Supernatural #4: STILL No Chick Flick Moments

poor Cas , i did love the pizzaman line that Cas said :lol:, i can't believe it after the amount of times Sam and Dean have got rid of her , she still keep coming back .
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Hellatus time again! Last night's ep was the last ep until April 15th. :(

Last night's episode was good, but sad. I wish they hadn't killed off Rufus. He was a really good character. And he and Bobby had great banter together just like Sam and Dean do. I was starting to kind of like Gwen and then they go and kill her off lol. I could care less about Sampa after he sold the boys out and almost got them killed.

Bobby and Rufus looked sharp in their suits. Did anyone else LOL at Samuel calling Bobby "kid"? That was so weird.

Great lines from last night's episode:

"Tracking 31 Flavors Of Crazy"

"It's not rocket surgery"

"All right, let's play Operation"

"If anything crawls out of anyone, step on it!"

"This can't be my after life because the three of you are here"

"Why do you keep talking about Herpes?"
"I don't... Shut up." :guffaw:

Loved when they said "check for goo" and everyone stuck their fingers in their ears. That image will forever make me LOL.
i can't believe Rufus is dead :(

Yeah, I was hoping they might keep him around a little longer. He was a breath of fresh air, especially his interaction with Bobby. I kind of figured his death was coming while they were thinning out the rest of the herd in the episode.

Have to say, I didn't care much for Gwen so I didn't mind that she was ganked. And I'm not sure what else they could have done with Sampa, so I can understand his death as well. Though the Rufus/Grandpappy Campbell angle was a great little X-Files reuinion while it lasted. :lol:
I don't understand the whole "thinning the heard" mentality of the writers. I mean, they're going up against this supposedly all powerful Mother of All Evil character. Wouldn't it make more sense to have more hunters to help in the fight than less? I hate that Rufus had to die. I was kind of neutral on Gwen. I can't say that I'm sad that Gramps is gone though. I haven't liked him since "Caged Heat" lol.
I don't understand the whole "thinning the heard" mentality of the writers. I mean, they're going up against this supposedly all powerful Mother of All Evil character. Wouldn't it make more sense to have more hunters to help in the fight than less? I hate that Rufus had to die. I was kind of neutral on Gwen. I can't say that I'm sad that Gramps is gone though. I haven't liked him since "Caged Heat" lol.

Yeah I didn't really like Gwen, never really liked Gramps at all :lol: The whole ear thing for some reason reminded me of Rufus' line in the first episode we see him in:

Rufus - You do her ear?
Dean - Sorry?
Rufus - You do her ear?
Dean - Hey man, I'll try anything once, but I don't know, that sounds uncomfortable.
The whole ear thing for some reason reminded me of Rufus' line in the first episode we see him in:

Rufus - You do her ear?
Dean - Sorry?
Rufus - You do her ear?
Dean - Hey man, I'll try anything once, but I don't know, that sounds uncomfortable.

:lol: I forgot about that.
I don't understand the whole "thinning the heard" mentality of the writers. I mean, they're going up against this supposedly all powerful Mother of All Evil character. Wouldn't it make more sense to have more hunters to help in the fight than less? I hate that Rufus had to die. I was kind of neutral on Gwen. I can't say that I'm sad that Gramps is gone though. I haven't liked him since "Caged Heat" lol.

Yeah I didn't really like Gwen, never really liked Gramps at all :lol: The whole ear thing for some reason reminded me of Rufus' line in the first episode we see him in:

Rufus - You do her ear?
Dean - Sorry?
Rufus - You do her ear?
Dean - Hey man, I'll try anything once, but I don't know, that sounds uncomfortable.

that's a Classic Dean line :lol::lol:
Source: EW

'Supernatural' finale scoop: What's going to happen to Sam? Hint: Jared Padalecki says they've saved 'the scariest for last'

Ever since Sam got his soul back in episode 11 of this season’s Supernatural and the horrific memories of his one year without a soul were trapped behind a wall in his mind, we’ve been left to wonder if the wall would ever come tumbling down. Well, brace yourself.

At PaleyFest’s salute to Supernatural Sunday evening at Saban Theater in Los Angeles, executive producer Eric Kripke revealed that in the season finale, Sam’s wall is going to crumble.

“We’re going to deal head-on with the story of what happens when those memories come flooding loose. That’s in the finale, which I just wrote and turned into Sera [Gamble] yesterday,” he revealed.

When the wall was constructed by Death, the brothers were warned that the mental and physical consequences of its destruction could be dire — and we shivered in fear at the thought of Sam in that awful condition. According to star Jared Padalecki, we should be scared.

“We’re saving the best for last — and the scariest for last. It does come down, and as Death warned, it’s a catastrophe,” he told EW. “Sam has to battle something he’s never battled before, which is himself.”

“Sam is going to have to ultimately confront what he did soul-less and did in hell. There’s a lot of Sam soul searching,” he added.

In related finale scoop: Kripke said fans can look for everything to “come to a head,” including the war in heaven, the showdown with the Mother of All, and the mystery behind Purgatory. “It’s just sort of turning everything up into a high boil,” he said.

And in case you were wondering, showrunner Gamble confirmed that fans will be stumping hard for a seventh season after watching the finale — because it’s a monster of a cliffhanger.

Source TvGuide

Supernatural's Boss: Expect "Unexpected Deaths" in the Season 6 Finale

The Grim Reaper is hitting Supernatural again.

As Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean (Jensen Ackles) prepare to take on Eve, aka the Mother of All (Julia Maxwell), executive producer Sera Gamble told at Sunday's PaleyFest that the season finale will feature at least two unexpected deaths.

"There will definitely be deaths," said Gamble, who penned the penultimate episode for Season 6. "I would say that the last couple of episodes are pretty dark. The situation is rather desperate for Sam and Dean and they truly have to ban together to get the job done."

Executive producer Eric Kripke, who just finished writing the season finale, said there will be a face-to-face confrontation between the brothers and Eve. "It's epic and daunting," Misha Collins, who plays Castiel, added. "The final confrontation is definitely not what anyone is expecting. It is, however, larger and more epic than the viewers are expecting."

But you might not want to hold your breath for a resolution. Despite Supernatural not being renewed for a seventh season — yet! — the producers are leaving the finale wide open. "It's a cliffhanger, so everyone needs to be prepared that they're going to be tearing their hair out all summer," Kripke says.

"We're certainly preparing for a Season 7," Gamble says, adding that if there isn't one, the cliffhanger might anger fans.

"This is a cliffhanger unlike any other," Padalecki says. "We've had Sam die and Dean die and dad die, so we've had a lot of deaths. This one doesn't necessarily end with death, but with a whole new beginning."

On top of the impending battle with the Mother of All, Season 6 has seen Sam plagued with a memory block, placed on him by Death, which has kept him from learning the truth of what happened during his year without a soul. "I will say we conclusively deal with Sam's amnesia and the fact that he doesn't remember what happened to him in hell," Kripke says." He's got this bit of drywall in his head, but it's a shabby, unstable piece of drywall and it's only a matter of time before the wall falls down, and in the finale, the wall falls down."

"It's something that Sam is both afraid of and also he's dying to know what he did that year that he was soulless," Gamble adds. "It's something that Dean has great fear about. Every ounce of big-brother protectiveness inside him wants to shield Sam from what might happen if the wall comes down, so it's a pretty major thing for them."

The truth, however daunting it may be, will not tear apart the brothers. "We're actually enjoying that, for the first time in a long time, the brothers are a really strong, cohesive unit, so we're going to keep them like that for the foreseeable future," Kripke says.

Interesting... :shifty:
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Source TvGuide

the season finale will feature at least two unexpected deaths.

"This is a cliffhanger unlike any other," Padalecki says. "We've had Sam die and Dean die and dad die, so we've had a lot of deaths. This one doesn't necessarily end with death, but with a whole new beginning."

Two unexpected deaths? Will these deaths be permanent though? I think that's the question lol.

The only ones I would think would be really unexpected would be Lisa and Ben cause it appears as of now their storyline is closed, so that would come out of nowhere like maybe Eve kills them to get back at Dean for stopping one of her plans or something. And there is word that they will return before the end of the season, so...

Or would they actually :gasp: kill off God? I mean they've had Death say that he'll reap God too. And that would definitely be unexpected. And it would tie in with the "whole new beginning" thing. Or maybe they'll bring anti-Christ Jesse back and kill him off. Maybe he comes back to battle Eve and dies trying to kill her.

Does anyone else feel like this is the same thing they said last season close to finale time about the deaths? I'm feeling a bit of dejavu lol. I mean, at this point I think we all except deaths and no deaths are really unexpected lol. No one is safe on this show haha. What would be unexpected would be if they for once said "the big surprise in this season's finale is there are no deaths" lol.
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Well for the two unexpected deaths, I have to say that I think one of them will be Castiel. It did state that the war in heaven is over, so that could mean that Castiel could be one of the ones who bites the dust. I think I'd much rather see it being Ben and Lisa, that storyline I'm getting tired of. It's amazing because I always wanted them to get together, but now I don't want it at all. Maybe also Bobby could also be the one to die ... in one of the previews I saw, Castiel is checking for Bobby's soul, what if Crowley didn't actually preserve it?
Well for the two unexpected deaths, I have to say that I think one of them will be Castiel. It did state that the war in heaven is over, so that could mean that Castiel could be one of the ones who bites the dust. I think I'd much rather see it being Ben and Lisa, that storyline I'm getting tired of. It's amazing because I always wanted them to get together, but now I don't want it at all. Maybe also Bobby could also be the one to die ... in one of the previews I saw, Castiel is checking for Bobby's soul, what if Crowley didn't actually preserve it?

Someone on another board brought up the point of what if one of the deaths is metaphorical rather than physical. They didn't elaborate, but I can only assume they meant that Cas would become human... so the angel part of him would die whether by choice or due to something else. They did have him say in "Caged Heat" that most of the time he'd rather be there on Earth. Perhaps that was foreshadowing?

I wouldn't be surprised if Crowley lied about returning Bobby's soul. There was a report that if there was a Season 7 that Missouri Mosely could return. And then one of the show's ptb said that originally Missouri was supposed to be the one in the Bobby type role, but the actress was unavailable and that's when they brought in Bobby. So that kind of makes me worry for Bobby even though I do like Missouri.

However, I just find it strange with them bringing Lisa and Ben back after the Mannequin episode. That seemed like closure to me. Lisa's moving on with some guy named Matt and Dean got to basically get some closure with Ben. They said the brothers would basically still be together at the end of the season, so what other reason would there be to bring Lisa and Ben back yet again? And Sera did say earlier on "we're not going to kill Lisa off ... right away" meaning possibly they would later. I think they've milked the whole Dean/Lisa/Ben family storyline as far as it can go. It never would have worked cause as long as there are demons and whatnot, Dean will always have the urge to fight them. It's like an addiction for him at this point lol.
Source EW

So, we all know you went to the Supernatural panel at PaleyFest. So DISH!
How ever did you know? It was probably the sound of the heaven’s opening up that alerted you. Anyway, to add to the season finale scoop I posted this weekend, Jim Beaver also told me that as we cruise through the rest of the season we can expect to see a lot more of a group dynamic, meaning more Bobby and Cas!! “The last few episodes of the season are very much a team effort. My sense of it is it’s not a lot of us going off on our separate ways. It’s a lot of us working together on the big questions facing us and we answer a few of them – but not all of them,” he said. As for what questions will be answered, he couldn’t say much, but offered up this extreme tease: “Certain relationships among the group have some rather climactic shifts. Don’t expect the four of us to all be relating the same way at the end of the season as we were at the beginning.” The sound you hear now, is my heart thumping in fear.

So happy for you that you finally met the Supernatural boys. I’m hoping you brought some scoop back for us!
Was my desperation that obvious? And yes, I bring you back word on the big reappearance of Momma Winchester (Samantha Smith) in one of the future episodes. Jensen Ackles hinted that her return may not be a welcomed one. “She comes back under some different circumstances. And whenever she shows her face – especially for Dean – it’s very difficult and very emotional,” he told me. “Especially when she comes back different and is trying to trick them or a demon is using her to lure them into something. We just shot a scene with Sam, who’s fantastic, and we love it when she comes back for any reason. Evil or not.”

Please bring us scoop on Supernatural!
Do I detect a theme here? All right, so despite a montage hinting that we’d reached a conclusion to the Lisa and Ben story, Ackles told me there will be a more definitive end to the story of Dean’s domestication and time with the mother-son pair. “That, I believe, is going to be a weak point or an achilles heel at some point,” he said. “There’s definitely a conclusion that comes, and it’s a very emotional conclusion.” And as we all know, their crying makes for the best episodes.

Triple interesting... :shifty: :shifty: :shifty: