Jade once again, stunning picture!
Just when I recovered Gary pic now than this and I'm drooling again! :guffaw:
I agree with you guys that Mac really shows a lot of enotions without saying anything.
I always focus my look on his eyes. You can see hurt, anger, worry, sadness and even love there!
I think Gary is one of those rare actors who can express things without words. That's one of the main reasons why I lov that man! :luvlove: He really brings Mac's character to life and what is even better he develops it. I mean look at the journey that Mac has made during these 6 seasons! 
Ups! :alienblush: Gotta run for lunch and then english lessons!
Maybe I'll learn some new words to discribe Mac and Gary, now there's a motivation that I'll need to survive next two hours! :lol:
I agree with you guys that Mac really shows a lot of enotions without saying anything.
Ups! :alienblush: Gotta run for lunch and then english lessons!