Texan Charm- a Nick/George Discussion Thread Part 4

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I've been asked to start a new thread so he we are in number 4!! Previous sections can be located here:
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3

Please remember this thread is for discussion of the character/actor and the episodes he has been in, in a non-syndrome kind of way. That's what we've got the other thread for ;)
So sit back, relax. All opinions on the man are welcome, but what's important is how you handle it. Of course, we must always be mindful of the adult content rule so that Destiny doesn't have to get out the hose to cool us down. Other than that, have fun!
Wow, thread 4! Amazing. I'm glad we Nick/George fans made it this far!
Sadly, guys, Poteidia's Texan Charm Web site is down. :( I saw a note on her site the other day about needing funds to keep the site up and I guess it just didn't happen. :( I hope she can get it back up at some point -- it was one of the nicest GE sites around. Come and tell us what you're up to, Poteidia!!!

On another note, why can't GE be starring in all of this summer's movies while we wait for Season 7 of CSI to start? Sigh!
nick the website is not down. Poteidia's hoping Nicks' fans can help her out with some of the cost for her renewal fee. I just checked the site and it is still up. The last update she had was on Monday.
i thought it was appropriate ;) some of the other characters have interesting titles so why not nicky boy too?
anyhoo, lets get the discussion rolling. i doubt that as long as csi is on we will get george in a bigscreen film. the time commitment would just be too much. and i wouldnt want to sacrifice his screentime on csi for a movie. im selfish like that. :lol: id settle for an other tv movie, as long as i had to oppertunity to see it. i am so mad that i have never, and probably will never, see just a walk in the park. sure, it looks like a super cheese fest, but i love cute little movies like that. plus shower scene? hello!
i do hope that when the end comes for csi (although a part of me hopes it will never end, but i know that it has to eventually) that george doesnt disappear. that happens sometimes to actors on long time tv shows when they end. he has matured so much as an actor and that talent shouldnt go to waste! and sure, having his face on a twenty foot screen doesnt hurt either :p
I think so too. I like to see all the Nick I can so I wouldn't really want him to take up a movie role while he is still doing CSI. The absence of Nick would not be good. I'm not complaining about that shower scene! :D

No, I never want CSI: to end!

I know! It seems you only see them on their TV shows and then after that they just go away for some reason. I would think someone would want him in their movie. He is a great actor. :)
I think George would look fabulous on a big screen. More to drool over. This is the second off season he appears to not be doing anything. I wonder if there is a clause in his contract that states he will not do anything. Tptb may have put that in there after the sleeping in incident that followed the filming of Evel. George doesn't appear to be the type of actor that likes to idle for long.

When CSI ends I do hope that George does do something whether it is big screen or another tv series. He is just to good off an actor now to keep off any screen
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