You Know You Watch Too Much CSINY When...

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...When your parents decide that, for your birthday, they're taking you to New York City. And the first thing on the "must visit" list is the CBS store, no matter how small it apparently is. :D

Sweet! How was it? Did you get any CSI: NY stuff?
...When your parents decide that, for your birthday, they're taking you to New York City. And the first thing on the "must visit" list is the CBS store, no matter how small it apparently is. :D

Sweet! How was it? Did you get any CSI: NY stuff?

*laughs* I didn't go yet. I conveniently won't be on September 20 and 21, the weekend after my birthday (Sept 19). If I find something I like, I'm getting it. Not that it'll probably be hard.
...When your parents decide that, for your birthday, they're taking you to New York City. And the first thing on the "must visit" list is the CBS store, no matter how small it apparently is. :D

Sweet! How was it? Did you get any CSI: NY stuff?

*laughs* I didn't go yet. I conveniently won't be on September 20 and 21, the weekend after my birthday (Sept 19). If I find something I like, I'm getting it. Not that it'll probably be hard.

Cool! I'll be curious to see what they have. When I went to NY, I went to the NBC store and was so excited when I found the Passions theme song on CD. Dorky, yes, but I loved that song. :D
this one is totally true for me, too! I am smoker and my parents have no idea about it and when I was smoking on the balcony when they weren't at home and I throw cigarette butt downstairs I thought: "OMG! there is my DNA on that butt! when my dad finds it he would know that I smoke!" :lol:

that happens to me EVERYTIME when throw away a cigarett but on the street (not my fault there aren't any trash cans in the city :rolleyes:)
lately I caught myself looking around if there's some who could see or watch me throwing it away :lol:
. . . you're looking at paint colors for your new bedroom and you want to go with "Tanglewood" dispite the fact that it doesn't match anything you have. :shifty:
. . . you're looking at paint colors for your new bedroom and you want to go with "Tanglewood" dispite the fact that it doesn't match anything you have. :shifty:
Speaking of Tanglewood, there is a neighbourhood named that near where I live, and everytime someone mentions it, I get all giggly. :lol:
When I hear Baba O'Riley, I think of Pearl Jam. Odd, ain't it? :lol:

But I get to sing it and THEN I think of the show.
...When you hear "Baba O'Riley" on the radio, scream "CSI:NY!", and lunge for the volume button. While you're mom is just outside the car. Looking at you like you're nuts.

(I haven't done that... :shifty:)
. . . you're looking at paint colors for your new bedroom and you want to go with "Tanglewood" dispite the fact that it doesn't match anything you have. :shifty:
Speaking of Tanglewood, there is a neighbourhood named that near where I live, and everytime someone mentions it, I get all giggly. :lol:

:lol: I saw an apartment complex like that around here, I immediately thought CSI: NY.
You know you watch to much CSI NY when...

You no longer search the web for pic of Gary, Carmine or the other, but are Garying or Carmineing the web....

I did that to day. One in my class ask wath I was doing, and I answard; I`m Garying. She look at me like I was stupid or something.

I just turned my head to the screen and look at Gary strapped to the cher, from "Imposter":guffaw:
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I said "boom" to my kids when I showed them how to find an answer. That was yesterday.

Today we were having a crisis meeting and someone was talking about something and I was thinking "hey they did that on CSI NY" but I kept that to myself lol.
When you go to the HowManyofMe site and do all the team's names, and also Louie Messer, Claire Conrad Taylor/Claire Taylor, Ruben Sandoval, and Aidan Burn.

Results are on the spoiler thread, but if you want to stay spoiler free there are

24 Mac Taylors
1 Stella Bonasera
26 Danny Messers
21 Lindsay Monroes
24 Donald Flacks
1 Sheldon Hawkes
381 Adam Rosses
1 Sid Hammerback

1 Claire Conrad Taylor
289 Claire Taylors
1 Louie Messer/34 Louis Messers
34 Ruben Sandovals
1 Aidan Burn.

and this is nothing to do with CSI NY, but there are 512 George Bushes.:eek::eek::eek: are excited and all ready to go this last Wednesday to watch another CSI NY epi when all of a sudden it hits you: there are no more CSI NY episodes being broadcast in The Netherlands. No message saying, we will be airing episodes again in xxx Nothing at all, just all of a sudden no more episodes. Ok, they were airing re-runs ;) but still ;)

At least RTL4 give us some more info when you'll air new episodes...or re-runs...I don't care, but give us some CSI NY :D
...when you're saying 'boom' ALL THE TIME
...when you quote your favourite moments at least once a day.
...when you accidentally call your best friend 'Stella'.
You apparently shout 'I'M WATCHING CSI' in your sleep...
My mother told me I shouted that...for real.
I watched like, 12 episodes of CSI:NY that evening, hahaha :lol:
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