The "I have a question about a specific episode" thread

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Head of the Swing Shift
Premium Member
Thanks to a great suggestion by piepretzelsngreg, we're now going to have a thread where you can come in and ask that single question about that particular episode that you've never really understood.

All 3 series are allowed in here, so feel free to post a question about CSI, CSI:Miami, or CSI:New York.

And then just sit back and wait for someone to serve you up your answer- we have a lot of knowledgeable folks on here. :)
i dont have any questions at the moment but i just have to say that this is a great idea. its a better solution then everyone just making new threads.

whoo hoo party in the episode question thread!
I get to post the first question! *Squeee*

From CSI LV "Still Life" : Did anyone catch what Warrick said after the sex offender told him to go look at his records 'cuz his whole life is in them? I replayed the scene a dozen times but never got it.
Ohhhh, and I get to give the first answer! YeeHaw! :)

He said "You have anger issues, Mr. Daley?"

I love that scene- Warrick is uber-cool in the interrogation room, especially when the big dude stands up. Warrick doesn't look even mildly concerned! So coooooool. :D
such a good idea! i have a question about still life too,
did they ever find jesses body? or they just found the place he had been burried and was then moved? i was talking to my roommate and didnt catch that part!
No, they never found the body. Warrick, Greg and Sara found a hint that a body had been in the hole, but no body. Nick found a swath of hair (still attached to scalp, I think- ewwww!) in the back of the mother's car, so she must have moved the body somewhere. They decided that, unless she told them where she put it, they'd never find it.
which eppy's is the one with the redhead, very curly hair
she was kidnapped at birth

and re-appeared again

We first meet Tammy Felton in season one's "Face Lift". She makes a brief reappearance in season two in "And Then There Were None".

Whoo... I am seriously on a roll here! :D
Man, maybe I should have called this thread "Stump the Moderator" instead! :lol:

I believe the episode you want is called "Chaos Theory". :)
What episode was it where warrick catches catherine when she trips is the gutter?

Sorry- I think we posted around the same time and I didn't see your question.

That would be "Down the Drain." :)
Man, maybe I should have called this thread "Stump the Moderator" instead! :lol:

I believe the episode you want is called "Chaos Theory". :)
i have lousy memory when it comes to eppy names

cheers ;)

i should said it was all from vegas :p
So do I. Anyway, my question is the following:At the end of a certain LV episode, whose lawsuit did Sara punch in the computer? I recall it as "The People vs.Sara Sidle", though I could be wrong.
Man, maybe I should have called this thread "Stump the Moderator" instead! :lol:

Isn't that great that now you have something to do :lol:

And VManso, it's season 5 episode "No Humans Involved"
And it was People vs. Laura Sidle. :D Explanation for that is revealed in "Nesting Dolls"
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