I absolutely don't want this Lindsay storyline to be handled as crappily as the wheelchair one was, but I would also like (preferably separate, and kept far away from Lindsay's) material on how Danny's dealing with it, since it was his badge.
Agree with the first point. If they've decided to give her the material, do it well. I'm skeptical. But we'll see. Fair shot for AB at something more than the usual. (I humbly double toucan dare her to impress me and win me over

). The second point you made is part of the bigger issue I'm having.
Lindsay would not be involved at all, not with the badge nor with the shooting, but for Danny, and Casey stalking him. Casey even let Lindsay and Lucy go at the top of the lighthouse. (He musta suffered uber grievous "stolen faith" by Messer, to undertake origami, laundry, not to mention swim all the way back to Manhattan to stage a home invasion while still f*cking dripping wet :lol

. How do you
possibly separate Lindsay and Danny in the aftermath?
Because she's the one who shot Casey? (Are we really back to some implied evaluation on who's authorized to carry a firearm?) Who knows if other factors will be revealed from the shooting. (eg. was Lucy hurt, etc). Either way. Their home, their child. They may have different issues, but they are inextricably tied. What the wonders of DL will do for you.
Whether this counselling and medal was always intended for starting S7 off or whether this is a more condensed version of earlier plans deriving from before MK's departure, who knows. Lindsay shooting Casey makes sense. Many people (whether correct or not) read the finale that way anyways. Danny getting little to do at any point along the way, and being (potentially) unaffected by all that's happened does not.
F*ck the badge. F*ck the medal. They're both equally contrived as vehicles in setting up and wrapping the storyline.
Jeezuz. What a cliffhanger :lol:. ...sigh.
(If that's further the most substantial thing AB's given to play this season, be it confined to one ep or given a longer arc, it would seem to be something that does in fact tie back into DL and DLL

so mourn the brief period between S4 and S5, where it was indicated that separate paths had been planned for them.
I have to admit, though: one of S6/"Vacation Getaway"'s hugest crimes was leaving me seriously disappointed in Lindsay for I think the first time ever.
Well, I wasn't disappointed in Lindsay as a character so much as by how the show dealt with the entirety of the premise they built up. Lindsay, like Danny, was essentially a tool of the (so-called) plot. Both knew better. Both made a choice. Flack called him on it, Stella called neither on it. Disappointed in Lindsay in particular? :borg::lol:. No. Not unless I also include Danny, even mebbe Flack, Stella, and the implication that Mac too should have said something once aware. Disappointed and wanting grab and vigorously shake the "well-earned" Vacation Getaway that followed by the lapels :lol:
She is hard to get to know, and saying "the right thing" to stop people from digging further has pretty much been her MO for years (well, less so in latter seasons, but yeah). So if that's what she's doing here, that doctor's probably the first one to ever directly call her on it, and that interests me.
Somewhat unconvinced. I think Stella called her on it, with the S3 "clearly I made the mistake of trying to be your friend here, so now I'm gonna be your boss," for example.
Well, I think it's natural that at times there are arguments between superiors but it would, for example, be nice if it wasn't Mac but actually Adam who had that argument with the "new girl". Because she's not Stella. And there are many possibilities to do a character. Danny could go around teasing, he's perfect for that.
Why shouldn't there be a difference of approach or philosophy between Mac and the "new woman," an experienced investigator with an established career and methodology and a penchance for empathy. That she has her own mind and will stand up for herself does not make her a carbon copy of Stella.
I mean, if you're new, you usually don't go tease the lab techs, right?
Why not? It's been three months. Well. Who knows how long she's been there, granted. But some folk do have banter as a large part of their genre of interaction. As you yourself noted, Danny has been an example of that. (I suppose that makes Jo a carbon copy of Messer too...?

This too, however, really sounds a way to indicate that there's some Sekrit Adam has. Perhaps he is finally going to get a bit more than casual attention.
But going back to the teasing, I wish if it wouldn't always be Adam either because his character's not developing. It's the same Adam they introduced and - like they did with many of their characters - he's stagnating.
Adam has primarily been comic relief and plot kicker thru processing discovery. Ditto Sid. Both were also recurring characters who were added to the main roster contractually, tho still neither appears in every episode. It's not surprising to me that they get less material and are more specifically used. I really enjoyed what Bob Joy got to play in an ep like Point of No Return. AJ Buckley stands out no matter how much or how little they give him. While he has had eps where he's been included in field processing and the S5 ep with the kid (Party's Over?) I do hope he too might get a little more to do this season.
Adam being insecure feels overworked. Adam's sensitivity and humor, and Buckley's comedic skills are more than welcome by me to continue. I suppose I might be happier if Adam's insecurity stemmed more from being dismayed a secret might no longer be a secret, and less about fearing a pink slip.
I can't think of any reason Danny couldn't have been in a wheelchair and confined to the lab for the duration of the season. And how much more frightening would it have been for Danny when Shane came after him if he was just starting to walk again? And don't even get me started on the lack of emotional fallout for Danny. That storyline was just mishandled, period.
Danny being in early stages of physical recovery when Casey returned would have been an fantastic element to factor in. Those kind of stakes, especially with Lucy made part of the drama, would have been far more immediate and powerful. Far, far better than playing irrelevant 10% -to- shufflewaltzing in 3 eps.
Originally Posted By Faylinn:
~ The episode starts the night Shane was in the Messer apartment. I'm not sure if they'll show the shooting itself (it is very possible that they will). I do know that Shane is wheeled out in a body bag while Lindsay is sitting in the back of an ambulance. Danny is comforting Lucy. Mac makes his way through the crowd of cops, comes up to Lindsay and hugs her without saying anything.
Hmm. A wee bit of past present-tense before skipped to present-tense. Honestly wasn't expecting that.
In a way I think I'd have preferred the ep to start outright with counselling and a dramatic medal tossing. Cut to the chase as it were. Wouldna lost anything for it.
This could be really difficult to stomach if the show devotes more than one ep to unspoken internal woes. Do not want troubled, silently suffering Monroe until breaking point X is reached.
~ We then skip forward five months to a press conference where Lindsay (in her dress blues) is receiving her medal from the Chief of Department (James Sheehan). Mac is standing with them, and Danny, Flack, Sid, Hawkes and Adam are in the crowd. Danny smiles at Lindsay, and she smiles back. Sheehan gives the
Combat Cross to Mac, who puts it around Lindsay's neck. Mac is proud, and Lindsay smiles, but she seems troubled.
Wait, whut? ...There's a
ceremony? ...:censored: ...Of course there's a ceremony. No one in the history of the six years on the show, after all they've done and been thru, got a medal or a ceremony. Nor have there been any services for those lost. If w're lucky we might get a "gee I wish Stel coulda been here." But Monroe gets a medal and a ceremony.
A medal was unpalatable on it's own. Time for an award ceremony feels gratuitous.
If only I could believe that departmental and civic politics with regards to a high profile criminal case were truly going to be written as a factor in all this, and demonstrated in ceremony. But I'm thinking the show is going to be earnestly sincere in depicting Monroe as a Troubled Hero.
Being shovel fed her uberawesomeosity is not welcome.
Using Mac to wield the shovel is not welcome. Inserting a DL exchanged smile is not welcome. Extended unspoken internal woes and future tantrums using said combat cross is not welcome.
I'm hoping that the fact her issues have been going on for five months may mean we're all the closer to having all this wrapped up. But. Spending time on a ceremony, past and present tenses, while still having a case on the floor below may indicate this is to be an ongoing multi ep thing. Joy and bliss.
Shane Casey was malevolent in S3. He was a bouncy cartoon character in S5. I suppose here the hero is truly as good as her villain counterpart. Medal ceremony. My ass.
...deep breath and sigh. :vulcan:
There's a sudden feeling of regression descending here.
~ Sela Ward's character is named Josephine (Jo) Danville. She is described as being in her mid-40s and elegant (and stunning, of course

). We first see her when she's heading down the sidewalk, trying to hail a cab so she can get to the crime lab. A guy comes up to her and tries to hit on her, but she's not having any of it.
Sela Ward and Jo Danville are very, very welcome.
No Kelly Montaleone then. Dat's a relief. Mighta fit well had Mac remained Rick Carlucci or whatever, but :lol:. Jo Danville works.
I very much want to like this character. I'm very much looking forward to seeing her on the team. She's very very welcome. ...did I say that already? Lucky bastard,
she apparently doesn't hafta sit thru a medal ceremony

Wonder how long it's implied she's been with the team, if she wasn't in fact there for it.
Fay for spoilers