Season 11 "Spoiler Lab" Discussion

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I guess being a Jorja/Sara fan, I am a little desensitized with regard to the who's going and who's staying drama. Been there, done that. I became a little more detached from the show after Grissom left (I would have been satisfied to see the show end there), so I don't feel near as invested in the characters. I like Wendy just fine, except for the abysmal Star Trek episode (talk about poorly written female roles), but she is not as irreplaceable as the main cast members, or even Hodges. I'm sure they will give Wedges fans some closure, and I highly doubt it will be as angsty as the GSR in season 8 or early season 9.

As far as Marg goes, I really don't like the way they have written her character since she became supervisor. As much as I would like to see Marg stay on the show, I would be happy for her if she left to do other things.

I think the only way I would be happy with a new 'direction' would be if they created a sort of geek 'Mod Squad' with Nick, Sara and Greg. :lol: If tptb are determined to keep LF, then he could be the brains behind the trio, but I could really do without him. I'd be happier if Catherine were the boss, and maybe limit her screen time IF that's what she wanted.

That said, I doubt I will like the new 'creative direction' of the show, so I am preparing myself for the worst.
WOW, so much doom and gloom, how about the optimism of CSI. We're going into S/11, who knew, I honestly thought S/10 would be it a decade. So that's a good thing. And we've got the big movie screen star Mr. Laurence Fishburne, and he agreed to sign on again...and he didn't have to. Also a good thing. He's a magnificent actor and has added class, style and elegance to CSI. But, in saying that I realize he can't run the show or lab or crimes alone:cool: So I'll go out on a limb and say that Marg, George and Eric will be back in S/11:bolian:TPTB will give them what they want, whatever it is. So, be positive, and there is a bright light at the end of this tumultuous tunnel. And I read on another fan-site where some fans are threatning to "leave". That comes across as a 2 yr-old throwing a tizzy fit cause' they can't have their own way. Do they think that CBS cares or gives a ratts a.. if some fans bail? I don't think so, if they read this they'd probably roll their eyes or laugh, Now if it came down to millions leaving that would be of dire concern. And there's the chance that whoever made the decision to let Liz go and realizing it was a error in judgement, will reconsider and woo her back, anything is possible on CSI:bolian:After all Jorja Fox came back and who thought she would?
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there's the chance that whoever made the decision to let Liz go and realizing it was a error in judgement, will reconsider and woo her back

I hope you're right. But I just worry about this so-called new creative direction. It might be a good thing, but it might not. We'll just have to wait and see I suppose. I'm not gonna get my hopes up too high though, that way it won't be as big of a let down if it isn't something good. :lol:

As for people on the other site saying they're gonna stop watching the show, they're upset right now. Some of them might calm down in a little while, of course there will be some who won't calm down. but this news came as a shock to those who are huge Wendy/Liz/Wedges fans. I was neutral on Wedges, but I liked Wendy. I'm not happy about them letting her go, but what can you do, you know? :lol: What's done is done and barring a huge petition thing with tons of signatures, I doubt it will be undone. It's sad.

I'll probably still watch inspite of Liz/Wendy being gone (as long as my favorite is still there lol), but that doesn't mean that I have to be happy about them getting rid of Liz. I'm still feeling a little burned by the whole Riley thing. This just makes a first degree burn into a second degree burn. :lol:
As for people on the other site saying they're gonna stop watching the show, they're upset right now. Some of them might calm down in a little while, of course there will be some who won't calm down. but this news came as a shock to those who are huge Wendy/Liz/Wedges fans. I was neutral on Wedges, but I liked Wendy. I'm not happy about them letting her go, but what can you do, you know? :lol: What's done is done and barring a huge petition thing with tons of signatures, I doubt it will be undone. It's sad.

That pretty much describes me at the moment. I was so angry when I first heard I decided that I was done with the show. I ship Wendy after all (though not with Hodges. Look at my avi and sig). But the more I thought about it and the more I read what others were saying, I calmed down. She really wasn't in that many of the episodes last season. I recall there being two or three eps in a row where she was absent.

I will miss her greatly and until it's explained (which I doubt) I will view it as another example of the failure to utilize strong female characters. But I'm not going to give up yet. I've decided that the only way I'll leave is if George or Eric leave. I've accepted that Marg will probably leave after s11. And I think I'll be able to survive if Paul or Robert leave. And I know I'll be fine should Wally leave (sorry, Hodges fans; i.e DJ)

I hope you're right. But I just worry about this so-called new creative direction. It might be a good thing, but it might not. We'll just have to wait and see I suppose. I'm not gonna get my hopes up too high though, that way it won't be as big of a let down if it isn't something good. :lol:

That worries me too. One poster here (I forget who) suggested that maybe tptb are just focusing more on the crimes and not the personal drama. While I wouldn't mind that, it seems to contradict what CM said a few weeks ago. She mentioned focusing more on the lives of Nick and Greg. Unless she's wrong... again...
And if they wanted a newer, younger cast...why? Eric isn't young? Liz isn't young? George acts young. And you need the older, wiser 'sages' to guide the young - Marg, Paul, Robert. It's just so infuriating with cryptic phrases like 'new creative direction'. :scream:
And I read on another fan-site where some fans are threatning to "leave". That comes across as a 2 yr-old throwing a tizzy fit cause' they can't have their own way. Do they think that CBS cares or gives a ratts a.. if some fans bail? I don't think so, if they read this they'd probably roll their eyes or laugh, Now if it came down to millions leaving that would be of dire concern.

I agree it's childish, but as I have always said to people who are complaining about Raymond or GSR. If it bothers you so much then you should stop watching the show. I hope people stay on for season 11. I think CSI is still going strong and will keep going strong until the doors of the lab close for the last time
And I read on another fan-site where some fans are threatning to "leave". That comes across as a 2 yr-old throwing a tizzy fit cause' they can't have their own way. Do they think that CBS cares or gives a ratts a.. if some fans bail? I don't think so, if they read this they'd probably roll their eyes or laugh, Now if it came down to millions leaving that would be of dire concern.

I agree it's childish, but as I have always said to people who are complaining about Raymond or GSR. If it bothers you so much then you should stop watching the show. I hope people stay on for season 11. I think CSI is still going strong and will keep going strong until the doors of the lab close for the last time

It's television. People watch because they enjoy it. If they choose to cease watching because their favorite character is gone, they are not being childish. It's every person's choice how he or she spends his or her Thursday night. And if I'd rather be sleeping or watching 30 Rock -- a show that has consistently demonstrated an admirable level of respect for female characters -- then that's my prerogative.

Do they think that CBS cares or gives a ratts a.. if some fans bail? I don't think so, if they read this they'd probably roll their eyes or laugh, Now if it came down to millions leaving that would be of dire concern.
If CSI execs laughed at that, they would be pretty awful showrunners. Fans = ad money = life of TV show = income of TPTB. And yeah, maybe not that many fans have stated that they won't watch yet because of Liz Vassey leaving, but I would think that the showrunners are intelligent enough to realize that trends like that tend to be representative -- i.e. if 500 join a Facebook group saying they'll stop watching, the number of people who actually stop watching could easily exceed 1,000.

Regardless, choosing to stop watching because a fan doesn't want to support a television show (or at least a 'creative direction') that demonstrates so little respect for women does not equal a "2 yr-old throwing a tizzy fit". Then again, back in the day, people thought women were melodramatic and ridiculous for demanding voting rights and, later, equal wages (something, I should add, that we still don't have). Expecting a little gender equality and a few more strong and not-oversexualized women who are actually competent professionals on the television doesn't seem like that ridiculous of a desire for fans to have, nor does it seem like a ridiculous cause for fans to actively espouse through such means as a casual boycott.
And I read on another fan-site where some fans are threatning to "leave". That comes across as a 2 yr-old throwing a tizzy fit cause' they can't have their own way. Do they think that CBS cares or gives a ratts a.. if some fans bail? I don't think so, if they read this they'd probably roll their eyes or laugh, Now if it came down to millions leaving that would be of dire concern.

I agree it's childish, but as I have always said to people who are complaining about Raymond or GSR. If it bothers you so much then you should stop watching the show. I hope people stay on for season 11. I think CSI is still going strong and will keep going strong until the doors of the lab close for the last time

It's television. People watch because they enjoy it. If they choose to cease watching because their favorite character is gone, they are not being childish. It's every person's choice how he or she spends his or her Thursday night. And if I'd rather be sleeping or watching 30 Rock -- a show that has consistently demonstrated an admirable level of respect for female characters -- then that's my prerogative.

Do they think that CBS cares or gives a ratts a.. if some fans bail? I don't think so, if they read this they'd probably roll their eyes or laugh, Now if it came down to millions leaving that would be of dire concern.
If CSI execs laughed at that, they would be pretty awful showrunners. Fans = ad money = life of TV show = income of TPTB. And yeah, maybe not that many fans have stated that they won't watch yet because of Liz Vassey leaving, but I would think that the showrunners are intelligent enough to realize that trends like that tend to be representative -- i.e. if 500 join a Facebook group saying they'll stop watching, the number of people who actually stop watching could easily exceed 1,000.

Regardless, choosing to stop watching because a fan doesn't want to support a television show (or at least a 'creative direction') that demonstrates so little respect for women does not equal a "2 yr-old throwing a tizzy fit". Then again, back in the day, people thought women were melodramatic and ridiculous for demanding voting rights and, later, equal wages (something, I should add, that we still don't have). Expecting a little gender equality and a few more strong and not-oversexualized women who are actually competent professionals on the television doesn't seem like that ridiculous of a desire for fans to have, nor does it seem like a ridiculous cause for fans to actively espouse through such means as a casual boycott.

Hear, hear. I don't see how not wanting to watch a show because of X reason is "throwing a fit". After all, we all have our own reasons for watching a particular show. If that reasons is not in the show anymore, then we will stop watching.
Although I can't agree about the whole women thing..I watch for Greg so it never bothered me that much there weren't strong women on the show. But I support people who would stop watching if that happened.
I don't think that the show is going to suffer that much.I love Wendy's character but her screentime isn't that big that could lead to major loss in the tv ratings.I hope she will return some day in the future.I also hope all the other actors remain on the show.
If I remember right, Don McGill worked on NCIS. That show is pretty good. So that might not be a bad thing. That could be the 'new creative direction' Carol M. has been talking about.

Does that mean we can now expect to see Catherine disciplining her crew with head slaps? Will Hodges go Goth and start getting tattoos?:lol:

Seriously, I've been thinking that the Brass-Catherine argument in "Meat Jekyll" could be used as a set-up for Brass's departure if PG does not sign. Brass was against Haskell being brought in and look what happened. Nick gets shot and Ray is stabbed. Brass could quit in protest and then get hired by a casino to run their security operation, thus providing an opening for frequent "special guest star" appearances down the road.
If I remember right, Don McGill worked on NCIS. That show is pretty good. So that might not be a bad thing. That could be the 'new creative direction' Carol M. has been talking about.

Does that mean we can now expect to see Catherine disciplining her crew with head slaps? Will Hodges go Goth and start getting tattoos?:lol:

Seriously, I've been thinking that the Brass-Catherine argument in "Meat Jekyll" could be used as a set-up for Brass's departure if PG does not sign. Brass was against Haskell being brought in and look what happened. Nick gets shot and Ray is stabbed. Brass could quit in protest and then get hired by a casino to run their security operation, thus providing an opening for frequent "special guest star" appearances down the road.

I hope you are wrong about Brass.I don't want to see him leave the show.He is the funniest detective in tv history!!:)
Expecting a little gender equality and a few more strong and not-oversexualized women who are actually competent professionals on the television doesn't seem like that ridiculous of a desire for fans to have, nor does it seem like a ridiculous cause for fans to actively espouse through such means as a casual boycott.

One of the reasons I liked the lab rats including Wendy and Mandy is that they came across as quick-thinking, intelligent women. I really enjoyed their scenes. I liked watching Mandy make Nick sing for his lab results not only because it was nice to hear George sing, but also to watch a woman have the upper hand.

So, if this show turns into an all male bastion, then I'm not sure what I'll do. Watch 30 Rock.
And I read on another fan-site where some fans are threatning to "leave". That comes across as a 2 yr-old throwing a tizzy fit cause' they can't have their own way. Do they think that CBS cares or gives a ratts a.. if some fans bail? I don't think so, if they read this they'd probably roll their eyes or laugh, Now if it came down to millions leaving that would be of dire concern.

I agree it's childish, but as I have always said to people who are complaining about Raymond or GSR. If it bothers you so much then you should stop watching the show. I hope people stay on for season 11. I think CSI is still going strong and will keep going strong until the doors of the lab close for the last time

It's television. People watch because they enjoy it. If they choose to cease watching because their favorite character is gone, they are not being childish. It's every person's choice how he or she spends his or her Thursday night. And if I'd rather be sleeping or watching 30 Rock -- a show that has consistently demonstrated an admirable level of respect for female characters -- then that's my prerogative.
Exactly. And that's as it should be. However, what I do find childish is people who make a big production number out of it. They go on and on about how, if this or that happens, they're gonna leave. And this isn't just with a TV show; it's with groups, organizations, other people, etc. Generally speaking, people who just want to leave -- those for whom a group, a friendship, a TV show, whatever, has run its course -- do so quietly, without much muss or fuss. People on the other extreme, who feel they must make multiple pronouncements about leaving "or else," often just want to be begged to come back. It's a manipulative tactic, and I admit that I find it childish. If you're gonna go, then just go.
It's television. People watch because they enjoy it. If they choose to cease watching because their favorite character is gone, they are not being childish. It's every person's choice how he or she spends his or her Thursday night.

I completely agree with you, happyharper. I don't think its fair to say someone's being childish just because they're upset that their favorite character isn't on a show anymore. To be honest, I probably would have stopped watching this show a long time ago if my favorite wasn't on there any longer. Just like I quit watching ER when Luka left. And even though I love John Stamos, I didn't start watching again when he came on because the show got to be too much like Melrose Place (the original one that is, never watched the remake) where everyone was playing musical beds. That didn't interest me. :lol:

If CSI execs laughed at that, they would be pretty awful showrunners. Fans = ad money = life of TV show = income of TPTB. And yeah, maybe not that many fans have stated that they won't watch yet because of Liz Vassey leaving, but I would think that the showrunners are intelligent enough to realize that trends like that tend to be representative -- i.e. if 500 join a Facebook group saying they'll stop watching, the number of people who actually stop watching could easily exceed 1,000.

Very true!

Regardless, choosing to stop watching because a fan doesn't want to support a television show (or at least a 'creative direction') that demonstrates so little respect for women does not equal a "2 yr-old throwing a tizzy fit". Then again, back in the day, people thought women were melodramatic and ridiculous for demanding voting rights and, later, equal wages (something, I should add, that we still don't have). Expecting a little gender equality and a few more strong and not-oversexualized women who are actually competent professionals on the television doesn't seem like that ridiculous of a desire for fans to have, nor does it seem like a ridiculous cause for fans to actively espouse through such means as a casual boycott.

I definitely agree with this. Take a look at shows like Burn Notice and In Plain Sight and even Leverage. The female characters there are strong, confident, intelligent, tough-as-nails women. They are written really well for the most part too. Some of them even rescue the guys now and then. :lol: You know, there was a reason I watched Xena and Buffy besides being a fan of some sci-fi. They were strong female characters. I'm all for girl power. :D And while Greg is my favorite thing about CSI, I also do like to see women to whom I can relate. And for the most part, I could relate to both Riley and Wendy, but sadly now both are gone. I like Cath and Sara, but don't feel I can relate to them as well because the other two are closer to my age. :lol:
Am I the only one here who will still watch CSI even if the whole cast is replaced by younger cast? :( Knowing CBS, since CSI is their longest running drama right now, maybe they want to break their own record and of NBC's for longest running drama so it's very possible a younger cast may come in the future.

I really love CSI. My favorite character is Catherine. If she will leave after next season, I will be so sad. But I will continue to watch because I love the whole concept of the show. The same is true with NY. My favorite character was written out by the writers. It is so hard to accept until now that they got rid of her because of damn budget cuts. But here I am, still a huge fan of NY and I have a new favorite character.
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Am I the only one here who will still watch CSI even if the whole cast is replaced by younger cast? :( Knowing CBS, since CSI is their longest running drama right now, maybe they want to break their own record and of NBC's for longest running drama so it's very possible a younger cast may come in the future.

I'd rather the show go out with the cast mostly intact than beat some rercord.

Sure ER and Law and Order ran for as long as they did, but the ratings just tanked in the end.

No, I won't watch it if some young cast comes in. It won't be the same without the originals.
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