Ups And Downs For The Day #4

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Up: Completed my chemistry practical assessment without messing up
Up: Had a great day at school with my friends while scaring some teachers in the process (always fun) :D
Up: Csi tonight
Down: Migraine need i say more :mad:
Up: I got ready super fast today
Up: Listening to music
Up: I did most of my homework
Down: I didn't finish it all :lol:
Down: Exam tomorrow...I'm going to die
Down: I got 49% on one of my tests :eek:
Up: I bought Taylor Swift's album.
Down: I still have to work on my history project and I really don't feel like it right now.
Up: Almost going to Paris!
Down: My grandpa's in the hospital.
Down: Offered to work tomorrow because there were not enough people.
Up: Will make some extra money. :D
Up: no more tests until the end of March
Up: meeting with my English course and my English teacher this evening

Down: weather is so bad and I have to go by bike to this meeting
Up: Going to Antwerp tomorrow!
Down: I still need to pack my bags.
Down: They taped my foot today, I can't really move it now.
Up: I can walk little steps again :D
Up: Brought home a bunch of stuff so I can study tonight
Up: Criminal Minds and CSI: NY on tonight
Down: Umm, CSI: NY is on 'til midnight, and I have a huge test tomorrow! AH!
Down: Huge test tomorrow!
Up: Had a pretty...good/interesting day today
Down: Allie was mad at me all day!
Up: Now she's not!
Down: was pissed at levon
Up: Not anymore
Down: might not be able to watch CSI: NY tonight :(
Down: keep pushing random buttons on the keyboard
Down: have to shave my legs
Up: Weearing a skirt tomorrow
Up: wearing a tie tomorrow
Down: Getting pissed off for no reason
Up: Fine now
Up: I made the badmitton team. :] :] :]
Down: I'm sore as no other.
Up: No Phys. Ed Tomorrow.
Down: Tennis workouts tomorrow, right after badmitton practice.
Up: I love my team too death.
Down: Still failing 1 class.
Down: I'm worried about being put on acedemic probation.
Up: CSI: NY in 20 min :)
Aweh good for you AshleyWillows , i wish i was good at a sport!
Up: American Idol tonight.
Down: Hazel scratched me and i was bleeding.
Up: im not bleeding anymore.
Down: Exam tomorrow.
Up: Uni was fun and Psych was better than I thought it would be! Yay!
Up: I'm going on a shopping expedition tomorrow! YAY!

Down: I'm really tired.
Up: My boss told me she's really happy with me. :)
Up: PARIS TOMORROW! I'm so happy about that.
Down: I messed up something with cash, luckily my boss thought it wasn't that bad so she forgave me :lol:
Up: weekend :D
Down: fell on me arse and pulled my knee-muscle :(
Up: Luckily there were only two witnesses
Up: Second graders first English class will be over 2 weeks again. Enough time to think about other teaching techniques :p
Down: A door in the house creaks and I inspected them all, but I can't figure out which one it is and now I'm scared.
Up: almost laptop and flatscreen!
Up: Don't think I failed my History test.... Tooo badly.
Up: Only one more test this week adn then weekend!
Down: I stumbled my way through my Biology oral and most probably got nought!
Down: Glad I did said oral.... finally!
Up: Had this really nice salad this afternoon.
Up: Got to torture my brother with my new ringtone.... Mwahaha.
Major UP: Almost the weekend! WOOO!
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