who is your favorite csi

As long as we keep this thread Miami specific, I think it'll be ok to allow it to remain open. ;)

In the interest of generating good discussion though, please try to tell us why your favorite Miami CSI is your favorite and don't just list names.
Well, I think I really like Ryan Wolfe. He is sort of a flawed character, making, yes, alot of mistakes, but we can relate to them because, hey! Who doesn't make mistakes?

Plus, he also has what seems to be a complicated relationship with every one of his collegues. There always seems to be some sort of tension between them. Again, we can relate to him because we may have our friend's, but you are gonna fight with them, and sometimes over something really stupid! (Trust me, I have some expierience.. *hides face*) :D

I also like how sometimes he gets blinded by the evidence and let's his emotions take over the case and not the cold hard facts, as we all know in "Death Eminent" (S5) and "Shootout" (S3), even if they're gonna end up right back in his face at the end.

And that is just me.. :D

Speed- because he was sexy, funny, sweet, he had an awesome ride, and such a smart ass!!! I love Speed!!!! i wish he was still here..... *cries* oh yeah and his fav band Lynyrd Skynyrd, which is my fav band too :D
my favorite guy is Speed. i love his sarcastic tone. he was also hilarious, he had some pretty good lines. he is the sarcastic friend everybody wants because he keeps it real but he knows how to lighten the mood.

i really miss him. :(
I actually have a multi favourtism.

I love Calleigh because she defy's the logic of what women "are expected" to do. Like in the episode Shattered when the suspect tries to sweet talk her, "I bet behind your back they call you a secretary with a badge." I LOVED her expression when she sasses him. I'm a pro feminism woman so :D Go Calleigh, Go Calleigh.

*Ahem* I always, ALWAYS, am sarcastic. No matter who I'm talking to, (Which can get me in trouble at times :rolleyes:) so of course Speed would be another favourite. I didn't watch the show when Speed was on, but I bought the DVD's, and he is hilarious. Always has something wise to say. Speed's my hero.

Eric Delko is sexy, smart, and all around PERFECT. Perfection I tell you, perfection! He knows who he is, and doesn't forget where he came from. And, how can you resist that luscious full lipped smile? *melts*

Valera is like the female version of Speed and Eric, mixed into one tiny frame. She's hilarious, sarcastic, and cute. I wish we could see more of her. (I realize you asked for our favourite CSI, but I don't care, Valera is a favourite, and she is considered one of the "gang" :p)

Last but not least, Ryan Wolfe. He's just, I don't know. It's not even about the fact that he is gorgeous, or anything. He just makes the show funny, maybe because of his adorkable personality. His naive moments, his sarcasm, or the fact that he has a temper. Him having a temper truly brings realism to the show. Simply becuase of the fact that he brings drama just for being who he is, and who he replaced. I don't know. He makes the show enjoyable, but I don't have a definite reason as to why. *shrugs*

See? I favour muliple characters. ~That's my story and I'm sticking to it. :D
you know what...i'm agreeing with Happilyhappy. they are all my favs. :D but Speed is my #1 fav because he's just so perfect and i love his Speedisms and sarcasam... I miss him so much. oh god, now i'm gonna cry.....I just miss him so much!! *sobs uncontrolably* :(
ya i like the rest of the group too. Horatio is awesome but like i said Speed is my #1! he is The Man! you gotta love him.
Yelina was my favorite, she brought fun into the show, and she brought out a Horatio that was more fun, I miss her.

Speed is also my favorite, his sacarstic comments, him and Delko making fun of each other. I wish he was still on the show.
Ryan Wolfe

He's so human - flawed, imperfect being. He's complicated - as much as he rubs some people the wrong way, he has a huge heart, and you can see it in many of his cases. He cares about people, especially kids, and justice.

He's a sweetheart, a tough guy, he's cheeky, and he seeks attention from anywhere he can get it, but there's more to him than meets the eye.

He's quite simply my favorite. :D
My fav isn't a CSI per se, but is a key part of the team. I vote for Alexx. Her compassion for the victims can be seen as creepy when she talks to them, but I see it more as she's personalizing the case, and it's not just another vic. I also like how she helps speak for them and tell the story of how they died since they no longer can.