Season 15 Spoiler Lab Discussion and Pics

My guess is Ecklie - he is hardly on anyway. Nick is already leaving so getting rid of Sara or Greg would mean getting rid of twice as many viewers - either of their fans plus the Nick fans.
Maybe Lindsey ? I mean she's a student, she's blond, she's the type of the Gig Harbor Killer... It could make Catherine coming back and a reason for Nick to leave ?
Nick is already leaving so getting rid of Sara or Greg would mean getting rid of twice as many viewers - either of their fans plus the Nick fans.

If the show gets cancelled this year, it wouldn't matter if they lost more viewers, so it could be Sara or Greg. I don't know, I think it depends on whether or not the creators are expecting another season despite that it won't be confirmed until March or even May, and how this episode will play out might hint at that.

It does make me wonder how Nick is going to leave, if he's not going to fall victim to the killer. Maybe he'll beat himself up over whoever gets killed and decides to leave because of that?
I dont know how many cocks Elisabeth Harnois is sucking and how many writers she is fucking but for god sake this is not good, this will end up like Elisabeth Harnois the tale of Elisabeth Harnois, with Elisabeth Harnois and 20 times more Elisabeth Harnois...
What an absolutely appalling thing to say.

There's a fine line between criticising an actor/actress and being disrespectful and this goes well beyond the latter.

I haven't watched any of this season yet but I've been lurking here and there and this article interests me. The logical option to me would suggest Super Dave if it is indeed cost-cutting they're going for. Out of everyone left on the show since Season 1, he's the most recent addition to the main cast and generally the last on board is the first one off when it comes to a budget slash.

Sara and Greg seem the most unlikely. They're far more prevalent on the show and having either one of them killed off would overshadow Nick's exit too much. That's assuming the writers are following my thinking (which admittedly also seems unlikely).
Who more could be? if not Greg?

And even if they dont kill Greg i dont think they will put again Brass in the trail only to kill him or yes?

I will say it this writers are make of pure evil, is like they hate this show, they really hate it, the only character that needs to die is Morgan, later Finn and in the last place D.B.

I dont know how many **** Elisabeth Harnois is sucking and how many writers she is **** but for god sake this is not good, this will end up like Elisabeth Harnois the tale of Elisabeth Harnois, with Elisabeth Harnois and 20 times more Elisabeth Harnois...

Okay, I say this to you straight out, but could you please stop posting these inappropriate, insulting, and vulgar things? This is a message board where everyone can share his or her opinion, but I'm tired of your posts that include nothing but nonsense and rant. Behave yourself!

Edit: Look, I'm not the only one... @ Crumbs
It seems to me that Doc would be logical one to go. Dave can then be promoted to Medical Examiner. PG was cut for costs last season, so Doc is probably next. Sara and Greg are completely safe.

It's funny reading other boards and TD signing on to Fargo means CSI is DEFINITELY cancelled. Hard to believe that none of them realize that Fargo is being film during time CSI production will be dark.
If this is true, I say Sarah gets killed. Though, out of her, Finn, and Morgan, I hope it's

I don't think it's Sara or any other regular cast member... George is already leaving. I don't think they'll write out another original cast member...

My bet is on a recurring or guest introduced in season 1 and appearing during several seasons... My bet on Ecklie or Lindsey Willows.
Nick is probably the CSI in danger. But leaving once the case is over.
Proof that if CBS changes the press release enough they actually get the press release agreeing with the schedule page!

New Press Release for Merchants of Menace


Editor’s note: The air time for this episode has changed.

“Merchants of Menace” – The CSI team investigates a homicide at a convention for people who collect macabre murder memorabilia, on CSI: CRIME SCENE INVESTIGATION, Sunday, Jan. 25 (9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT), on the CBS Television Network.


Ted Danson (D.B. Russell)
Elisabeth Shue (Julie Finlay)
George Eads (Nick Stokes)
Jorja Fox (Sara Sidle)
Eric Szmanda (Greg Sanders)
Robert David Hall (Dr. Robbins)
David Berman (David Phillips)
Wallace Langham (David Hodges)
Elisabeth Harnois (Morgan Brody)
Jon Wellner (Henry Andrews)

Larry Mitchell (Officer Mitchell)
Skyler Stone (Alex Friel)
Mekenna Melvin (Nora Waters)
Dominic Hoffman (Roy Narvick)
Greg Evigan (Bruce Waters)
Rob Estes (Todd Spanna)
Richard Harmon (Kyle Jessup/Second Geek)
CJ Hoff (Pasty Geek)
Joseph Buttler (Random Collector #1)
Nate Shelkey (Random Collector #2)
Bobby Campo (Damon Harlow)
Rodney Eastman (Jacob Warren)
Patrick Cox (Burly Guy)
Sloane Coombs (Young Nora Waters)
Haley Hauser (Rachel Waters)
George Jonson (Lucas Reem)
Christopher Kerson (Gunnar)

WRITTEN BY: Tom Mularz

DIRECTED BY: Claudia Yarmi

Of those 5 "likely suspects," a few thoughts...

Either of the M.E.'s -- seems doubtful from a script perspective. Neither are ever much in the line of fire. Doc is rarely in the field. I know they killed off a M.E. on Miami years back, but that was utterly preposterous.

Ecklie -- as mentioned before, he's not on much. He's barely even the antagonist to DB that he was to Gil.

That would leave Sara or Greg. Sara has been on since day one; Greg not too far behind. Both are in the field a lot. My instinct would say Sara got involved--as she is wont to do--in case much too far, and finally paid the ultimate price for her empathy and desire for real justice. This is all salary and political machinations notwithstanding.

[rant] Finally, There seems to be a lot of hatred towards not only Morgan as a character, but E. Harnois in particular. I think some of y'all need to realize she is a quite talented actress. Perhaps Morgan takes some time away from the other regulars, but what do you expect? This is a 15-year-old TV franchise whose writing staff, in all honesty, seems to have run out of ideas for the other principals. It's a TV's not real. If it were, DNA tests in Miami would take 35 days, not seconds, CSIs would not go barging into NYC apartments with guns drawn, and the Las Vegas night shift would have gone home and been asleep by mid-morning. Sheesh. [/rant]
If the writers want the audience to get invested in Nick’s exit, whoever dies/is in “harms way”, if they want the other characters (or at least a few of them) reacting to both of those things, which I think they SHOULD, I don’t know how they’ll make that possible.

Between wrapping up the Gig Harbor Killer story, Nick leaving (and whatever build up there is to it), two other characters being in peril and one of them dying, Eric Roberts making an appearance and any DB and Finn drama (I’m expecting that to happen since the entire arc was DB/Finn centric), it sounds like this finale could be a rushed, cluttered mess with supposedly important moments overshadowing other supposedly important moments.

I know CSI will probably be cancelled, but there is such a thing as throwing TOO much at the fans. Right now, I think the only thing I should be grateful about is that the show is not ending in a cliffhanger. No matter what happens, I really REALLY don't want it to be Greg or Sara who dies….but unfortunately that's a possibility!! I kinda doubt it would be Doc Robbins only because he never leaves the lab, it could be Super Dave instead, but I hope not. I don't think it will be Ecklie, because the spoilers said it's a cast member, Ecklie, is still a recurring character, but we'll see.
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I think it is going to be a rushed, cluttered mess. There is only so much that can be done in so little time.

And I think, Nick, who deserves a good exit, isn't going to get one. Unless they are building up to it in the upcoming episodes, it might just be he goes home and doesn't come back. The writers never mentioned where he was when he was on leave, so why would they write him a good exit.....

I hope I am wrong though, and they do right by Nick.
I think the one who's "put in harms way" is going to be Finn. With her relationship with Shaw she's the one most tied into the episodes.

Who more could be? if not Greg?
According to this you have 5 not counting Nick.

Doc Robbins
Super Dave

If TPTB are looking to cut costs I agree with that article and it won't be Ecklie. That leaves Sara, Greg, Doc Robbins, and Super Dave.


Sorry dude, when i saw that 1 i believe, episode one 1? What the Hell?

Now with this season 1, the chances are to Ecklie, Sara and Greg, characters that in one way or another will be in the line of fire, but i really think they should kill Finn because she is more into this or at less take out D.B. In some Grissom similar style of be really burning off by the job, but not, D.B. is not human...

Russell can put his own child in danger for one stupid plan, he can put Finn the worst CSI in the world in charge of everything and can almost make kill or quit every old CSI in the lab but he can't be burn off by the job.

Instead we get Nick fly off the show by the most stupid case that doesnt make any sense to him...

By the way they are killing characters to pitch each season and make the show still alive, so if with season 14 they make that Brass movement and now in season 15 they make this movement, i want to imagine the huge next movement of the show to pitch the season 16...
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My bet is on some random character we've probably never heard of or can't remember :p

Officer Mitchell's first appearance was not in season 1, as far as I know. Henry's and Hodges' first appearances were also not in season 1. I can't think of any main character getting killed because Nick's exit will have such a huge effect on the show that making another main character leave could do more harm to the show than good.