Mac/Jo: Making good first impressions

I'm in desperate need of new kick ass JAC-scenes that make my heart skip a beat. Let it be Friday, already.



I'm literally sitting here, thinking: 'Is it Friday today? No? WHY? It has to be!'

This is the first time this season we have, like, tons of Jo in promos AND real prospects for JAC scenes AND we have to wait soooo long. This is way to painful.
I was NOT happy with having the episode moved to this next Friday :shifty:. I too want to see Mac and Jo since we've been in kind of a drought lately. Also...

Sela said in an interview that the fight scene she has coming up with the rapist reminded her of the movie The Fugitive and the scene where she was killed at the beginning of the movie. That was a pretty intense scene, so now I'm wondering how intense this scene with Jo will play out to be. If she really gets roughed up there's more probability that we get a scene with Mac's reaction. I guess I'm just afraid that all of this happens and we get squat from Mac. I really want to see his concern and a scene were he and Jo are together right after the fight happens.
I guess I'm just afraid that all of this happens and we get squat from Mac. I really want to see his concern and a scene were he and Jo are together right after the fight happens.

Please, bring it on. I mean, c'mon. If the writers are planning on hooking Mac up with someone, it just has to be Jo. I mean, seriously. All or nothing. They already planted the seeds for a possible relationship, so to speak. But soon, the writers will have to up their bet, if they want something to happen between these two characters. They have to push them a little bit further. I hope this happens in the coming story line. It doesn't have to be much. Just this something that makes them grow closer to the acknowledgement of their feelings. This something that makes us, shippers, feel a little bit more sure about a possible relationship.

I'm just saying, if they want to make it happen, the writers have to create some kind of evolution. Because, we don't have an entire season. In less than ten episodes the writers have to make it happen. SO, MAKE IT HAPPEN.

Oh dear, I have such strong feelings about this.
Hmm I think we have bad news....

Just read in the spoiler thread that there will be a woman named Christine from Mac's past who will make an appearance in episode 12. They found each other again through some social network. I'm thinking this is the girl they'll have Mac pursue and I'm not happy about it.
I know, I read it too. I might be stupid and delusional (oh, I am), but I refuse to believe in this until I see this.

It doesn't mean, though, that I won't start to prepare myself for disappointment. :(

But coming back to what TheChaoticBox was saying - I agree with EVERY.SINGLE.WORD (wow, that's a huge surprise, isn't it? ;)). The fact they didn't create any situation this season in which Mac and Jo could acknowledge the possibility of getting together, or even a situation which would make either one of them THINKING about something like this makes me constantly dubious.

But then, again - forgetting about this last spoiler - it's just the 6th episode, we still have some time. If only I could be sure this is where it's heading...
Hmm I think we have bad news....

Just read in the spoiler thread that there will be a woman named Christine from Mac's past who will make an appearance in episode 12. They found each other again through some social network. I'm thinking this is the girl they'll have Mac pursue and I'm not happy about it.

Or maybe she's the one to point out that he mentions Jo 30 times in their conversation, putting him on the right path.

Hey, I refuse to believe the worst till I see it. :cool:
Hmm I think we have bad news....

Just read in the spoiler thread that there will be a woman named Christine from Mac's past who will make an appearance in episode 12. They found each other again through some social network. I'm thinking this is the girl they'll have Mac pursue and I'm not happy about it.

Or maybe she's the one to point out that he mentions Jo 30 times in their conversation, putting him on the right path.

Hey, I refuse to believe the worst till I see it. :cool:

I love your optimism! :cool:

Storylines get dropped all the time and spoilers have a tendency to change, so I hope this is the case here. I really, really think (like all of you ;) ) that Jo and Mac have a very natural, easy chemistry so it would really be a shame for the writers to waste that on creating yet another character just to be Mac's love interest.

That's what I'm talking about.

Right at that moment, my heart skipped a beat because of the severe flirtatious "Oh, come on", in such a tender voice. I mean, the intensity of their flirtation is growing outrageously. They're so... close. For a second there, I thought: 'Oh oh, is she going to grab and kiss him?' Because, that's what it seemed like. And when she said "serious scientific study", I thought they were going to try out Sid's pillow together. Damn. One of the best JAC scenes so far. And of course, the last scene was also absolutely fabulous.

I freakin' loved this episode.
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That's what I'm talking about.

Right at that moment, my heart skipped a beat because of the severe flirtatious "Oh, come on", in such a tender voice. I mean, the intensity of their flirtation is growing outrageously. They're so... close. For a second there, I thought: 'Oh oh, is she going to grab and kiss him?' Because, that's what it seemed like. And when she said "serious scientific study", I thought they were going to try out Sid's pillow together. Damn. One of the best JAC scenes so far. And of course, the last scene was also absolutely fabulous.

I freakin' loved this episode.

I don't even know how to express my feelings right now. :lol:

I'm really sorry (not really, actually), but I have to say it: this is how a married couple working together would look like! What are the writers so afraid of putting any romantic relationship on board? It does not have to destroy everything!

"Oh, come on" - I mean, the way she said it... :drool:

The last scene was so perfect, so, so, so perfect. I think I might have heard only 'You never disappoint' and nothing else. :lol:
Also, I had this feelings like there was more to it, but the camera was changing angle every time I wanted to see it. Like, you know: one of them was reaching a hand somewhere in the other's direction and then they showed Sid. ;) Or they were looking at each other and we got Sheldon. :lol:

OH, one more thing before I forget! I love how they are working together. Like, you know, they're sitting at each other offices, talking about the case (and - that's new ;) - looking at each other so intense I wonder what they're realli thinking about).
Sorry to any D/L fans out there but Cavallinio Rampante and Get me out of here were the best two episodes up to now to show chemistry of a married couple working together . They arn't married but they show more chemistry then D/L in my opinion.
Ok so this is me after this episode :D:D:D:adore:

I, umm, wow!

"Oh, come on" - I mean, the way she said it...

YES. THIS. I'm finding it very hard to be articulate right now, sorry :lol:.

Right at that moment, my heart skipped a beat because of the severe flirtatious "Oh, come on", in such a tender voice. I mean, the intensity of their flirtation is growing outrageously. They're so... close. For a second there, I thought: 'Oh oh, is she going to grab and kiss him?' Because, that's what it seemed like.

Me too!! I stopped breathing for like a second and a half cause I was so sure she was going to kiss him :lol:.

The last scene was so perfect, so, so, so perfect. I think I might have heard only 'You never disappoint' and nothing else.

I know, right!? And the way he said it. All the whispering and the closeness. It's exactly how a couple would act and it definitely puts Danny and Lindsay to shame!!

I might have more to say after the shock wears off.
Yeah, this episode was kind of love. They work so well together as partners and there's something just so lovely in how close they seem after such a short time, really, compared to how long Mac has known everyone else at the lab. Like the natural ease between the actors just translates to this great friendship on screen that might have taken a lot longer to buy except that they make you feel how comfortable they are with each other.

And the little playground punch in the arm thing? Um, yeah... too adorable for words. They just make me happy, with their flirty, sexy selves.

Probably reading too much in here, but I swear, it almost felt like she came up with the movie thing JUST to get him to relax and have a little fun.