Show off your city / town!


CSI Level Two
What I always love about these forums is that you get touch with people from all over the globe. I created this thread because I'm interested in seeing pictures and getting some information on towns or cities that I might have never heard off before..

So I live in Belgium, our neighbours are The Netherlands, Germany & France. The town that I live in is called Beveren and it's close to Antwerpen. There are about 45.000 inhabitans. Beveren is the nr3 in the list of biggest cities/towns. Nr 1 & 2 are Antwerpen & Gent (which are cities). It's also in the top10 of most expensive places to live here in Be.

In Belgium is a tv show called "Fata Morgana" in the summer holidays, they travel across the country. And each week one town or city gets 5 things they have to achieve in one week. If they achieve them all they get 5 stars etc. Anyway Beveren was in the program last year and we got 5 outta 5. The topic we got was middle ages. One of the things we had to do was make a 20m long carpet, which had to be an exact replica of the carpet of balieux.

Anyway onto the pictures.

Picture one is our townhouse.


Second is just some nature.. it's the first thing you see when you enter Beveren if you're coming from Antwerp


The Sint Martinus Church. It's actually only 700m from where I live :)


This is called the castle of "Hof ter Saksen". As you can see it's ruin. Near the end of 2006 they started to reconstruct the castle, which cost the town approx. 40 milion euro's.. ( tax money at work ). I always found it cool to look at that castle because it was a ruin. It was kinda spooky :lol:


A picture of the carpet we had to make :)


I hope you enjoyed my lil presentation and I hope to see some ppl add some cool pictures and information of their town! :D
The architecture there is beautiful, I love seeing different architecture and thinking about what I'd build just because I like the design.

Sadly I don't have any photos of Boston right now but I look for some to put up here.
those pictures are so beautiful! the buildings are gorgeous. if it would ever stop raining i would get some pictures from where i live but its not exactly exciting stuff, just fields and cattle. no cool castles...sad day.
Welcome to Charleston, "Almost Heaven" West Virginia

Better pay attention or I start a group sing of "Country Roads" by John Denver

State Capitol Building on the banks of the Kanawha River.

Governor's Mansion beside the Capitol Building

University of Charleston Student Union, Clay Science and Library, and King Gym buildings.

Charleston Civic Center, where concerts, conventions, and sporting events are held.

Clay Center for the Arts and Sciences, with planetarium, concert hall, art gallery, Electric Sky Theater, and much more. This was just completed in downtown Charleston about three years ago to replace the smaller Sunrise Museum across the river.

MacCorkle Mansion, former governor's house, that housed the Sunrise Museum and Planetarium until the Clay Center was completed.

Yeager Airport, built on top of two hills. The hills were leveled and the valley filled in. Airport named for General Chuck Yeager, first man to fly faster than the speed of sound.
ilh214 said:
no cool castles...sad day.

Castle Cortewalle

We have a few castles here in Beveren. We also had quite a few "mansions" but some of them were taken down because they're building a mall here. We already had a mall but they're rebuilding it making it the biggest mall in my province.. It's a project they've been thinking about for 10 years or so. Now they're finally working on it don't know when it will be complete though. They're building it next to my street, as you can tell I live in the centre.

They're building it on a territory of 12.000 square miles, there'll be room for 50 stores, 40 appartments, 270 parkingspaces. I'd post a pic but they're still building it so..

And now I still wonder why Beveren isn't a city! Sint-Niklaas is less big, less inhabitans and that's a city aprox. 11km from us.. O well :rolleyes:

Thanks for the pictures Dynamo1. I can tell I'd have that town over mine any day. (i'm not to fond of Belgium) Can't wait to see other people presenting there town :D

Oh and beveren set up a site a few months back. On the site are pictures of Beveren in the beginning of the 20th century. Old pictures

Too bad that the explination is only in dutch. I think you artitecture fanatics will like them cause there are a few pics of the castles which today still look the same. There's a lot of useful information on the site so if you wanne know something just ask. If you come across "Kasteeldreef" well that's my street :lol:
I so love Belgium! I'm from Rotterdam, NL and I have a friend neer Ghent (Gent)... Belgium rocks! I still want to go to do some urban exploring there with my camera since Belgium doesn't destroy every abondoned thing there!

I think I should go out and make some photographs of my city. Since it is so damn architectural! Then show off here too :p
My town is small, poor and I hate most of it. I mean... not the town but the people who live in in "centre" (if you can call it that :rolleyes: ) and in one other bigger village and their attitude and how they think us living here (two villages here) are worth forgetting. Somethng that we don't need anything, not sure if they consider us as 'humans' :rolleyes:

But we do have the longest beach of Norther Europe. It's 13km long and Defense Forces of Finland owns about 12km of it :rolleyes: Lovely.

Beach 1
Beach 2

And yes, the church built in 1768
And the old fisher village. You can see the photos here
It's been known since the 16th century.

Not much to tell.
DaWacko said:
And the old fisher village. You can see the photos here

<3 It is so bad I don't have enough money at the moment to travel. After my previous visit to Finland.. I want to come again so bad. Maybe like a grand tour... And take a big part of Sweden and Finland at once!

For the city I live in, Rotterdam, the Netherlands...
Found a website with some nice photographs :rolleyes:


Living area downtown


We were first for being the largets harbour for very long. Since last year we aren;t anymore... sadly.
I love traveling. I also like to see the cities and towns of other provinces, states and countries. I live in the community of Unionville which is in the town of Markham, Ontario. Markham is part of the Greater Toronto Area. Markham has a population of over 200,000 and we are still a town :) Unionville is one of the oldest parts of Markham dating back to the early 1800's. Unionville is also a popular place for Hollywood to come and film. I've not seen any big stars.

an old Church building on Main Street the church is no longer in use as a religious building.
our bandstand where jazz and other concerts are held
The Planning Mill has been turned into a little shopping area for boutiques. There is also a restaurant there.
Main Street Unionville
Toogood Pond a source for Canada Geese and other wildlife.

I hope you enjoyed your visit :)
Are you ready? *clears throat* :rolleyes:
I live in Stratford upon Avon, England. :p
Welcome to Stratford-upon-Avon, the birthplace of William Shakespeare, steeped in culture and history. Set in the beautiful rural Warwickshire countryside, on the banks of the river Avon, it is one of the most important tourist destinations in the UK. With easy road, rail and airport access, it is the perfect place for a vacation or short break. Facilities for conferences and smaller business venues are excellent. (Yeah, I found that on a site. :lol:)
It's not that great, but tourists seem to love it. :rolleyes: They seem to find Shakespeare stuff hugely entertaining, I've never even been to Shakespeare's birthplace. *hangs head in shame* The best thing about it is that there's always famous people here acting at the RSC, there's been Judi Dench, Ian McKellan and Ralph Fiennes. :D

Yep, that's my town, mostly it sucks though, it's full of rich old fogies. :lol:
...and chavs. :rolleyes:
Hello everybody! Let me present my hometown, Detmold!
A wonderful little town in Germany, that is, in North Rhine-Westphalia to be exact. We have about 74000 inhabitants. I live in the part of the town called Hiddesen, which is one of the largest parts actually. Detmold is interesting for tourists as we have many museums, incl. the biggest Open Air Museum of Europe, a castle, and most important, the "Hermannsdenkmal", a statue of Arminius, who was a Germanic tribe leader and fought against and won over the Romans in 9 AD. Well, there are doubts that the battle was here, the evidence is finally against us, but damn, I still believe it! *lol* And did you know that a miniature replica of the statue can be found in New Ulm, Minnesota?
Unfortunately there's not much going on in Detmold, we have 2 discos, some bars, so there's hardly any nightlife. We go to bigger cities at the weekends. ;) Anyway, I really love my hometown, although I don't wanna spend the rest of my life here.
Detmold Castle
Houses in the Open Air Museum
and finally: view from my room at the most beautiful sunrise I've ever seen (pic was taken 2 years ago)
I adore traveling but with all these gorgeous pics here I can't decide where to! Keep it coming :D
all of these places are gorgeous! ya'll are lucky. :) i'm almost ashamed to put up pictures of my country bumpkin town at this point.

desertwind said:
The down side of living in the desert the 'BRUTAL HEAT'
i feel your pain! i was in vegas 2 weeks ago and i swear to god i almost died, i didn't know it was even possible to be that hot! but it was an awesome place and there was so much to take in, i was almost overwhelmed.
I live in Sheboygan, Wisconsin, the state best known for cheese, beer, and brats, the city best known for hosting two PGA championships and the now defunct Brat Eating Contests that appeared at the city festival of Brat Days. It's a city of about 52,000 people and the beauty is that Sheboygan is on Lake Michigan. Though cold for most of summer the beach, the rocky break waters, and the Lighthouse path are quite nice to walk on.

Rocks and walkway

Blue Harbor (nice resport with a waterpark)

Getting splashed on the way to the Lighthouse

I was pretty wet after this walk
