Script Errors, Mistakes & Goofs

Re: CSI: Crime Scene Investigation mistake

Oooh, I have a mistake! In Nesting Dolls, the skull that Grissom collapses is upside-down... he's standing at the end of the block of tar, and when he pulls the piece of tar up, the skull that he collapses is facing him (like, its chin is pointing toward him). It should have been the chin facing away. :lol: Oh, and in Who Shot Sherlock, you can see one of the cables TPTB were using to make steam cutting right across the cooking area.
Re: CSI: Crime Scene Investigation mistake

Those kind of things are probably bound to happen. You guys were just lucky enough to catch them. I did watch And Then There Were None last night and never noticed, but I was watching for it either. Now it makes me want to watch out for that sort of stuff. I noticed some stuff like that on ER, bodies blinking or moving when they are supposed to be incapasitated.
I guess it's normal thought, could you imagine being that actor and staying still for that long?
Just a thought :D
Re: CSI: Crime Scene Investigation mistake

Yeah, i've seen many a bodies breathe while at the morgue, but I don't think i've seen any blink. I must go watch that eppy again!
Re: CSI: Crime Scene Investigation mistake

Lol, I notice that kinda stuff all the time.

Oh, and you know how Greg is Norwegian? He called his grandmother Olaf, which is a man's name..

My friend pointed that out to me the other day, lol.
Re: CSI: Crime Scene Investigation mistake

I have one..I think in the episode where Kristie(the stripper season 1) is in the morgue, and they are looking at her looks like she is swallowing or moving her throat alot. lol.
Re: CSI: Crime Scene Investigation mistake

Movements such as twitches, blinking, and breathing happen all the time. If I were a corpse I would probably burst out laughing! Sometimes though after death a corpse can still move or twitch.. At least i think they can. Read it somewhere.
Re: CSI: Crime Scene Investigation mistake

in crash and burn there is a breathing corpse....when i first discovered it i showed all my family and's always fun to find goofs...
Re: CSI: Crime Scene Investigation mistake

I'd just LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE it if TPTB inserted bloopers in the season 6 DVDs... ;) Along with commentaries of ALL the episodes... :lol: That would give us many hours of laughter! :)
Re: CSI: Crime Scene Investigation mistake

I hardly pay attention to these kinds of things, but once in a while it's kind of obvious to see a dead corpse blink, or move their eyes around under their eyelids. Kinda gives me the creeps, but I think the little kids on the morgue table are fantastic at staying still.
Re: CSI: Crime Scene Investigation mistake

In the LOTR DVDs, I love the audio commentaries. They share what bloopers they had and how many takes the scene took. I hope they do the same with CSI.

I so want to see how they mess up the big words and such. Lol....
Re: CSI: Crime Scene Investigation mistake

Lia said:
Lol, I notice that kinda stuff all the time.

Oh, and you know how Greg is Norwegian? He called his grandmother Olaf, which is a man's name..

My friend pointed that out to me the other day, lol.

Hate to have to do this but:
In S5 'Spellbound' he referred to his grandmother as Nana Olaf. So obviously Olaf is the
Last Name of his Grendparents. (not first name) :rolleyes:

My own: In the episode where the crow had an eye in it's nest (sorry name escapes me) Catherine is searching through the nest and finds a baby teething ring, she looks at it and shakes her head in amusment then sets it aside , a moment later Grissom enters and the teething ring is back in the nest!! :)
Re: CSI: Crime Scene Investigation mistake

i remember seeing that but didn't think much of it!
Maybe it's magic and flew back in (Nah, my imagination is losing it, sorry!)
Re: CSI: Crime Scene Investigation mistake

GGgirl1 said:
I'd just LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE it if TPTB inserted bloopers in the season 6 DVDs... ;) Along with commentaries of ALL the episodes... :lol: That would give us many hours of laughter! :)

Yeah i really really hope they have all that especially bloopers.
Re: CSI: Crime Scene Investigation mistake

Something I seemed to notice and haven't found on any mistake site was one in the episode 'Ellie'. After Warrick has been assigned to be the shift supervisor, Nick and Sara are at the crime scene taking photos and gathering evidence. After taking the pictures, Nick comments that he has one picture left, so he tells Sara to smile. He takes the picture of an un-enthusiastic Sara fo finish off the roll of film.

However, after Warrick arrives and they discuss his newly appointed task as shift leader, Nick, before leaving the scene takes a picture of him jokingly before walking off. If I'm correct, he only had one free photo left and he used it on Sara, meaning the camera would either not work since it was out of film, or it would expose over the first picture on the roll of film. Since I hardly think a highly-trained CSI would mess up crime scene photos like that, I think it's just a mistake on continuity.

Yeah I know that was long...sorry about that. It's been bugging me.