Season 3 - The Spoilers Continue

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ok's our new spoiler thread.

I'll post the link to the old one in a second.

The old thread can be found here .

I just got this from TV Guide today:

It's in reference to November sweeps.

Mac is surprised when his dead wife's biological son turns out to have a murky connection to Stella. Also, the team investigates the death of a paintball player. Next, we'll learn more about CSI Sheldon.

hmmm...wonder what kind of link he could have with Stella. Also, isn't November when we're supposed to find out something about Lindsay's past? Strange that they didn't mention it.
hmmm...wonder what kind of link he could have with Stella.

I think it has something to do with the other spoiler/episode description for the episode, where it mentions Stella thinks she's being followed/stalked. I read that he's the one following her because he thinks she's Claire.
^ That's probably it. Or, maybe Stella knew about the son for quite a while but she just didn't wanna say anything. I doubt that's true but that would truly make the episode interesting.
Wow, I really like the idea of the step-son having a link to Stella. Very intriguing, I'll be excited to find out what that connection is!
HUGE SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I just got the newest info on the next eppy, called "Raising Shane". Apparently Hawkes is out for a run, and suddenly is confronted by cops who say he robbed a bar and shot a waitress. They find the money on him and the bouncer ids him!!!! Hawkes can't explain it. He even ends up in jail in a orange jumpsuit!!

Turns out Shane Casey is framing Hawkes! There are some cool specifics I'll leave out, but it's great Hawkes stuff!

Mac and Danny both butt heads with the regular police about Hawkes, and Flack sticks his neck out on their behalf.

FOR FLACK FANS: Great assist for his CSI buds.
DANNY FANS: Is very worried about Hawkes, and has some great scenes.
MAC FANS: Sticks his neck out, too and is forcibly removed from Hawkes' interrogation room! Wow!
CRIME SHOW FANS: Great continuing story.

Also, if you don't like Lindsay, it doesn't look like she's in it that much. There's a secondary case that Stella, Danny, Lindsay and Angell wrok on, but I think Lindsay's kind of background.

Hope you guys like these!!!
There are some cool specifics I'll leave out, but it's great Hawkes stuff!

NNOOOOO!!!!! You can't hold back on us. :eek: Give us the specifics.

I love that they are continuing the Shane Casey storyline and I had a feeling that he would still be coming after Hawkes.

Sounds like a great episode.
OMG, that sounds f***ing amazing! Lot's of man-love going on, there, I like that--and no, I don't mean the slashy kind (although I'm sure I'll love that too :p), but that it's the guys who are coming through for Hawkes. This makes me a very happy fangirl. :D Hawkes has been a very under-utilized character, and this looks like a good way to show that the team is there for him.

I'm really looking forward to seeing all of the guys hit one out of the park with the acting. Hill should be great in this episode, not to mention Gary, Eddie and Carmine. :D :D :D I'm grinning like an idiot here, this sounds like it'll be an awesome episode!

Oh, and can I give a girl-crush squee for Angell being there? :lol:
OK!!!! Basically, Casey has been trailing Hawkes, getting his movements down. To set up the plant of the money, he bribes some bum with a habit with some heroin to plant the cash on Hawkes. (Casey does the actual crime in the bar - he just wears the same closthes Hawkes always wears when he runs). The bum does it, then dies because the heroin Casey gave him was cut with ... fentynol? Something like that .... that makes it lethal, so he croaks before he can back Hawkes! Wow. Cool stuff. Mac and the team figure it out, but can't prove it in the sides.
Oooooh, sounds veeeeeeery interesting! *bounces in her chair* Must save Sheldon!

Um, is it bad that I'm probably going to think he's hawt in an orange jumpsuit? :lol:
it sounds interesting as long as he's cleared before it's over. But how could the bouncer mistake the two, clothes or no...Shane's white. I'm confused.

About the first spoilers I'm kinda inclined to think it's the stalking/following thingy but if there's another link it could also prove interesting.
Oh [CENSORED], that sounds AMAZING!

I am going to be horribly impatient until this all goes down. Seriously. That is amazing, and FINALLY a Hawkes-centric ep! He completely, totally deserves it!

I'm going to go to bed grinning my ass off now. :D
Damn, that sounds like an amazing episode!!!! Hawkes is getting some great stuff this year--major, major angst! I can't believe he's going to jail for a while! :eek: :eek: :eek: And Shane is back! I can't wait to find out if they get him in this one...or if he'll be back to torment the CSI team again. :eek:
1CSIMfan said:
I love that they are continuing the Shane Casey storyline and I had a feeling that he would still be coming after Hawkes.

Does anyone out there have the feeling I have, which is that this may be the run up to Season 3 finale?! :eek:
Whoa! I'm telling you, I go to bed and usually miss all the good stuff... :lol: *runs to check the spoilers*

ETA: Okay, guys, this is seriously a great episode.

The first scene where the CSIs get to the crime scene is really good. The most interesting thing I noticed is that Danny's back to his old self, his temper almost threatens to explode and Mac has to step between him and this Captain before it does. Also, there's a reference to Mac hiring techs who like to commit felonies which obviously ties into Danny's backstory and at one point the Captain says something about how Mac should beat some sense into Danny. Foreshadowing? Who knows.

Danny's reluctance to leave when another body shows up and Mac sends him and Stella to take care of it is also a nice touch.

Mac is awesome in this episode. And Flack steps in to help him, that was nice to read too.

Shane Casey? He's a creep.

Oh, and btw, Wasn't the name of Det. Angell's Jennifer or did I imagine it? Because she's listed as Jessica in this one. :confused:
So how is Flack in this one - does he have major screen-time and how does he handle it being one of the team who's suspected?
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