You Know You Watch Too Much CSI LV When...


Mac's Personal Assistant
...Letterman mentions "CSI on every channel" and you pay attention right away. (He actually meant Charlie Sheen Insanity lol)

...You come accross a new book at the library called The Snark Handbook, and want to give it to Brass. Or see if he wrote it.

(I can't find the old thread)
Re: You Know You Watch Too Much CSI When...

When you ask almost everyone you meet at work or a store or anywhere "Do you watch CSI"?:wtf:and if anyone says "NO" you give them a baffled look and go "WHY":confused:
Re: You Know You Watch Too Much CSI When...

You count down the hours until a new ep is on, even if it's days away, just an example of what I sound like

Okay 96 hours...just 72...48... 24 we're almost there...

It drives you nuts when someone says there's like a million different CSI shows :scream:

You see the letters CS and get excited and think CSI but it's not and the last letter is something else and your dissappointed

Someone in your pyschology class has the last name Eads and you think George, George Eads, Nick, CSI, and such
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Re: You Know You Watch Too Much CSI When...

You get three new hires at your job named Nick, Greg and Catherine and you get excited. Then disappointment ensues when all three fail to live up to the originals: cranky old guy, overly zealous Bible-thumper, and someone who you pray was never a stripper, respectively. :lol:
Re: You Know You Watch Too Much CSI When...

You get three new hires at your job named Nick, Greg and Catherine and you get excited. Then disappointment ensues when all three fail to live up to the originals: cranky old guy, overly zealous Bible-thumper, and someone who you pray was never a stripper, respectively. :lol:

:guffaw::guffaw: so funny
Re: You Know You Watch Too Much CSI When...

You're purchasing a box dvd set and the cashier asks if you like Grissom or Ray best and you readily admit you'll always be a 'Grissom Girl'.
Re: You Know You Watch Too Much CSI When...

I work at a library, and I'm seriously anxious for them to get to weeding the paperbacks...I want to snag Cold Burn if they dump it. Plus maybe a few nonfiction forensics books, but hard telling. It'll be a while though, it's slow going. (we have the official guide too but i've got that one. I do want to try and order the latest book when I have a chance though.)

Every time I watch an ep of CSI NY with bugs, I wanna tell them to call Grissom LOL.

I can't believe the repeated ads for An Idiot Abroad this week haven't made me think of Gil, since they're in Peru lol. I don't watch the show but I watch other stuff on Science channel.

I play in an Animorphs RP that has Las Vegas as one of the cities where the action takes place, and I had my character make a CSI joke since the group leader was transferring to LV. (there is a fanfic...poor Catherine, and Greg and several others, taken over by alien slugs lol) (since they look like slugs, I imagine Gil wanting to dissect one lol.)I actually had a Grissom-inspred character in two games, but one game died and the other I couldn't get the muse going to start playing the character.

When I watch Buffy eps like Teacher's Pet, or certain Angel eps, I really want to bring Gil to see the giant demon bugs to see what he'd make of them.
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Re: You Know You Watch Too Much CSI When...

When I watch Buffy eps like Teacher's Pet, or certain Angel eps, I really want to bring Gil to see the giant demon bugs to see what he'd make of them.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA that one made my day!
Re: You Know You Watch Too Much CSI When...


NASCAR is in Vegas and you immediately wonder if anyone's at the race...well if they would be if they were real. I could have seen Warrick going maybe but he's not around :( I wonder if NIck would ever go. I don't see Sara or Cath going although you never idea with Greg or Ray. Although Ray seems to have some motor affinity, but that was the motorbike rather than a car.

I would love to see it be a CSI ep...death on the racetrack. (rather than the go-kart track.) Miami did it. And maybe we'd see Nick racing a car again with Cath...that was cool, especially cath at the end.
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Re: You Know You Watch Too Much CSI When...

You're purchasing a box dvd set and the cashier asks if you like Grissom or Ray best and you readily admit you'll always be a 'Grissom Girl'.

I've been taking my own little polls with whoever I feel it's pertinet, and I ask about this "Do you like LF as Ray, or Grissom better and most everyone says "Yes" on Ray, but some miss Grissom, and then there's the ones who go "WHAT"?, and I feel embarassed and go "nevermind":rolleyes:
This makes you think of Grissom


I love this site, it's hilarious....*bleep* You Autocorrect (didn't wanna post the word due to possible rule stuff so...)
you call your car "Sofia" because you miss Sofia Curtis and everybody jokes about you for naming your car *g*