What's On Your Bucket List?


Funnier in Enochian
Super Moderator
For those who aren't familiar with the term, a 'bucket list' is basically anything you want to do before you die. I thought it'd be interesting to see what members here might have on their list. Please explain why you picked what you picked! :D

For me, I'd like to go on a cruise to maybe Alaska or New York, not only just to be on a ship but to see both places. I've been on ferries before, but nothing large so it might be neat to travel across the sea for more than a few kilometers. I'd also like to go for a master's degree in Psychology (I'm currently on my major) someday.

I'm not sure I'd go for anything death defying like sky-diving or bungee jumping, though. Has anyone done this before and if so, how was it?

Some smaller things on my list are getting married, seeing a Broadway show and learning to play the piano.

What's on your bucket list? Don't be shy! :p
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The first thing on my list would be to go to Japan; I've been obsessed with the place since I was about six and I'm really interested in their climate and culture.

Second would be to publish something; I've got about twenty little ideas floating around, but the most I've ever done was twenty pages that need some serious editing :lol:

There's this tree climbing course in France I've been on twice, but I can only get to the third level- there's this part where you basically have to jump into thin air with nothing but a rope supporting you. It's perfectly safe but my fear of heights always stops me. I want to finally finish the whole course, and then do the one in my country too.

And last...would be to find three other gamers so I could proudly say I own and have completed every Zelda, Sonic, Pokémon and Mario game in history so far :p
i would like to do a dive live-aboard in the galapagos. i have read that it can be a beast to dive, and many people recommend you have several hundred dives before you attempt it. i have about 38, so a long way to go!

i would also like to dive cocos island in costa rica, they have hundreds of hammerheads that congregate there and i think that would be really cool to experience. but it is a long and rough boat ride to reach the island, dont know if i could take that!
I'm sure I can come up with more but right now all I can think of are 2 items for my Bucket List.

1) Travel to Nunavut. It's the only part of Canada I haven't been too. When we drove to Alaska 16 years ago it was still part of the Northwest Territories so I still say I have been to all 10 provinces and 2 territories cause 16 years ago that's all Canada had.

2) Travel to Australia. I've always been fascinated with the country and it's beauty. In particular I want to go to Alice Spring. I think the idea of traveling to the middle of nowhere whether by car or train would be very interesting.
Great idea for a thread. :D

I know lots of things I'd like to do, let's see:

1. Go back to England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales

2. Dive the Great Barrier Reef

3. Go to Australia and especially the Opal mines (Coober Pedy, Outback) people actually live underground in the mines and there's hotels, too

4. Go to San Diego and the zoo

5. Go to Hawaii

6. Go on a cruise

There's more, but that's it for now.
Hm.. at the moment, the only thing that comes to mind is to go to Palau. I've been obsessed with it ever since seeing a gorgeous picture in a National Geographic calendar. I'd love to travel SO many other places (everywhere!), but that's the one place I really want to get to for sure.

I'd also like to learn another language (French, Japanese, or Russian, probably), and be really fluent in it. My French is so horrible. :(
hmm good question.

i'd also like to get more languages - my french isn't bad but i'd like to be fluent, my russian is bad but i'd like to be better :)

there are some places i'd like to visit but tbh i've been a lot of the places i've wanted to go already. i'd love to go back to russia, see more of it, and maybe china & japan, and see more of the US.

oh, i wouldn't mind doing a phd, but whether i'll get that far with my studies is debatable.

er, i think that's it.
This might seem really weird and specific, but I want to read Les Miserables in the original French without having to translate it. I guess I'd have to be fluent in French to do that XD

I want to visit all the countries my family lived before coming to the US. I have one down, and a lot more to go XD

I want to become fluent in Italian because that's the part of my family that I feel closest to.
This might seem really weird and specific, but I want to read Les Miserables in the original French without having to translate it. I guess I'd have to be fluent in French to do that XD

i love that book, it's one of my all time favourites, but i've not read it in french (yet!), mainly because it's not been on the course at uni (we've done lots of quite similar and/or contemporary french books but not that one), but i would also like to read it in french.

as for the level of french required, you probably wouldn't need to be fluent, but you would need to be pretty good. i'm not fluent (by any stretch!) but last year i was able to read Proust in french who's notoriously difficult even for french people (then again i've been speaking french casually for 30 years (scary thought!!) and doing my degree for 2 so my french is reasonably good). i do read painfully slowly in french lit tho, although not magazines, for some reason i can do those as almost the same speed as english. i think because books use more troublesome cases/structures whereas mags are more direct.

i might try to read it in french one of these days tho, it's a wonderful book :)
This is a cool thread... There are so many things I'd like to do, so I'll list the few that come to mind here. :D

1) Visit all 50 States, I'd love to do a road trip of them all, like Stephen Fry did in his America series. It just seems like such an amazing and diverse country.

2) I'd like to own an Aston Martin, heck I'd just like to drive one. I have an obsession with them, I think they're beautiful cars, I've had a real love of them for such as long time, I guess it's due to my love of Bond movies.

3) A silly little one, I'd love to go to a movie premier, not necessarily on the red carpet (but heck, that would be cool!) even just in the crowd. I think the atmosphere would be amazing.

4) I'd love to go to New York City, it looks like an amazing city with so much to see and do. I've been obsessed with it for as long as I can remember... This one is actually going to be fulfilled next month, I'm going for my first trip to NYC. :D

Those are the ones I can think of at the minute.
1) I know there's some family that I haven't met before, I would like to meet them and get to know them before my time is up.
2) I would love to go to California, I've never been.
3) Swim with dolphins.
1) See both Winter and Summer Olympics live, at the scene, there. For a week or so.
London would be good for the summer ones, but I don't think I'll have the money by then.

2) Visit lots of coutries in central Europe: Czech Rep, Slovakia, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, Portugal, Slovenia... maybe not France. :p

3) Visit Canada
1 - Go to Egypt and Israel. All my life Ive been fascinated with the histroy of both places. And Israel would a very religious and historic experiance for me.

2 - Travel Europe especially Greece and Italy. They seem to be absolutly amazing.

3 - Go back to Thailand and do an Elephant trek through the jungle. I travled there twice for diving, loved it, but never got to do what their famous for, so deffinatly gotta get back for that

And thats some of the more realistic big dreams i have.
Travel the world but one place I'd like to go to is Australia, I have always had an interest in it. Plus they have the coolest animals in the world!

Hong Kong
Take a Caribbean cruise
Swim with dolphins
Go to San Fransisco and Alcatraz
I would like to meet Eric Szmanda
Move someplace where it never/rarely snows
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