What's better C.S.I. / C.S.I. NY or C.S.I. Miami

LV is by far my favourite. Great cast, great cases, great science...great show!
I quite like NY and I watch it whenever possible.
I saw about 2 episodes of Miami and I don't like it. I can't even say exactly why. There is too much action and then there are Horatio and his sunglasses...
Currently I'm still holding on CSI:Vegas as my favorite, although I do enjoy Miami as well. NY used to be my favorite, but some things this season have really just turned me off of it. Miami has very interesting cases, but sometimes it seems to bright and sunny and unbelievable to me. And SuperH is rather annoying as well. If they toned down his 'I'm-king-of-the-world-ness' I'd be happier.
I watch LY very rarely but that what I've seen until now was really good and I liked it. :)

I love CSI: NY for many reasons: great characters (i love all of them!), great cases, awesome team dynamic! And of course great acting :)

I totally agree with you Orla. That's exactly the same I would say about CSI: NY! :)

I love CSI: Miami for its action, its colorful style and of course there is Jonathan Togo ;). Okay sometimes the storyline is bad but I still love it. :)
Las Vegas drew me in about a year ago, and since then I've seen all the episodes. It's just a fantastic and sexy cast with these gripping story lines and fabulous technology. I tried to watch Miami, but I can't get into it. I've seen New York a few times, but it doesn't have that spark that LV has for me.