What Books Are You Reading?-#3

Re: What Are You Reading?-#3

For me, this thread is a jynx. If I post what I'm reading before I get down to the last 1-5 chapters, I jynx it and never finish the book. My last post in this thread is a perfect example. I posted I was on chapter 26 of 69 in that book about The Monkees. Well, chapter 26 of 69 is as far as I got. I still haven't finished that book.
Now with all that said, I think I can safely post what I'm reading since I only like one chapter having the book read.

I'm reading the Star Trek novel Ex-Machina by Christopher L. Bennett.
This book is a dual follow-up. It follows up on the events in the original Star Trek series episode FOR THE WORLD IS HOLLOW AND I HAVE TOUCHED THE SKY. It also follows up on the events from the first Star Trek movie--Star Trek: The Motion Picture. I think Christopher L. Bennett does a really good job tying the 2 follow-ups together in to one story.

Well until my next post in this thread...have fun reading.

I finished this book about 35-40 minutes ago.
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Re: What Are You Reading?-#3

I just finished reading The Specialists: Model Spy by Shannon Greenland.
Think Nikita but not dark at all and no personal and political agendas and NO assassinations. Kelly James is a 16 year old genius with an IQ of 191 and about to graduate college. After she is caught and arrested for hacking in to a government computer she is recruited in to this group called The Specialists. They're all teens who are very good (specialists) at something. Kelly is a computer whiz.
This book would be in the Teen section. I checked at Books-A-Million but they didn't have it or any of the other 3 in the series. I can't wait to get the 2nd book in the series. I ordered it from Amazon and UPS is supposed to deliver it Monday. Of the 4 books in the series, the second is the only one not available for Kindle. Don't ask me why, I don't know.
The 4 books in the series are:
The Specialists: Model Spy
The Specialists: Down To The Wire
The Specialists: The Winning Element
The Specialists: Native Tongue
All of them by Shannon Greenland.
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Re: What Are You Reading?-#3

I recently read The Red Pony by John Steinbeck. It's a series of short stories about a ten year old boy called Jody, coming of age in rural America through a series of difficult and painful events, but also finding moments of happiness, and how these events shape and mature him. It's very sad in places, but very beautifully written.

I'm now reading Property by Valerie Martin. It's set in Louisiana in the 1820s. Manon Gaudet is the wife of a sugar plantation owner. Her marriage is loveless and suffocating; her husband is carrying on an affair with her black maid, Sarah, and has had a son with her. In New Orleans, cholera and yellow fever are breaking out, and in rural areas there have been several slave uprisings and brutal killings. It's really good so far.
Re: What Are You Reading?-#3

The 4 books in the series are:
The Specialists: Model Spy
The Specialists: Down To The Wire
The Specialists: The Winning Element
The Specialists: Native Tongue
All of them by Shannon Greenland.

That's 2. You guessed it I finished the 2nd book in ^^that^^ series.
I finished it earlier this evening at about 5:45 pm...Alabama time.
The prologue in Down To The Wire is about how Frankie (code name Wirenut) came to be a member of the Specialists. Then from chapter one to the end of the book the story of this book is told from Kelly James p.o.v.

A little reminder who Kelly James is:

Kelly James is a 16 year old genius with an IQ of 191 and about to graduate college. After she is caught and arrested for hacking in to a government computer she is recruited in to this group called The Specialists. They're all teens who are very good (specialists) at something. Kelly is a computer whiz.
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Re: What Are You Reading?-#3

I'm reading My S**t Life So Far by Scottish Comedian Frankie Boyle and it's so funny but very crude
Re: What Are You Reading?-#3

"The Judas Gate" by Jack Higgins. The newest one with Ferguson, Dillon, Roper and the gang. They got a battlefield radio message in Afghanistan from an ambush that killed both American Army Rangers and a British medical team. Most voices were Afghan but some were British and one was called "Shamrock" (gotta have the Irish side in here somewhere! :lol:). So, of course, we're on the search through Afghanistan, Ireland, and London to figure out just who "Shamrock" is and how the British born Muslims are getting to Afghanistan on the other side.

Re: What Are You Reading?-#3

"Shamrock" (gotta have the Irish side in here somewhere! :lol:).


and I hope plenty of rain :lol: what would a Higgins book be without the rain :lol::lol:

I haven't got the book yet but I intend on getting it.
Re: What Are You Reading?-#3

I'm listening to 'Matterhorn' by Karl Marlantes on my iPod. It's about the Marines in Vietnam, mainly centering around a platoon of Marines led by Lt Waino Mellas, who starts out the novel a young boot Lieutenant. The book has lots of characters - regular Marines, junior officers, and staff officers back in the rear. It's absolutely brilliant. Rather than trying to convey some political message about Vietnam, or about the racial issues in that war, it just conveys what it was like for the men on the ground, especially the grunts in the jungle - the starbation, the jungle rot, the leeches, the petty fights and racism, but also the camaraderie, humour, friendships, bravery, tragedy, and 'kids' becoming men. Also, there's no black and white, no outright good or bad guys - there are two characters who are senior staff officers who are complete idiots and don't always do what is best for the Marines in the jungle, but even they have their human moments, and they're not so much bad guys as misguided/messed up, and the same goes for an NCO character who is a racist, but again, though I don't agree with his views, he has his human moments and I can see why he has those views, and tbh, a couple of the black characters are just as bad as the white racist NCO character.
Re: What Are You Reading?-#3

I have just finished "The Book of Lost Things" by John Connolly and i have to say i really enjoyed it a few of my mates read it and said how good it was and i got tempted in and gave it a go. Its set during the war and is about a boy who goes through a hole and ends up in almost a fairytale land and meets various characters and stories along the way all related to fairy tales.

Its a lovely book once you get into it and got me now wanting to try find he brothers grimm book to read as have sudden urge to read fairy tales.

I am patiently waiting on my new Charlaine harris true book book aswell thats due out next month yay... and my dad has the Jo Nesbo books which i am really wanting to try.
Re: What Are You Reading?-#3

I'm reading The Broken Window by Jeffery Deaver. It's a Lincoln Rhyme/Amelia Sachs thriller. This time, Rhyme and Sachs are up against a very clever killer, one who manipulates and uses the shockingly vast information available about us in the public domain, which he culls from government and coporate/business databases, the Internet, even people's trash cans. He uses this info to stalk, trap and kill his victims, and to set up fall guys for the crime. One of these fall guys is Lincoln's cousin Arthur. It's really good so far, reminds me a bit of the CSI: NY episode 'Blacklist'.

On audio I'm listening to Mind Scrambler by Chris Grabenstein, the fifth Ceepak/Boyle mystery. For those unfamilar with the series, John Ceepak and Danny Boyle are two cops from the shore town of Sea Haven, New Jersey. Ceepak is a former MP who served in Iraq, he lives by the West Point code of honor, he will not lie, cheat, or steal, or tolerate those do. He doesn't drink, smoke, or swear, but he is not a guy who you want to mess with. Danny Boyle is 25, a young, cocky, slightly naive young cop.

In this book, Ceepak and Boyle are carrying out some routine stuff for an investigation in Atlantic City. They run into Danny's old girlfriend, Katie, who is working as a nanny for famous magician Richard Rock, she seems happy. A few hours later though, she's been murdered, and Ceepak and Danny are determined to find the killer.
It's great so far.
Re: What Are You Reading?-#3

I have just started to read some Doctor Who books called
Winner takes all
The clockwork man.
They are amazing I love Doctor Who as well as CSI.
Re: What Are You Reading?-#3

'Florence and Giles' by John Harding, It's a Gothic/horror/ghost story in the tradition of The Turn of the Screw. It's set in 1891 in New England. 12 year old Florence and her younger brother Giles are two orphans living in the house of their uncle. The house is called Blithe. They live there with the servants, as the uncle is away on business and distant to the children anyway. He is very against the education of women, so Florence is forbidden to read, but does so secretly, creating her own language - she uses English words but makes up unique verbs etc. When Giles is deemed 'too delicate' to attend public school, a governess is sent to Blithe, but dies myseteriously in a boat accident at which Florence was the only other person present. No one knows what really happened that day, even Florence herself. Then a new governess comes, Miss Taylor, and Florence begins to suspect not only that the new governess may mean Giles harm, but that she may not even be human....

It's really good. The book is told from Florence's point of view so I'm not sure if the governess really is evil, or if Florence is imagining it all, perhaps out of guilt in the previous governess' death.... It's very creepy too.
Re: What Are You Reading?-#3

"Crescent Dawn" by Clive Cussler & Dirk Cussler. The newest Dirk Pitt story. This time we're off the coast of Turkey checking into recurring algea blooms that are killing all marine life in the Aegean. Of course, since this is Dirk Pitt he finds an old sunken ship with some treasure (box of old gold coins & a crown). And if you know Pitt soon enough he's off on the chase. :lol: I'm only on page 76 and we've already had Lauren (Pitt's wife) taken hostage temporarily and a car chase through the streets of Istanbul to get her back.
