You Know You Watch Too Much CSINY When...

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You know you watch way too much CSI: NY when...

Your school is right across the street from the crime lab, coroner's office and courthouse and you are expecting ot see Flack walking into your cafeteria for lunch with mac and Danny.
You know you watch way too much CSI: NY when...

You are watching a film and see 'Jerry Buckheimer' and get excited :lol:
You know you watch too much CSINY when...

You start saying "Boom" at random times, and snicker when no one else understands the reference.
chabi: At least I know I am not the only one who says BOOM! and can get a giggle or two in.

You know you watch way too much CSI: NY when.... can tivo the back shows you missed just for the cute as ever screen caps of everyone's favorite cop: Flack.
when your dad tells you he doesnt want you downstairs when its on because all you do it talk through it and mention random facts.
When you go downtown in Chicago and get really excited standing outside the Tribune building...waaah I wish I could have gone when Gary was there *sniff* I did keep thinking "wow, Gary may have stood here lol" although I have no idea which side of the building they filmed on.
You've had a bit too much to drink while watching CSI: NY (which I don't reccomend, as barely remember remember the episode) with your stepdad(who doesn't watch the show) and find yourself explaining things that happened sevaral seasons after he asks why you said Stella keeps getting pysco boyfriends and you keep saying random bits of info from past shows until you want to tell yourself to shut up....
You know you watch too much CSI:NY when you look up a phone number for your sister and it starts with '333'--and you want to go 'tree-tree-tree'. *facepalm*
when your walking to work and a black landrover with tinted windows blaring rap music come driving past and you and your mate turn to each other smile and say "Tanglewood boys." :lol:
Radical618 said:
When every time you hear the word Montana, you think of Lindsay, not the state.

yeah I always think of Lindsay.. that is sooo true =)

I think you watch too much CSI:NY if you try to make everyone love that show (sorry in case it's been posted already)
When you show a clip of the show to a friend online and they say "I don't understand it" and you don't understand how they can't understand it. Then they go on to say "I wish this were in English" It's only then you realize it's in a different language but you hadn't noticed. :rolleyes: Oops.
Dawni said:
when your dad tells you he doesnt want you downstairs when its on because all you do it talk through it and mention random facts.

i do that too!!! my mom will not let me watch TV with her b/c i always do this. my family watches tv in the living room while i go down in the basement. i decided when "Snow Day" aired to watch the ep in HD in the living room with my mom and brothers and freaked out with the D/L scene like i started to jump up and down. my mom told me to go downstairs and finish the ep is i was gonna be like that lol. i did too haha

speaking of "Snow Day" airing... on the day the episode aired i got called into work for to cover for someone. stupid me said yes and i almost started crying. when i got to work there were enough people in my department to work the shipment so i BS-ed to a manager saying i wasn't supposed to be in and that i had family coming down. he let me go and i got to watch CSI:NY and go nuts over "Snow Day" lol. :D :lol:
my 8 year old brother is no obsessed with CSI:NY. he says "Boom" and "Montana" like Danny says it lol. for the past 2 days me and him have been watching 1st season then 2nd season b/c he love Lindsay and Danny together.
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