Grade 'Damned If You Do'

How would you grade Damned If You Do?

  • A+

    Votes: 7 20.6%
  • A

    Votes: 11 32.4%
  • A-

    Votes: 2 5.9%
  • B+

    Votes: 4 11.8%
  • B

    Votes: 2 5.9%
  • B-

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • C+

    Votes: 2 5.9%
  • C

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • C-

    Votes: 2 5.9%
  • D+

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • D

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • D-

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • F

    Votes: 1 2.9%

  • Total voters
Ah.. Come on. That's a little unfair don't you think? I don't mind people being negative about characters that I like, but I'd say it's a bit nitpicky to be critical of someone for walking along a corridor/across a room in the same way that somebody else did...
So you noticed to huh?:lol: Lindsey can walk any way she wants shes bad now that she took out Shane Casey and got that fancy medal:lol: Come to think of it Stella thought she was pretty bad too!...didnt get a medal though:confused:
It was such a tragedy this freak killed the wrong couple:( Mac was great and even though the woman moved her fingers, she was brain damaged and didn't remember anything. The whole team was so compelling and so focused and got it right.. sad episode:(
It was such a tragedy this freak killed the wrong couple:( Mac was great and even though the woman moved her fingers, she was brain damaged and didn't remember anything. The whole team was so compelling and so focused and got it right.. sad episode:(
Yea that part was pretty bad. I felt sorry for the kid they got all over him and in his face without following things through. As much as I like Mac it was good for once to see him shook up with a theory of his gone wrong. I did like it in the end that he did not have to live with remorse over it though and I'm glad the mom forgot the earlier conversation. The kid on the other hand was pretty generous which was nice he could have filed a harrassment suit...or could he?
Oh and has Sid been married twice, or did he recently get divorced from the wife we always heard him mention in the past?

I was left with the same confusion. First I thought that he had been married before and was now in his second marriage. However, after the way he reacted towards Jo I thought that maybe he had gotten divorced. So I have no idea what's going on with Sid :shifty:.
Ah.. Come on. That's a little unfair don't you think? I don't mind people being negative about characters that I like, but I'd say it's a bit nitpicky to be critical of someone for walking along a corridor/across a room in the same way that somebody else did...
So you noticed to huh?:lol: Lindsey can walk any way she wants shes bad now that she took out Shane Casey and got that fancy medal:lol: Come to think of it Stella thought she was pretty bad too!...didnt get a medal though:confused:

Nope. Didn't notice actually, which was kind of my point on it being nit-picky. seems like how a character walks isn't really the type of thing people really pay much attention to, least of all to find fault with them for it...

But, it's not something that needs to be mulled over to any great degree. :cool:
But, it's not something that needs to be mulled over to any great degree. :cool:
True enough!:lol:

I was left with the same confusion. First I thought that he had been married before and was now in his second marriage.
I think he has been married more than once but if we are patient we may meet current wife ex wife of Sid. We do know he has daughters or has that been rewritten as well? Maybe she is the "keeper of the Black hole":lol:
Another solid B. The whole team worked well together this episode. I wasn't even annoyed at Danny and Lindsay working together on the crime scene.

I liked getting more insight into Jo and why she left DC. Loved, loved, loved Adam in the polygraph scene, especially his expression when the con freaked out. lol. :guffaw: Danny and Flack were awesome as usual. I love how Jo is around Adam, it's funny how he's so uneasy around her and how she likes to tease him. I, too, am curious if Sid is still married. We can't tell anything from his interaction with Jo because he seems to like to flirt with women in authority positions. ;) The case was interesting because it took an unexpected turn. I also liked that Mac was questioning himself and his methods of gettting the ID. Usually Super!Mac doesn't tolerate such insolence, even from himself. ;) I also liked the exchange with the son in the end. I personally don't think they were too hard on him because they did get an ID and were just doing their jobs. And Jo said she knew about the glass place from reading about it in the newspaper so she doesn't have any super powers or unusual knowledge of NY.

Not enough Hawkes, per usual, but I still really liked this one.

ETA: I really liked Mac and Jo's "confrontation" (for lack of a better word) re: the report she looked at. Mac treated her like a second in command, which she is. He questioned her and let her know how his team works without treating her as just another subordinate, which she is not. Good scene that also allowed for character development.
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This episode gets a solid A from me. The best part of this episode IMO was the fact Mac actually questioned his actions and admitted that he was wrong to the son at the end instead of making excuses or using the I was just doing my job speech to the son. Usually Mac is high and mighty and makes no apologies for the actions he does, so it was nice to see that here.
As for Paul's parents, I can only imagine what turning their son in was like. To testify against your child knowing he'll go to prison must have been heartbreaking,even though it was the right thing to do. If they hadn't done it, what he did would have gone unpunished, and he would most likely have done it again.
As for Paul not knowing it wasn't his parents, I imagine he was so drunk and blind with rage that he didn't realize he was attacking innocent people.
He may have asked about the mother, but at the end of the day, it's still quite clear Paul didn't see anything wrong with what he had done to his girlfriend,and that it was his parents fault he ended up in prison, instead of his own.
So does Lindsey think she is the new Stella with that "Stella strut" goin on there?:rolleyes:

Ah.. Come on. That's a little unfair don't you think? I don't mind people being negative about characters that I like, but I'd say it's a bit nitpicky to be critical of someone for walking along a corridor/across a room in the same way that somebody else did...
I agree. I don't mind Lindsey. I didn't like Stella and don't like Jo, but Lindsey doesn't irk me like she seems to bother other NY fans. Quite frankly, Danny is way more annoying than Lindsey.
a bit of both, we do get quite a lot of both. it doesn't help sting is ridiculously sanctimonious, and collins is just an arse who ruined genesis :lol:

3: even i thought mac was too damn sanctimonious during both his hospital room scenes - and i'm usually the one defending him against the sanctimony accusations!

True Sting's personality is quite obnoxious. With some artists like that I try to put aside my feelings about their personality to listen to them but sometimes the artist is much too annoying.

Wow having issues with Mac's actions? That is amusing. But he was totallu wrong and I loved how the woman scared him off in the frist hospital scene.
There was really nothing new about this week's episode of CSI:NY. The plot has been done several times before on nearly every procedural. In fact, while watching, I was often reminded of "Blink", when Mac misinterpreted an identification from a woman who had been locked in her body by a depraved scientist. Unlike "Blink", this woman gets a happier ending, but Mac exhibits the same single-mindedness and the same moments of doubt.

While it was nice to see Mac experience a pang of self-doubt and even more refreshing to see him be wrong, I do wish someone had called him on the hypocrisy of trying so hard to make the evidence fit the desired suspect. For seven years, Mac has prated on about following the evidence and not being blinkered by first appearances or instinct, yet there he is, stubbornly insisting that Joshua must be the killer because his mother identified him. No one suggests he should take a step back and examine the evidence before mounting his sanctimony pony, and it isn't until Sid patiently explains the effects of brain damage that Mac lets go of his pet theory and broadens his scope of inquiry.

The character interactions made this episode, and I'm not talking about Mac's nauseating line about "leaving the bedroom to" Danny and Lindsay. I really didn't need those mental images or the icky, crass innuendo. I am talking about the beautiful scene between Flack and Danny as the latter scrounges in the sewer in search of a crowbar.

Flack(on the sidewalk): The guys back at the precinct have gotta be laughin' about two mook detectives scrounging around in the sewer on the word of some felon.

Danny(from the sewer): From where I'm standing, I only see one mook detective down here.

Flack: Yeah, well, I don't do sewers.

Oh, Flack, how I have missed your hilarious snark and your wit, and even Danny showed some verve.

So, Jo was a whistleblower in D.C.? Glad we got that out of the way, even if it gave Mac a chance to mount his sanctimony pony again. "This lab doesn't compromise its integrity to get the desired result." No, but it does ignore rules and protocol and chain of command whenever it suits your mighty whims. Or don't you remember most of Season 3, when you hid your involvement in a murder and drug running as a teenager, or when Stella allowed her murderous foster sister to escape justice because of their Deep and True Bond(a bond of which we had never heard until that episode)? Or when you investigated Aiden's murder even though all of you had known the victim? Or when a flash drive disappeared from evidence? Or when Lindsay had an emo snit and left evidence unattended? Or when you investigated your stepson's assault, kidnapping, and attempted murder, or allowed him to compromise the investigation into the Taxicab Killer? You know, the interference that led to the vigilante murder of a cop moonlighting as a cabbie? Or hey, how about letting a grief-stricken detective investigate his girlfriend's murder? Yep, the lab in totally under control, and Jo has nothing to worry about.

Aside from that moment of brain death, it was a tight, entertaining episode. For the first time in five seasons, the show is on an upward trend. Let's hope it holds.
Weird question of the day: Was the dude who played the convict Owen in the MTV series 2gether?? I think he was, but I'm not sure.
Weird question of the day: Was the dude who played the convict Owen in the MTV series 2gether?? I think he was, but I'm not sure.
The actor's name is Alex Solowitz. He's in a band called Liquid Zu now. But yeah he was Mickey Parke on 2gether.