The Dance We Do (H/Y) -one-shot


Author's note: Ok so I've had this idea swimming in my head for weeks, just no time to pen or rather type this out. Personally I'm not into dancing so if anything doesn't sound right, forgive me. I'm short on time so without too much rambling on here goes...
Summary: Just a random H/Y story, not set particularly during any season of the show. This is a one-shot.

"Uncle Horatio, could you teach me how to dance?" Ray Jr asked.

An innocent question but it took Horatio by surprise. The redhead bowed his head to stare at his dinner. It was a simple request, one made during a rare dinner together with Yelina and Ray Jr, but it was a request Horatio wasn't sure he could fulfill.

"I umm..." Horatio started.

"Prom's coming and I just know my date's gonna want me to dance with her. Problem is I don't know how. Uncle Horatio, you do know how to dance don't you?"

Horatio let out a soft chuckle, but Yelina answered before he could utter another word.

"Of course he knows how to dance." Yelina turned and smiled warmly at her brother-in-law. "Remember when we dance at my wedding?"

Horatio nodded as his ears began to feel hot. "How could I forget?" His eyes met hers and Horatio was brought back to that very night when he danced with the woman of his dreams.

He remembered the feel of her dress, the look in her eyes, the smell of her perfume, and how it felt like for him to have her in his arms for just that one moment in time. He remembered it vividly like it was yesterday. Horatio hadn't realised he could feel such happiness and sorrow at the same time. Happiness that his little brother was settling down with the woman he loved, sadness that the woman he loved with all his heart was now officially out of reach.

"As I recall, you dance pretty well." Yelina's voice jolted Horatio back to the present.

"Err yeah." Horatio smiled, embarassed. "That was a very long time ago." Horatio felt a tad uncomfortable.

"I don't think you can forget how to dance, once you know how." Yelina said as she took a bite out of the brocolli at the end of her fork. It was almost as if she enjoyed making him feel uncomfortable.

"This could be the most important dance of my life." Ray Jr said.

Horatio wanted to add that the most important dance would be when he got married, but Ray continued. "Of my teenage life."

Horatio sighed, conceeding defeat. "Ok."

Ray smiled smugly, and Yelina smiled almost shyly. She relished the chance of dancing with Horatio.

The trio made short work of the dinner plates and gathered in the living room. Ray Jr placed a CD in the player as Horatio and Yelina stood facing each other.

The music played and Yelina placed her hand on Horatio shoulder. She thought she felt him stiffen at her action but their hands clasped togehter and Horatio moved his free hand to Yelina's waist-level. He hesitated. It was almost as if he was afraid to touch her, afraid to cross some invisible line, afraid that once he knew what it was like to have her in his arms again, he would not want to let her go. Yelina sensed his hesistation. It had been a long time since she had been with any man, and the thought of being touched by the man she had fallen so deeply in love with years ago was thrilling. She held her breath, as an awkward tenstion fell across the room.

"You guys are gonna move right?" Ray asked, rolling his eyes.

Both Horatio and Yelina let out a nervous laugh, but Ray had broke the tension.

Horatio placed his hand gingerly on Yelina's waist and she let out the breath she had been holding. They moved to the music, both lost in the moment. Their eyes met now and then, and Yelina thought she could see a sense of longing in Horatio's eyes.

The music stopped as did the dancing couple. The smile on their faces told each other that the initial tension had worn of and both enjoyed their short interaction tremendously.

Horatio turned to his nephew, who was seated on the couch. "Why don't you try?"

"Sure." Ray got to his feet and took his mother's hand. Horatio pressed the buttons on the CD player and took the seat on the couch Ray Jr previously occupied.

Out of the corner of her eye, Yelina spied Horatio studying them intently. Always the perfectionist she wasn't sure if the smile on his face was the pride he felt at his nephew picking up so quickly and dancing like he had been at it for years, or that he had the pleasure of dancing with her again after so many years.

The music stopped and Horatio got to his feet. "I think that was really good for a newbie."

"Yes, it was." Yelina added, giving her son a hug.

"Thanks guys." Ray grinned. "I think I got it. Now if you guys would excuse me, I got a date with my pals online."

Yelina knew wild horses wouldn't drag her son away from his computer and she nodded.

"Thanks again Uncle Horatio." Ray said as he made his way to his room.

"My pleasure," Horatio called after him.

Now alone with each other, Horatio took the few steps between him and Yelina. "So err... care for another dance?"

"Sure," Yelina flashed him an irresisitable grin.

Horatio started the music again and they danced. Yelina was now visibly relaxed in his arms and as the song progressed she rested her head on his shoulders. The smell of her hair jolted the same memory of her wedding, when they had danced together.

The music stopped but neither Horatio nor Yelina moved. They stood locked in each others' arms, not wanting the moment to end. The excuse Ray Jr had given them to hold each other had ended, it seemed, all too soon.

After a long while Yelina lifted her head from Horatio's shoulder. He thought he detected tears in her eyes. He immediately felt remorse.

"I'm sorry if I brought back some things you'd rather forget." Horatio was quick to apologise, as if dancing with her had broken some taboo.

Yelina shook her head and smiled. "I was just thinking how nice this feels.... it's been a long time since I allowed myself to feel again, and tonight... it's the first time in a long while."

Horatio nodded, somewhat relieved that her had brought her some measure of happiness.

"So this dance we do..." Yelina bowed her head, she had forced him to admit his feelings for her before but it hadn't gone well. He had spoken of boundaries he didn't want to cross.

"We've been dancing round in circles for long enough. It's time, we stopped this dance we do." Horatio said, his blue eyes staring into hers.

Yelina blinked as if she was trying to wake from some dream. "Why..."

Horatio looked a little lost for words. "You know what?" He let out an embarassed chuckle. "I'm not sure, but having you in my arms feels so right, I don't want to stop."

Yelina nodded and smiled. It sounded corny but it wasn't something new, it was just waiting for him to admit his feelings for her. Perhaps her son did just the thing, who would've thought, a simple request like that.

Horatio leaned into her and their lips met. A soft tentative kiss for the first time, but there would be many more to come.

Horatio grinned shyly, tyring to catch his breath. "Now I really know what I've been missing out on, all these years."

Yelina laughed, letting out a sigh and pulling him into a hug.

"I gota go, but I'll call you tomorrow ok?" Horatio said, brushing a strand of stray hair from her face.

"Ok." Yelina said softly. He planted a kiss on her cheek before leaving, a smile on his face.

Yelina checked on Ray Jr before heading to bed. He was on the computer as she expected.

"It's a school night." Yelina said, standing at the doorway.

"Couple more minutes Mom." Ray answered. "You guys have fun?"

"Pardon?" Yelina asked.

"I heard the music. Enjoyed dancing with Uncle Horatio?"

"Umm, yeah." Yelina replied, not quite sure how to tell her son that she was now seeing his Uncle.

"Good." Ray smiled, his eyes still on the computer. "It's been awhile since I've seen you this happy."

Ray's maturity shocked her. When did her little boy grow into a young man. His sincerity and concern for her warmed her heart.

"You deserve to be happy.." Ray continued.

"Thanks." Yelina said. "After all we've been through, so do you."

Ray gave a slight nod. "So I guess Uncle Horatio would be coming round alot more often now huh?"

"Yeah," Yelina replied, relieved that her son seemed to have grasped the situation.

"Good." Ray nodded, still mesmerised by the computer screen.

"You danced really well for a first timer," Yelina said.

"Not the first time," Ray replied, "Gary's Dad taught us couple of weeks ago. Sorry I lied about that.

Yelina smiled to herself and shook her head. "Don't stay up too late."

"I won't."

"And honey?" Yelina said before closing the room door.

Ray turned , looking away from the computer at his mother.


Ray returned his mother's smile. "No worries."

********** THE END *********** :)

Hope you guys enjoyed reading it, as much as I did writting it.
Aww, really nice! Very original too :D

Glad Ray Jr approves of his uncle getting together with his mom. Even better that he brought them together.

Im happy you've found the time again to write. I will always enjoy reading your fanfics.

*added to favorites*
That was so sweet! I've always wanted to see these two dance cause it would be so romantic.

Hrockz, great story...thanks for putting another beautiful image of H/Y in my head. :)
Now that was cute :D
I could totally picture it.

Thanks for this story, Hrockz. I'm glad you're back :)