World Trade Center


Lab Technician
Well, I knew it was going to happen, but it still upsets me. A movie about 9/11 with a well known actor among the cast. World Trade Center It seems way too soon to me, the attacks were only five years ago. Anybody have thoughts or opinions about this? At least Flight 93 used unknown actors for the roles.
So this is the second film dedicated to what happened on 9/11. I'm going to say the same as what I posted in the 'United 93' thread. For me, I feel it's a bit too soon to relive what happened on that day. It still seems like yesterday when it all happened. So I'll not be going to see it.
I was in 5th grade back in 2001 and in California so nobody felt the need to tell me much of what-the-hell was going on. Me and my friend (who was much younger than me even, about 1.5 years) needed to know what had happened, beyond the twin towers blew up. I remember her sleeping over and sneaking downstairs to watch the news. It was on of the oddest experiences of my life. I was scared as hell, sad, confused (why would anyone bomb us? was all I could think). I don't know if I will go see it. I can't decide whether it will give me a better understanding of what the country was feeling or whether it is too soon.
I was in grade 7 back in 2001, and I still remember that day pretty clearly. I also remember it being on the news for months after it happened.

I'll probably see the movie because it was one of those events that was unbelievable and horribly tragic. I don't want to see it to re-live the experience, but to remember what all those people went through. And if I remember correctly, the funds from the movie are going to the families of the victims (well hopefully).

Personally, I don't think it's too soon. People should be aware of what happened, and what the people of New York had to deal with, and everywhere else around the United States.
i'm not going to see the's too soon...people can be so insensitive....i had lost someone i loved on 9/11 i would be freaking out on the film makers....
I think it is disgusting to make a film about a senseless tragedy. I refuse point blank to go and see it because the filmakers are making money out of it and making heros out of the terrorists that caused it. :mad: :mad: :mad:
I didn't go see United 93 for that reason and my twins due date was September 11, 2001 I'm SOOO glad they came three weeks early. I watched all the horribleness from my home with two newborns!
I am on-the-fence about this one.. supposedly it's more about the people who were there and the firefighters and their families not totally focusing on what, when, why etc..
but since it's Oliver Stone, it could just be bad or more "political" than it should be..
I'm not sure ...
I don't believe I'll watch the movie. Its too soon and I lost people that I knew in the planes, and in the center, and my brother almost died because of it. And I'm not sure I want to go through all of those moments again.
I was in my second year of college when it happened.

Wow, Lynn, hard to imagine what that felt like.

I don't get to theaters much anyway but probably will pass it over even on cable because really, it is too soon and I'd probably just cry a lot anyway.
Yeah Lynn, I agree to Mel, also can't imagine how this felt...
I know, that I won't watch the movie, even I'm not from the USA I remember that day like it has been yesterday, it was a so horrible and cutting in experience, I guess nobody will forget it this fast and for me it's too soon to make and to show a film about it.
But everybody has to decide for oneself, perhaps some will see the movie as a help to work up these moments...
wow im very sorry to hear about the lost loved ones.

i was in 3rd grade. i barely remember. i was in school when it happened.(in canada) my mom said she wanted to come and get me because she was scared, but she didnt end up taking me. all i remember is watching the video of the towers falling and me asking my mom if they would play it for months after and her saying yes. ive seen the movie on it on the A&E channel. i believe its called Flight 93.

i agree that its too soon for them to make a movie out of it. but, like i said i dont really remember so i might end up seeing it, to get the whole perspective. i know i would cry in it. even in the commercials my eyes were watering.