to the two stars who qualify as both: Bob Barker and Jorja Fox.

Some pics on JFO:

Congrats, Jorja!
wow, after re- watching(s3) ER i didn't recognized how jorja fox demonstrated her detective abilities as an habbit/whim.i think it was very clear wich field she would tackle as an actor.sorry for my nostalgia,though.:lol:
I'm curious to know if I'm the only person who feels this way...

I'm currently re-watching CSI from the beginning and quite early on David (le coroner, Frenchin' it up and whatnot) tries to flirt with her and she says something along the lines of that he has to man up, basically, and become more of a bad boy, if he wants to succeed with women. Am I the only one who found that to be really, really awkward? I mean, I love Sara to pieces, but that one line really got under my skin, and in my opinion contradics basically everything that is Sara to begin with.
It was a bit out of charecter for Sara, I think they have all had times like that, It was early in the series I did not like early Grissom or Brass .
I liked that scene back then, although I remember it took me a few episodes to start liking Sara. Looking back on it now it shows how Sara matured and how young she was at the time.
I liked that scene back then, although I remember it took me a few episodes to start liking Sara. Looking back on it now it shows how Sara matured and how young she was at the time.

What season/episode was this?? I'm drawing a blank.
Have a great birthday Jorja