Sara/Greg #12 - Smiles Don't Lie.

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*hugs back* I missed you too, Dani. I missed this thread. I am currently re-reading Harry Potter 6 because I don't have the 7th yet. So... well, Sandle always brings me back. When I watched that epi, I thought that I just have to visit this thread. :D

And thanks too - for encouragement. Right now, I am kind of thinking how I'll write my fic. :)

Naz, please write a dialogue. I want some Sandle-luvin! :)

EDITED: Haha! :lol: Loved the dialogue! I love UNO too. I'd love to play UNO with Greg and maybe - lose on purpose. ;) :p Oh, Naz, I'm guessing I wasn't able to help you. I'm sorry but that's just how I do it and that's how my friend do it and she has a different verison - 7.0 but still it worked. I know you'll figure it out. Can you send me the image you'll be putting maybe I can take a look at what's wrong but I dunno how much help I'll be. :)
Pau!!!!!!!!!!! MISS YOU SOO DAMN MUCH!!!!!!!! love you loats...yes i've read the PM you've gave me..i tried it but it wont work :( ouch my brains are hurting.. :(

but i'll do anything for sandle..

yea..i miss all the flirting and hugging...i wish there flirting in the new season or maybe more :devil:

oh man...i dont know what to say when sandle will be canon..i will shout and the neighbours will definitely complain :lol:
Nazzie , you poor ! Is that headache so bad *gives Nazzie some Sandle medicine* hope you'll feel better . And I liked the dialogs . Sorry , I loved the dialogs . Yeah ... they should play often .
Pau , I'll wait patiently for the fic .
Oh, thanks Dani. I'll try my best so I won't disappoint you. :)

We ALL miss the flirting. *sigh* Can we just have the sweet Sandle scenes back in season 8?? I hope so. *crosses fingers* And maybe more than flirting? :devil:

I know you can do it, Naz. :) I have faith in you. You'll work this out. *hugs* And - I'm off to bed. :)

Nyters! Too bad, I have to go. My mom is aleady calling me to head off to bed. *sigh* God Bless and good night! :)
byeiess Pau-wee hehe miss yah!!

yes...i hope theres lots and lots of sandle scenes in season eight..or else... :( hehe well lets hope for the best for sara (which is Greg) heehee im watching a tv clip..Eric acts and dress like Elvis..haha LMAO :lol:
I just watched A walk to remember ... I think it is my favorite movie ever . I'm crying right now ... like I was in Fannysmackin .
Anyway , enough sad things . Is that a threatening , Nazzie ??? You're gonna kill the writers if they won't give us enough Sandle ?

Here's a very sad poem . Really sad ... not very Sandly , but still ...

I was a free man

The day I saw you , I have fallen in love
You were pretty and sweet , innocent like a dove
I was free and you chained me with a touch
My heart was overwhelmed , I loved you too much

I spent with you every moment of my life ,
I really wanted you to became my wife
I wished to have you with me forever
To kiss you and hold you , always together .

You said you share my feelings , you said you love me too
I was so blind , I thought your words were true .
This was just a trap , and I’ve fallen into it without even knowing
When I realized , I ran but I didn’t even know where I was going .

I gave myself to you ; all you did was toying with my heart
I loved you so , my angel , you were a piece of art
Why did you have to be so mean , so cruel ?
You really took me as an idiot , a fool

You took my freedom with a kiss
With your eyes you promised me eternal bliss
You took my hand and said those three words
The memories are hurting me like swords

I regret I didn’t realize until too late that everything was a lie
I was a free man who lost his wings and all I wanna do now is die .

See! Even they names suggest that they belong together! I wonder what Grissom (Gilbert) means – Emotionally unavailable bug lover?

Actually , Gilbert means brilliant pledge .
Wow! I love all poems and dialogs! You are all so talented!
I don’t have talent for writing (or singing :( - just ask my neighbors :D), but I discovered this poem by Rabindranath Tagore -The Gardener. It just sounded like something Greg would feel for Sara… So I just needed to share it with all Sandle Shippers!

I long to speak the deepest words I have to say to you;
but I dare not, for fear you should laugh.
That is why I laugh at myself and shatter my secret in jest.
I make light of my pain, afraid you should do so.

I long to tell you the truest words I have to say to you;
but I dare not, being afraid that you would not believe them.
That is why I disguise them in untruth, saying the contrary of what I mean.
I make my pain appear absurd, afraid that you should do so.

I long to use the most precious words I have for you;
but I dare not, fearing I should not be paid with like value.
That is why I gave you hard names and boast of my callous strength.
I hurt you, for fear you should never know any pain.

I long to sit silent by you;
but I dare not lest my heart come out at my lips.
That is why I prattle and chatter lightly and hide my heart behind words.
I rudely handle my pain, for fear you should do so.

I long to go away from your side;
but I dare not, for fear my cowardice should become known to you.
That is why I hold my head high and carelessly come into your presence.
Constant thrusts from your eyes keep my pain forever fresh.
Again emptiness on the thread *sighs* . I am so sad . Where are my hunnies ? Nazzie , Pau , Del , Kat , Car , everyone ...... no one , huh ?

Okay ... I'll wait for you . Until you come back , here is

Sandle Pic Of The Day(from Bite Me)


Love vanquishes time. To lovers, a moment can be eternity, eternity can be the tick of a clock. Across the barriers of time and the ultimate destiny, love persists, for the home of the beloved, absent or present, is always in the mind and heart. Absence does not diminish love.

Only our love hath no decay;
This, no tomorrow hath, nor yesterday,
Running it never runs from us away,
But truly keeps his first, last, everlasting day.

I just couldn't choose between those two . I like them both .
hey Sunny Dani im sorry i was away, but im practicing on my dance steps...hehe im dancing to the theme 'Retro' hehe..the song reminds me of sandle..

"You're the one that i want, you're the one that i want, hoohoohoo HONEY"

hehe thats rite...Greg is the one that Sara want all along.. :lol:

and i think i may have a dialog

Greg: *Dancing on the table*
Sara: *went in and fell down as she saw Greg dancing*
Sara: What the hell?
Greg: *Turn around and face Sara, still dancing*
Greg: Don't cha wish your boyfriend was hot like me, Don't cha wish your boyfriend was freak like me, Don't cha, Don't cha...
Greg: *Jump down from the table and dance in frot of Sara*
Sara: *In her mind* Is he on drugs?
Greg: Don't cha wish your boyfriend was raw like me, don't cha wish your boyfriend was fun like me, dont' cha, dont' cha. *stops dancing*
Sara: Erm, Greg? Are you on drugs or you've been drinking too much blue hawaiian?
Greg: Hah! Its a mistake for you not to choose me as you boyfriend Sara!!!
Sara: Greg, there's one problem..
Greg: What?
Sara: You are my boyfriend...
Greg: Opps...sorry :eek: :eek:
Hey my Nazzie is back ! I luv ya hun *hugs* you're dancing step ??? That marvelous . I dance disco and I love it .
The dialog it's more than funny :D I love it , my hun , your the best dialog writer ever !!! I'm working on a poem , is a fanfic poem . A very sad and depressing Sandle poem . About the fact nothing can wipe away the memory of love . But still , is very sad .
heh..i bet there's sumwan much more better than a depressing poem eh? i would like to read that...well maybe i could help you out or something..hehe

after all, we, the sandle family should help sumwan with :lol:
Yeah , some help would be so nice , Nazzie . Well , here's the poem , I have to work on it to improve it .
It's a little weird , I know . But I just had to write it , don't ask why . I felt the need to write sometimes , even if I write odd things like this one .

Close your eyes

She :
I want to cry but tears are not falling
I want to talk but the words are not coming
I feel so empty , so powerless , so fool .
I am alone into a world that’s cruel .

I miss you every day , I think at you every night
You left long ago and I still have your shadow in my sight
I close my eyes , and think at the good times ,
I take your photo and sleep with it sometimes .

I came as a phantom , to protect you , my love
I’ve been watching you from above .
I am the one who kisses you goodnight
The one that ask you if you’re alright

She :
I think a spirit is kissing me goodnight
But it’s nothing there when I turn on the light .

I’ll hold you in my arms , I’ll whisper in your ear
I’ll wipe away your tears , I’ll fight away your fears
We are so close , my love and yet so far away
You cannot see me , you do not hear what I say

She :
My heart is beating faster , I look at the picture in my hand
I kiss your face and remember the times we played in the sand
I’m thinking at you every moment , I imagine you’re still alive
I dream , I scream , I fight , I’m waiting for you to arrive

I want to leave , but you won’t let me go
You’re keeping me on Earth because you loved me so

She :
I still try to forget the day he left and died
They told me you’re dead and I denied .
Your memory haunts me, than live without you I’d better die
I want to die , to be with you , I cannot say goodbye

I want to be next to you , in heaven or hell
Wherever you are , I’ll find you by your smell
I want to climb up there , and you to take my hand
To kiss me tenderly and lead me to your land

Then close your eyes my lover , and let your body fall
A light will guide you and you’ll hear my call

She :
I am so tired , I want to sleep . I see something that’s bright
I hear a voice , I feel like I’m flying on the light .
I open my eyes , I’m on the grass . I smell the flowers , and see the sky
I am in some unknown place , I’m scared , I cannot cry

And then I turn my head and look at the sun .
I whisper “Greg …” and I hear “I love you hun”

He :
She’s here … next to me . She’s on the ground .
She's here - I run to her , , without making a sound

She :
I feel my feet weakening and I fall to my knees
If this is a dream , wake me up , please !

“I love you … my Sara” she reached to touch my face
Her body’s trembling with so much grace .
“I’m not a dream , I’m real !” I hug her to my chest
We lower to the ground and she grippes on my vest .

She then lifts her head and asks me loudly
“Together forever ?” I just nod , proudly .

And this is the story of a love that may not happen again ,
Because the real love hardly finds someone to chain .
First of all, welcome back Pau! *hugs you* I missed you, sweetie! I hope all of your exams went well and good luck with the one you still have left to do. I'm sure you'll do great! Eat positivity cookies before, it helps. It gives you a comfortable and secure feeling about the test, the way Greg and Sara feel when they're around each other. :D

Thanks for filling up the lack of SPOTDs, Dani! You picked lovely photos. I promise I'll post one again tomorrow!

Del and Dani, lovely poems! And no, he's not fighting for a lost cause. We have to keep believing in Sandle! "Greg hasn't given up on her yet"; Eric Szmanda said so himself. :)
oh man!! i cried when i read the poem....oh man... its great love it Sunny Dani, i cried...and my mom looked at me like i'm insane...well actually i am insane, insane for Sandle... :D

Greg: Sara! wanna have lunch together?
Sara: Nope..I am fasting
Greg: What the hell? He you! what did you do to my Sara?
Sara: Let go of my arms! I am me...Sara...
Greg: Since when you've turn into a muslim?
Sara: No, i wanna try to feel, how its like to fast
Greg: Are you sure you can take it?
Sara: Yeah!!

One hour later

Greg: Sara, Sara! *look at the break room* Ahh....i thought you're fasting?
Sara: I cant help it Greg...Now I know how tough fasting is
Greg: Wow, I wonder how will the Muslims cope without food until the sunsets...
Sara: Yeah they sure have a hell of a stomach eh?
Greg: Haha... :lol:

EDITED: Fasting moth is near!! Fasting Month is near!! I must be prepared...
I told you it was depressing ... I like to make people cry , but I don't know why . I just like to write sad / depressing things . Maybe because I am so happy and I laugh all the time . I don't know ... for me Sandle is something that lasts forever and to prove that , I choose the subject Love even in death . I am a weirdo !!! Everyone knows that . And I'm crazy too . And a Sandle shipper . The weirdest combination ever , don't you think ?
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