I thought it was a pretty good episode.
I liked the beginning, but wondered why Sara was off by herself in the dark, and Nick was with Brass and the 'cavalry' in the well lit and crowded casino. :lol:
'Black lung Betty'. LOL Where do they find these people?
I enjoyed seeing Sara a lot, and was happy to see her and Finn working well together; and Sara actually taking the lead.
She also had some quality time with Brass and Nick.
Enjoyed Henry and Mandy and Archie; but I did miss Hodges.
Loved snarky, cynical Brass. "There sure was a bad seed in the petri dish".
Good twists and turns, something CSI is usually pretty good at. I didn't guess it was the kid.
Why does Sara seem to attract young psychopaths? The final scene was very similar to 'Coming of Rage'; but that girl was a better villain, and Sara was angrier then. This boy didn't seem quite as evil, so I had a harder time thinking he could have been so heartless to mastermind it all. And Sara was more sad than angry in this one.
I did miss Greg...a lot.
Budget cuts are messing with our original cast, and I'm not happy about it.
8.5/10 from me.