The 30 and Over Club

My first concert was John Denver. I was 18 and conned my sister and her husband to go with me. I have been to a few others over the years but I think I will always remember the John Denver one :) I was never into the whole Shaun Cassidy thing. Several years ago I did see him in a play though. He and David Cassidy were in a play called Blood Brothers. Both were good in it.

This is so funny! My first concert was John Denver as well. Although I don't really remember it since I was only two and a half at the time. My Mom was a big fan and she took me along. She said I slept through it. :lol: The first concert I remember attending was of Air Supply (Oh God, how embarrassing! :p) I was three and a half. You may say I was an early bloomer music fan. :lol: The first concert I ever appreciated attending was Paula Abdul's.

As for being asked to show an I.D., I remember once at the movie theatre being asked by the ticket seller if I was over 18. The movie showing was Hannibal and we all know how graphic that movie was.
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*wonders whatever happened to her Shaun Cassidy LP*

I thought this was funny, althought it might go under the category of "Things that make you feel old". :rolleyes:

On the radio this morning, they had a contest for a couple of tweens to win tickets to the High School Musical movie. They had to guess closest to the meanings of the following phrases (these aren't exact because I was still in bed half awake, but I think they're close):

1. I have to adjust the rabbit ears so I can see Roots tonight.

The answer given by the 11 year old was "you have to move something out of the way so you can see someone"

2. I'm going to get decked out in my underoos and hang out in front of the the ColecoVision.

This answer was "Put on your underwear to watch TV" (I think this one won)
Oh this is too funny! We were just talking about it at work today, because my coworker Tracey, back in the 70's, fell down the stairs at Assembly Hall at a John Denver concert!! :lol: She said she was wearing those big, clunky shoes from back in the day.

John Denver was the first album I ever bought. I really, really liked him (and still do). :)
Got to see John Denver in the round in concert TWICE courtesy of a radio station I worked at. First time was here in Charleston with tickets from the rock station across the hall and I sat about the tenth row back. About a year later when John performed in a city about 50 miles from us, my ticket was from the country station I worked for and I was in the nose bleed section almost by the back wall.

As for my first album, it was the greatest hits of Peter, Paul, and Mary.
My parents took me to see Cliff Richard when I was about 9 or 10, which was actually quite fun!, but the first concert I went to of my own accord was Haircut 100, followed by Duran Duran. I have been to tons of concerts since then, lots of 80s bands and big names like Madonna, but Duran Duran are still my No 1 and I went to see them at the 02 in London in March, they were fantastic as ever (lost count of the number of times I have seen them now!).
My parents took me to see Cliff Richard when I was about 9 or 10, which was actually quite fun!, but the first concert I went to of my own accord was Haircut 100, followed by Duran Duran. I have been to tons of concerts since then, lots of 80s bands and big names like Madonna, but Duran Duran are still my No 1 and I went to see them at the 02 in London in March, they were fantastic as ever (lost count of the number of times I have seen them now!).

Ah, Cliff Richard. My Dad used to drive me crazy when he'd bring me to school and he'd have his Cliff Richard CD popped into the car's CD player. :p

As for Duran Duran, my older sister and I are still big fans. Simon LeBon was my first ever celebrity crush while my sister was crazy over John Taylor but we both agree that Roger Taylor is hot. :devil:
I had a big crush on John Taylor. I never went to a Duran Duran concert though. When I was about 16, they were in concert about 2 hours from me. A friend's mom was going to take her and offered to take me too. My mom said no. :brickwall: She wouldn't even let me use the car to go see Rocky Horror Picture show when I was 18 because it was at midnight. :rolleyes: I had a deprived childhood. :lol:
I had a big crush on John Taylor.

You too? My bedroom walls were cover with John Taylor and Duran Duran. You couldn't even see the walls anymore. :lol:

When I was younger, I had the crush on Shaun Cassidy too. I would listen to the Doo Run Run over and over again. :guffaw:

Lets see, my first concert was Rick Springfield. I saw him a few times. It was when he was on General Hospital, so I was in Junior high at the time.

Others I've seen in concert were:
Duran Duran (3 times)
INXS (4 times in one year)
The Power Station
The Cure (twice)
The Cult (really bad concert, they barely played an hour)
Cheap Trick (opened for INXS)
Love & Rockets
Midnight Oil (they had this awesome Aborighine band to open, they were awesome and some of the Midnight Oil group came out to the souvenirs stand, I thought that was cool)
Glass Tiger, Joan Jett (was a multi-group concert)
Elton John (went more as an adult)
N-Sync (took my God-Daughter and her sister. My cousin, their mother, wasn't going to go. And no I wasn't a fan of N-Sync, but they did have a really good concert)
I had a big crush on John Taylor.

You too? My bedroom walls were cover with John Taylor and Duran Duran. You couldn't even see the walls anymore. :lol:

When I was younger, I had the crush on Shaun Cassidy too. I would listen to the Doo Run Run over and over again. :guffaw:

Lets see, my first concert was Rick Springfield. I saw him a few times. It was when he was on General Hospital, so I was in Junior high at the time.

Oh yeah, I think I had a poster of John Taylor. I was a high school freshman/sophmore during that crush. I think half the reason I bought 16 magazine was for the posters. Shaun Cassidy was my 4th grade crush. His was the first poster I ever put on my wall, and I used to listen to that song a lot too. Hadn't thought about it in years, but now it's in my head again..thanks a lot! :wtf: :lol:
I had a big crush on John Taylor.

You too? My bedroom walls were cover with John Taylor and Duran Duran. You couldn't even see the walls anymore. :lol:

When I was younger, I had the crush on Shaun Cassidy too. I would listen to the Doo Run Run over and over again. :guffaw:

Lets see, my first concert was Rick Springfield. I saw him a few times. It was when he was on General Hospital, so I was in Junior high at the time.

Oh yeah, I think I had a poster of John Taylor. I was a high school freshman/sophmore during that crush. I think half the reason I bought 16 magazine was for the posters. Shaun Cassidy was my 4th grade crush. His was the first poster I ever put on my wall, and I used to listen to that song a lot too. Hadn't thought about it in years, but now it's in my head again..thanks a lot! :wtf: :lol:

You are very welcome! I'm glad I could help! :D There's nothing like having the 'Doo Run Run' going through your head over and over again. :guffaw:
You are very welcome! I'm glad I could help! :D There's nothing like having the 'Doo Run Run' going through your head over and over again. :guffaw:

I heard "That's Rock 'n' Roll" on the oldies station this morning! :lol: Took me right back to sitting on the floor in my room by the record player, scouring over the album cover while it played.

At our 25th high school reunion last summer, someone asked the DJ to play Shaun Cassidy for my and my friends who were crazy over him back then. :lol: How embarrassing!!!
Who DIDN'T love Shaun Cassidy? Oh, that Joe Hardy... Sigh... I remember the episode where his fiance gets killed in a car crash. Man, the things that you remember! :lol:

After that I had a brief crush on John Travolta(?) after Grease. And then Luke Skywalker after I saw The Empire Strikes Back (I was too young for Star Wars- Empire was my first of the SW movies) that lasted forever, but then I developed a lifelong crush on Sting and the rest as they say is history. As for the bedroom walls, I had 3 FULL walls covered in Police pics, and 1 wall devoted to Duran Duran. I could never decide who to crush on more at the time- Simon or John. Ah, the complexities of life back then... :lol:
I went from Shawn Cassidy to Han Solo and a crush on Harrison Ford that lives to this day. :lol: As for the bedroom walls everything was Star Wars and Star Trek with some other Science Fiction thrown in for good measure. I did have an album cover from an 80's band called Mr. Mister that my mom got me up there too.

I loved Luke Skywalker too over Han Solo. He was just so cute and really the hero to me.

I had all the Shawn Cassidy albums too and I remembered watch The Hardy Boys just for him. They actually have a station here called Retro TV and they play the Hardy Boys on it. :lol:

I had a lot of Jon Bon Jovi on my walls. :D
Um... I almost don't want to ask, but am I the only one whose walls were covered with New Kids on the Block?

My favorite was Danny :drool: Although as I recall, I had to say my favorite was Jon b/c one of my friends had already claimed Danny for her own. :rolleyes: