i have my agreeing hat on. again.

. Sry 'bout dat.
And I was so concise last time :lol:. I was doing
so well. ...but...
For me personally, comparing Mac/Stella and Mac/Jo is comparing apples to oranges. The only reason I'd be against it is because TPTB is so crappy at doing romantic relationships between core characters.
I agree about teh fruit. I agree about teh crappage. But. I remain skeptical that even if well done an outright romantic relationship between two core characters, especially the leads, would do well for this show. I remain skeptical that writing to
two such internal pairings would do well for this show. And I would still be tweaking an eyebrow less at Another Woman Flirting Wif Mac than if the show took it so far as to have the team/lab supervisor and second in command actually contemplating or dabbling in starting up a serious relationship while working together.
Tension? Fine. Getting to know someone thru flirting, banter, competition, rivalry, and otherwise testing modes of interaction? Not so worried. Chemistry discovered and playfully incorporated into an evolving dynamic? Liveable. For those who saw such with Mac & Stella, the show never played to it. Jo could indeed turn out to be a fruit of a different color

. Relationship between the leads? ...no thanks.
Still no thanks. No matter who it is. Not least till the lady at teh Opera sings

. And NY might yet eke out a S8. I hope they do. Could give them opportunity to address the ten year passing of 9/11. For that matter, NY could do a story now evoked thru the discord regarding the possible construction of a mosque near Ground Zero. Would they have the grit and hutzpah to take it on, then or now. Or even the interest. *shrug* Dunno. </curtailing lateral rambling>).
What puts a damper on it for me is the way the writers would handle it and also the fact that Aubrey and Peyton should be in the mix already for continuity sake and having every unmarried woman on the show be after Mac is ridiculous.
To a degree I also agree about Aubrey and Peyton. That said. A key thing for me was that the four eps in total in which they both appeared were self contained enough that I was not necessarily expecting either to make a return in S7, though I certainly wouldn't mind if either did. I think the carefully uncommitted way in which the show left that arc end of S6 gives them great leeway to take it or leave it altogether in dealing with the other transistions taking place. No narrated letter required.
It's possible that the CSI:TARDIS five months will be used to have seen Aubrey and Peyton bowling with Sam and Louie and already off on their respective ways again, regardless of what kind of interaction Jo and Mac will have. Or, could be that the show instead may be considering streamlining any romantic elements for Mac by using Jo instead. I sooooo hope not, but I'm also highly doubtful they would go beyond !Tension even if they did.
I shrug again in no particular direction. A paraphrased snippet from an actress shooting not but three eps or what into the season tossed out on TeeVeeGuide's web magazine segment specializing in teasers is not something I'm gonna get unduly worked up over

. It's more the resulting bruha I'm again curious about.
Well, I think they should leave any flirting with Mac out of the show, whether it's the lead character or not and not because Stella just left but because this is, as you said, getting ridiculous.
Sorry Mac, nuthin for you :lol:. One year, mark it down

I really do take the point you and
PA make

. I also somewhat put that down to the lack of success by an exasperated kiebler in trying to sneak into the production offices to quarantine the Mighty Mac Cape and SoapBox from the Character Templates Bag O' Tricks 'N' Mallets, which have seemingly been increasingly applied to the whole roster over the run of the series. (Personally I hope they're after the whole bag; the mallets are plentiful and unruly, but mebbe we'll get lucky soon

But I also gotta say, ...more ridiculous than any of the ubertech, stunt casting, plots and paths to resolution we've been shovelled on occasion over the years? Or all the convenient hobbies and expertise they each suddenly hold that comes to light should the right evidence come thru the labs? Than blowing them up via an elaborate MacGuyverism? And Mac wonders where his lab budget has gone :lol: More ridiculous than Shane Casey bouncing off a lighthouse and swimming back to Manhattan to stage a home invasion while still dripping wet? Than Lindsay getting a medal for a scenario we've not seen while Danny waves from the side lines? More ridiculous than the handling of S5's DL shift? Than the handling of Adam & Stella (pro or con)? Not so much (for me) :lol:.
I'd be more irked had Mac alone been singled out for flirtation and such over the series. Stella was also hit on, and not just by the 333 guy, Frankie, or the fireman dude, and Adam, depending on your reading of scenes predating S6. What gave rise to the famous line, would these eyes lie, for Flack. Which fuzzy lab rat woke up nekkid wif a co lab tech in a season premier, shortly thereafter paged by Lindsay via webcam (...what a way to start the day :lol

. Which former FBI agent has already been mentioned as being hit on while trying to catch a cab to work on her first day. Meh, sez I. They've all had some. Mac's had more. But also more character stuff in general. I'd agree, not for some semblance of credibility, but more in that such material could/should be shared around, and less that Mac should be excluded altogether.
Anyways. Mac's forays into flirting are not what first come to mind for me when pondering where NY stretches boundaries of credulity most grievously :lol:.
There was Peyton in S3, Gillian in S5 (because Mac did have to recover from Peyton's break up), Aubrey in S6 and Peyton in S6 and then he should be flirting with the new colleague he barely knows just because she's divorced? Not only would that be completely against his character, however, it would portray a wrong image of him as a man. A kiss is one thing, flirting with every human being who happens to be a woman is another.
So we've gone from every woman being after Mac to Mac flirting with every human who happens to be a woman? :lol:. I rather thought that Mac & Aubrey were both supposed to be workaholics who recognized such in each other, but yet took a chance on reaching out?
People never flirt with people they don't know...? Happens all the time. Likely some that NY would hope to check out the show will be doing exactly that sort of thing on Friday evenings instead of sitting down to watch and see if Mac and Jo will :lol:. Mebbe Jo is the one who flirts with Mac, and that's more about Jo than about Mac? Would that fit his character? We don't really know hers yet. (Just mebbe it's all moot at this point anyways).
What does Jo being divorced have to do with anything? Eligibility? Stella is single and he didn't flirt with her, nor she with him. What wrong image? Dealing with an unexpected discovered chemistry? Apparently he did flirt with Quinn, while still married no less, and quickly decided it would go no further. Was a rare enough moment that let Mac be seen as human and fallible. I suppose it depends on if/what may be written between them.
Peyton? Was among the most substantial and bold undertakings made, show-wise, with regards to Mac, and an interesting chess move, along with Reed, Sinclair and Gerrard, to play off of all they'd previously established for him. S3 probably challenged Mac most, professionally and personally. The show brought in several season long recurring characters who pushed him in different ways. Subsequent seasons saw singular or triad type appearances scattered thru the remaining run of the series.
While NY often does suffer from Everything is Over-Connekted, my math has issues reconciling the implication that Mac & Every Woman have been after each other for ages, and that Mac's been out of character in the few relationships he's had. I also truly doubt we'll be subjected to a NY cosmic confluence that would see a convergence of Aubrey & Peyton & Jo all after Mac simultaneously :lol:.
As for what's in character or not. While Quinn and Peyton were implied to have made the first moves in their respective pasts, such as they were, it was Mac who asked Gillian to coffee, and who also asked Aubrey out. Bit of a mix it would seem. If he's never supposed to ask anyone out, how the hell does one suppose he mustered himself enough to propose to Claire to have been married at all :lol:.
(...and somewhere along the way I suspect I've either missed the point or lost my own

. Whaddayado.)
I would rather see them build Sela Ward's character and show us what she's capable of rather than having a "romantic tension" with Mac.
Hi and welcome
Me too. I won't be quite as offput if Tension is more about banter with substance rather than serious intent. If that's part of Jo's dialogue of interaction, that could be good. Danny and Aiden had something not dissimilar, which I also quite liked.
I also don't begrudge SW mulling layers to play. I think her more than talented enough to make her onscreen time engaging, whatever it illustrates. I'll reserve judgement on Jo as a character until we've had a few eps to see how she's written and what sort of interaction she has with the whole team.
If anybody needs romance --> Sheldon Hawkes...it is long overdue.
I agree wif that.
Lots of action, sounds great! And AJ seems so excited about it.
What sounds less great is how they're already thinking of Jo as Mac's possible. I hope they've had enough time to plan other things for her character before they planned that, because they're frustratingly 'one-track when it comes to romance, and it's not like they can just cut Jo out if they make a mess with her.
I imagine we'll be treated to AJ making the most of what he's given and then taking it a step further, as he always seems to :lol:; it's also great when people are so excited about what they do

...They who? Who is? Iz they? Have I missed something? (No, seriously, have I? :lol

I still think it's jumping the gun a tad to presume Jo and Mac are now on a planned path to a Relationship

I do hope the writers and SW will create a leading character who will evolve dynamics of interaction due who she is, as opposed to creating a character to fit some. Either way, the changes for S7 could be the kick in the keister the show has needed. I'm not generally keen on the cliff hanger, but the first couple of eps do sound interesting.
Thanks for twitpics yas all