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Are CBS Sexist?

This video looks mostly at CSI, but also at CSI:NY and Criminal Minds and a couple of other things, to illustrate how CBS are incredibly sexist when it comes to decision making.
:lol:This video is so slanted and so predjudiced against everything most fans love about CSI, and it's only another opinion. I love that there are more guys, :p and on Laurence Fishburne he's so sexy, so perfect and such a great powerful actor. And everyone I talk to everyone LOVES him and some are even watching because of him. So this doesn't cut anything with me or most fans I think. And women who leave, they've got their reasons. I will contuinue to watch CSI, and I'm a 10 year fan:bolian:
Well the video was primarily aimed at the injustice of sacking Liz Vassey, Melina and AJ Cook, and most people I have spoken to do like Laurence Fishburne - so do I, but dislike Ray Langston, same as me, because the way they wrote his character was so unrealistic.
See, once again I love the way the wrote his character Dr. Raymond Langston in and on the show. He's got a medical background, and is brilliant, in his field and Grissom offered him this position because of his extensive background. The way he blends and bonds with the team is incredible. especially Nick [rock star of CSI] and Sara. She has always loved working with the boys of CSI, over the girls, she's got a excellent rapport with all of them, and not so much with the gals on ths show as her character Sara, that's just a fact. But she's really got a great chemistry with Ray. They all admire him and he's brought real class, style and elegance to the team Their more relaxed and calm with his presence. He's one of the best characters that CSI has ever had on this show. Thank's writers:bolian:
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Are CBS Sexist?

This video looks mostly at CSI, but also at CSI:NY and Criminal Minds and a couple of other things, to illustrate how CBS are incredibly sexist when it comes to decision making.
Great video, babydoll!
CBS has completely lost me this coming season; well, except for the Sara episodes on CSI. :)
I don't think they hate women, but they surely don't treat them with the same regard, or respect, that they give to the men. I honestly thought in this day and age we would be past that. Sometimes it seems we are moving backwards. :confused: I hope this will be a wake-up call to tptb. Journalists, as well as critics, have brought it up, so I don't think we are imagining it. Young women need characters they can look up to and identify with; I think that's how Jorja has such a strong following.
I love that interview with Marg. She's been in the business a while and knows the score, and, clearly, she's a little aggravated as well.