Supernatural #4: STILL No Chick Flick Moments

After several seasons of horrific foreplay, here comes the Apocalypse, the ultimate showdown between good and evil. It's time for Sam (JP) and Dean (JA) to hero up and save humanity as the archangel Michael, Lucifer and their minions get ready for the final battle. "Things don't look so good for our guys," says exec producer Sera Gamble. Lucifer (MP) still has designs on inhabiting Sam's body, and most of the brothers' allies are dead. The Winchesters "are trying to rally for what feels like an umpossible fight and, as is so often the case on our show, if our guys do win, it would come at a terrible personal cost," she says. One more "beloved character" will die and the boys' iconic Impala is set to play its own important part in the world's fate. If you're wondering what could follow such an oversized story line when Supernatural returns next fall, Gamble offers a hint. "We'll go intimate and personal and, now that we've buttoned up the big destiny-versus- free will debate, explore a whole new set of questions. We're chomping at the bit." :shifty: wait ... now it's going to turn into a Sera Gamble love fest :scream: do not want!

It's interesting that the Impala finally has a role to play. Maybe they'll have to have Sam drive the Impala into hell as he's trapped inside with the rings? :lol:

I'm just hoping Castiel doesn't bite it. It would blow to lose him. :/ There are so many possibilities to explore with him now being human; though I guess now, he'd be completely mortal too. How convenient. *sigh*
This is the moment i officially became a Supernatural and Jensen Ackles fan i guess.:beer:

Damn i haven't seen the season 5 yet but watching season 4 for the second time. It seems Castiel will be a very interesting add. I wish i had discovered the show before. *Sighs*

To read the spoilers or not to read, that is the question now:cardie:
I say don't read the spoilers! Trust me, it's better that way- less opportunity for disappointment. ;)

And man! I can't believe tonight's the night! Holy crap!!! :eek:
Yeah Yeah the episode was great and all, but seriously if they're going in the direction that I'm reading about, with Chuck as God the whole time. Eric Kripke has serious pseudo-God complex as creator/writer. It's just extremely childish and conceited to write yourself into something as God in my opinion. If you think about it he's the writer of this episode and Chuck is clearly narrating what he's writing, so yeah he did write himself in as God if it's true :scream: all respect I had for Eric is gone if that's the truth.

I was bummed when he stepped down as writer, but now seeing he's stooped that low, I'm glad.

Now I'm wondering what next season is going to consist of :eek: I honestly hope that they don't jump into the future ... that's over used and cheesy :rolleyes:
I don't have a problem with Chuck as god, especially since he was so dorky, but overall I just don't know how I feel about the finale over all. I think I'm going to need to sleep on it. I mean, I was enjoying it while it was happening, but... I just don't know how I feel about how it ended up.

I know what you mean, Chuck was a cool character. I did not have a problem with Chuck being God (if he was that is). I have a problem with people having pseudo-God tendencies and definitely have a problem when it seems that a writer writes himself into an episode as God, because the episode was written by Eric and Chuck is pretty much narrating what Eric had written , if this makes any sense :)
i kind of like the idea of chuck being god, if he indeed is. i like that its a character that has been around for a while, and chuck is kind of the only option.

the finale was ok i guess, it was pretty much exactly what i expected it to be. i am just not a fan of the angel/devil story line, so havent liked season 4/5 as much as i liked season 1-3. i think the finale was exactly what it would have been had this been the last season, except of course for sam popping up again at the end.
I really loved the finale (probably in the minority here :lol:). I thought, given that Kripke's passed the show onto Sera Gamble, it was a great way to tie up his 5-year plan. I kind of wish it had been the series finale and that there wasn't going to be a season 6 -- seems to defeat the great parts of the episode (the flashbacks to the Pilot, season 1/2/3, the Impala's story etc.) so I don't know what else they could do for a series finale that would top this one.

Of course, this is just my view as someone who really loved the episode for everything that it had.

allmaple said:
i think the finale was exactly what it would have been had this been the last season, except of course for sam popping up again at the end.


Is it sad that the only characters I was worried about were the Impala and Cas? :lol: Yikes. I'm just eternally grateful they didn't kill either off (for good, anyhow). Whether or not Cas has a part to play next season is anybody's guess but if this was his ending, I'm satisfied with how they did it.
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I was so worried about that I didn't watch the ep. I couldn't eat or sleep well Thursday night either. :lol: And when I asked my bro what happened he was being so vague lol. So I went on LJ and found out what all happened.

Now knowing what happened, all I have to say is: PTB, why did you put me through that emotional wringer letting those spoilers out that "a beloved character is killed" making us worry when they were just brought back? Man, that was so stressful... and the ep was just a bit anti-climatic? LOL. It's like the wee little Irish fear demon on that ep of BTVS. :lol: Whew! What a roller-coaster ride this season has been.

Thanks ptb for not killing off our faves in this ep. :thumbsup:

I do wish there had been a bit more build up to Lisa/Dean. If Dean has to be with one of the girls he dated, Lisa the best choice out of all of them (meaning I liked her the best), but why was just so all of a sudden? Why not build up to it so it doesn't seem so forced?

As for Castiel calling Luci an "assbutt", I think what Cas was probably trying to say was "asshat" (cause he's heard Dean say that I'm sure), but he just said the incorrect word kind of like Ziva on NCIS. :lol: "assbutt" is kind of redundant. :lol: Too funny!
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OK, so... I finally had time to think about the episode and overall I am... disappointed. I know, I know: it can never be as great as the build-up. But in terms of previous years finales, I hate to say it, but this one probably comes in last. The first half of the show was at least exciting, but the last 15 minutes or so were... I don't know. It just could have been better. A friend theorized that it would have been cooler if Dean had jumped into the pit after them (Lucifer and Michael), and that might have been intriguing... I just don't know. It's sort of unfair to call it disappointing when I really have no idea how to have made it better, but still: it is what it is. I found it disappointing.
Hey everyone :) A small casting spoiler for Season 6

Jim Beaver said at the most recent convention that he has been contracted for the first two episodes of S6. The same for Misha.

Bobby and Cas :D

It says first two episodes, that's probably because they haven't started working on others yet. Also it's a given that Jensen and Jared are involved .. of course we don't know Jared's role yet :eek: good or bad ...

Apparently when Jensen Ackles answered an interview question it became a game of "He said, She said."
Sorry everyone but apparently the interview I posted earlier about Jensen giving fans a "head's up" on season 6 proved to be misinterpreted. Apparently Jensen Ackles wasn't saying what would happen but what he would like to see happen. Mike Ausiello cleared up the confusion in his recent Spoiler article on EW.

"Question: I heard that Supernatural was planning a time jump at the beginning of season 6. Is this true? —Tiffiny

Ausiello: No. But I think I know how the rumor got started. Apparently, Jensen Ackles was asked in a recent interview what he would like to see happen next season, and he threw out the idea of a flash-forward. And like a game of telephone, that got turned into “Supernatural is jumping forward!” Could it happen? Sure. Will it happen? That’s yet to be determined."



Season six will be a season of mystery and shadow. Heaven and Hell have been left in complete disarray since the apocalyptic events of season five. And now, monsters, angels and demons roam across a lawless and chaotic landscape. And so Dean Winchester, who has retired from hunting and sworn never to return, finds himself being pulled back into his old life – pulled back by none other than Sam Winchester, who has escaped from Hell. The two reunite to beat back the rising tide of creatures and demon-spawn, but they quickly realize that neither are who they used to be, their relationship isn’t what it used to be, and that nothing is what it seems. :eek:
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im a huge fan of supernatural since season 1 ... one thing that keeps me thinking and got me a little worried is that Kripke its not going to be working on season 6 !! for what I just read I think that season 6 would be like season 1 the only thing that would change its that Dean is Gonna act Like Sam at the start and Sam as Dean ... and Im not sure what to think I just have to wait and see..

I have an strange feeling that Lisa and Ben would end up like Jess or worst.
Holy wow, I can't remember the last time I actually posted in this thread...

So the finale... am I disappointed? Some what. Was it an alright episode? Mostly. Didn't exactly live up to the previous finales but it was an alright episode. Nothing to get all hyped up about and write a big long paragraph praising it and quoting lines. In fact I couldn't quote lines even if i wanted to cause they honestly weren't memorable enough for me to remember even one of them.