The Office


Head of the Graveyard Shift
Ok, who here is a fan of this show? I just caught my first episode tonight and I must say that Steve Carrell is absolutely hilarious as Michael. One of my favourite lines of his was when the black guy went, "Is it about your birthday?" and Michael responds, "No, you're gross." :lol:. I also loved that scene where Micheal thought that delivery woman was a stripper and he sits down on the chair and goes, "I hope the arms are ok." or when that guy says that the results on his skin cancer test is negative and Michael thinks that means that the guy has it :lol:. Oh wow...I wanna see the British version of this show too.
I've only seen the original version, with Ricky Gervais, but I've heard good things about the US version as well. I just haven't managed to catch it yet, I always forget to watch it.
I love the office, I've only seen the british version, I love David Brent, Ricky Gervais cracks me up. :lol:
I love the office, I've only seen the American version and I absolutly love it. I watch it every week. My favorite character is Jim Halpert,a.k.a. John Krasinski, who is the most adorable character on the show. For anyone who has seen one episode of the show you know that Jim loves Pam but Pam is engaged. The sparks keep coming though. For those who have seen this storyline being played out, what do you think? Will Pam actually get married? Is Jim going to move on? Will they get together?
I love the American version of "The office". The one I saw, Steve put Dwight in control of the Health Plan, and he was getting all annoyed and being an idiot about it. So he told everyone to write down symptoms that they had.
Jim put down "Mad Cow Disease" and "Ebola". Oh man, it was great :lol:
Dwight- someone forged medical information, and that's a felony.
Jim- ok, whoa, alright 'cause that is a pretty intense accusation. how do you know that they're fake?
Dwight- ah, leprosy, flesh eating bacteria, hot dog fingers, government created killer nano robot infection.

:lol: :lol:
Do they have the first two seasons on DVD? If so I'll probably rent 'em or buy 'em. I saw a clip of the British version somewhere and that Ricky Gervais guy is f*cking awesome. He was on the Simpsons recently :lol:.
I loved watching it (the American version) and My Name is Earl, then they went and put them on at the same time as CSI!!! I was so mad.
No one has said anything in a long time but for anyone that watches "The Office" weekly, what did you think of the season finale that was on last night?
I wasn't that interested in Micheal and his two dates but I really felt bad for Jan when she was sort of the second hand. Dwight was pretty hilarious, especially when he's like, I can read minds so I know that when Jim coughs he has a good hand, and then you see Jim and he's like "whenever I cough, Dwight folds" The hugest thing that happened in this episode happened in the last two minutes. I'm getting so excited now. Jim finally confessed his love for Pam, to Pam! I was so happy but then got sad again when Pam said she couldn't be with him and Jim had a single tear flow down his face. Awwwww. What really got me after that was the last shot of the second season of the Office.... Pam was talking about Jim on the phone with her mother when Jim comes into the room and walks up to her. There is a moment of quiet and Pam says, "Jim..." and what happens... they KISS!! OMG!! How can the writers do this to me, I can not wait until next season to see what is going to happen.

Anyone else catch the episode?... if so, I would like to know what you think is going to happen in the next season.
I love this show! But everyone I've talked to doesnt think its funny, i think its hilarious!
Yeah I LOVE IT it's brill - funniest show ever =P

it's one of them shows where you either love it or hate it really if y'know what I mean.
I only watch the original British version and Tim & Dawn are sssssooooooooooo cute!!