Fan Fiction (story) Banner

The pictures I used to make the pictures for my story banner are in there original form in my photobucket accounnt, under the show the actress or actor was on or in pictures of Actor or Actress I plan on use for fan fiction story banner or in Lifelike Babies dolls and Toddlers, they are dolls and not real babies.
I have delete they old story banner from my photobucket account to make more room. only the one currently be used for the fan fiction can still be seen.
Ooh, I did not know that this thread existed! I was in the middle of a bad night when one of my readers sent me a beautiful banner that she had made for Se Salva.

It's a teamfic, and, as the blood probably indicates, a fairly intense one as well. :shifty:

I'm only posting the thumbnail, since the full thing is sized for LJ and thus a lot bigger. I am in total appreciation of her making this for me. It is wonderful.
Here are mines...I hope you liked them.


I chosen to re post the story banner that are the ones I am using for the stories I have going, since some of the links get break. I will update the fan fiction as soon as possibly. here are the URL

Putting the past to rest and start a new life with Gil!

Can I ever leave my past behind me two/CanIeverputmypastbehindme.jpg

Greg are we ready for this? two/Gregarewereadyforthis.jpg

Catherine family Issues two/Catherinefamilyissues.jpg

Lids I am a mom and I am a grandma two/LindsImamomandImagrandma.jpg

Longest days of Sara Sidles life two/newstroybannerforlongestmonthsofSar.jpg

Great parents and Great CSI two/GreatparentsandGreatCSI.jpg

I must have deleted the story banners for my vision of CSI Las Vegas season one and Two, will make one for these two fan fictions when I update my fictions.
The pictures I used to make the pictures for my story banner are in there original form in my photobucket accounnt, under the show the actress or actor was on or in pictures of Actor or Actress I plan on use for fan fiction story banner or in Lifelike Babies dolls and Toddlers, they are dolls and not real babies.

No copyright infringement is intended when I made these story banners or story banner yet to come.