You Know You Watch Too Much CSI: NY When... [#2]

*ok before reading this, our car was broken into so mum called the police, and one of the poilce men who came was the police man from out side school who is usually nice to me, i don't normally go aroud annoying the local poilice force*

You know you watch way to much csi when you ask the two police men in you garden if they had dusted for prints yet.

They weren't to pleased by this question and told me to go back inside the house :(
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*ok before reading this, our car was broken into so mum called the police, and one of the poilce men who came was the police man from out side school who is usually nice to me, i don't normally go aroud annoying the local poilice force*

You know you watch way to much csi when you ask the two police men in you garden if they had dusted for prints yet.

They weren't to pleased by this question and told me to go back inside the house :(

you should've offered them a little spatula to collect trace, and told them you'd run it back to the lab for processing - i'm sure they'd have loved the help! :)
*ok before reading this, our car was broken into so mum called the police, and one of the poilce men who came was the police man from out side school who is usually nice to me, i don't normally go aroud annoying the local poilice force*

You know you watch way to much csi when you ask the two police men in you garden if they had dusted for prints yet.

They weren't to pleased by this question and told me to go back inside the house :(

you should've offered them a little spatula to collect trace, and told them you'd run it back to the lab for processing - i'm sure they'd have loved the help! :)

Maybe next time ;)
You know you watch too much CSI:NY're mum is looking at a dress in a charity shop and you are standing there real board when suddnely they play Baba O'Riley over the speakers. You stand there and start singing quilety and the people round you look at you as if your mad. So you just look at them shrug and say "It's the CSI:ny theme tune of course i'm going to sing"

HAHA this happend to me the other day was so funny!:lol:
you only sang quietly? i sing to my ipod on the tube/in the street all the time (and it's often the who because i love them), complete with air guitar, an the same goes for songs in shops - i don't give a crap if people think i'm weird, i like it!

you know you watch too much when you start tuning into the NYPD police scanner on your new toy and wondering where you can buy some rubber gloves so you can go and "help"...
^^Lol well I don't want everyone in the shop to think i was really werid! It's a bit diffrent out on the street. Whereas the charity shop was full of 80 year olds so they might have thought it was a bit strange! :lol:
i was in the supermarket earlier. i lost something very small and almost impossible to see (the cover for my earphones). i had just left the lift when i realised so i got back in the lift and put my trolley to hold the door open while i inspected the floor at very close range. it wasn't there so i went back up to the shop floor and started going back the way i'd come, looking at the floor all the time. a shop assistant must have been confused as she asked me if i was ok - i explained i'd lost something and was looking for it.

she offered to help (aww, bless) and asked where it might be and i *just* managed to stop myself saying "well, i've just done a csi on your lift floor" - i got as far as "well, i..." and then changed what i was saying. given that the double meaning that statement has is more likely to be the one people interpret it as in this country, and that it might shock her, i decided it's really not something you say to someone you've never met :lol: of course that wasn't what i meant, i meant i'd given the floor a very close inspection for trace. anyway, i think it's evidence of far too much csi watching.
^ This explains the odd looks i've got in the past after saying things like *i did a csi / i'll do a csi....*
Im guessing my friends don't realise it has a double meaning - luckily!! :lol:
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i wouldn't mind if my friends got it - in fact i think i'd expect them to - but not some poor random woman in a shop.

actually i wasn't intending to say that, i only realised how it might sound when i opened my mouth and managed to say something else. i wouldn't have wanted her to think i had a gutter mind *is innocent*
^^ omfg, *wants*

i just found one so i'm gonna get one too! hurrah! now i too can look cool/sad/geeky/obsessed when i leave my house in winter!
HAHAHA!!! that's what im doing! the bright yellow will DEFINITELY make you stand out. my friend said something about body chalk outlines on bedsheets. so far i havent been able to locate them =( i was going to have a "crime scene" theme in my dorm room. put crime scene tape on the walls and stuff.
i have the crime scene tape that comes around the dvds along the bottom of my computer. i would like to make my entire house a crime scene really. then i could get mac to come and help... actually i'm more likely to hang that scarf on my wall than wear it, i have a lot of random stuff on my walls!