You Know You Watch Too Much CSI: NY When... [#2]

When you look at your Macbook and start smiling

And when i watch CSI:NY i ALWAYS with out fail here my self saying 'Wow, he is so handsome'' referring to Mac obviously
You compare ideas for stories revolving around Mac and the team and making a team member secretly fancy Mac.. God Mac in a lab coat yum!
When you have Mac and Adam on your screen as a screen saver for your computer.

I also have Sam Waterston too and I smile when I see those three men.
when you can see everything you touch, see, eat, or put on being processed (like three different types of lotion for different things: "I swabbed her hands and found traces of these chemicals on them. they corresponded with these half-used bottles of Bath and Body Works, Medicinal lotion, and Ben-Gay we found in her bathroom) or when you begin stressing about the fates of your favorite show.... in january.
I have some CSI NY papers, but only one is the team. Same with my phone. I need my D/L papers too. And a lot of others. Wallpaper rotator from Firefox is my friend lol

Mac *is* on my current Persona right now. It's random, but I like when he's there.
OK now I've started the Pokemon thing. I have a Machop named Mac and I believe Don is my Rhydon LOL It helps when the character name is part of the species name lol