Ryan/Jon #17: Ryan, where have you gone?

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Everyone has brought such amazing pictures. *drools* Sorry I was gone for a bit the County Fair has comsumed me. :D

I also agree no naked Ryan, shirtless, tight clothes like Kat mentioned would all be nice, but the naked would be distracting plus what would we use for daydreaming? :devil:
Ahh daydreaming about Ryan - seems to be a favorite thing to do around here.......sigh. I hope get to see a new side of Ryan this season. How many days now??? Seems so far away.

Since photobucket is open.....

Omg i've been gone all week drowning in hw! I've missed this thread sooo much!
The best colors on Ryan are:
1. Definitley ORANGE!! - i thought for the longest time i was the only one who thought orange was his color he's so sexy and strong in that color!
2. I like him in GREEN -it brings out his eyes!
3. pinks, and blues. heck he's so hot in all colors!

I also hope that the shrinking purple shirt will appear next season! i loved that shirt! so tight! *drooling over thoughts of tight purple shirt* :)

as for naked jon i say no all we need is some shirtless pics, tight pants, shorts, and shirts will do otherwise if i saw him naked i'd NEVER be able to go on with my life lol it would be all i think about lol it's best to leave some things to the imagination! ;)

just to update you guys they are showing the season 6 promo on cbs.com in case you haven't seen it you should.

WolfeWhistle those two pic of ryan NEVER get old! everytime i see them i get all giddy and happy :)

and CSI Kat thanx for that last pic! i opened it and my breathing started getting shaky and i almost fainted lol so hot but that's what happens with every pic of jon!
OMG Why cant I recall the tight purple shirt??? I pray its b/c I havent had any caffine today!!! Ugh!!:( Help!!! Does anyone have a picture of him in this shirt???
CSI Kat posted it a few back...it might even be on the previous page. It's a very nice pic. :D

*sends brain waves to the CSI Miami stylists: more tight purple t-shirt and tight jeans!*
Hey. So, apparently Ryan Wolfe was born July 3, 1981 making him 26 years old. Just wanted to let everyone know since we were talking about how we knew nothing about him, like his brithday. :)
Love him in the tight t shirts!! *drools* it shows his sexy muscles!!!! and OMG!! Csi_Kat!! that pic you posted of Ryan is so cute!!! he looks so young and innocent!!! what season is that from?
I honestly don't know.....it was just sitting so pretty in photobucket. I really really need to organize my photobucket better!
Omg, Im so late with this! Congrats on the new thread guys, everything has been so hectic with me :D I'll catch up with everything a little later :)
loyal2wolfe said:
Really? Wow. That means he's a Rooster. Where'd you get such juicy info, Happilyhappy? :lol:

i don't know wherre Happilyhappy got that info but i found that same info on the season 6 promo.
possible spoiler but not sure
On the season 6 promo when they bring up ryans profile on the computer it shows all his info and if you go to cbs.com then you can veiw it and pause it so if you pause it right when it shows his profile you can get the info so his b-day is 7/3/1981. according to this info however it says his hair is blonde when it is clearly brown, says his eyes are brown, which i'm sure are hazel, says he weights 170 lbs, says height is 6'0" which i know is not true cuz i've gotten from tons of website and from visually seeing that he is 5'10", they also show his social security # and license #. if you would like me to give it to you let me know.
i was just looking on tv.com and the cast memebers and jons name wasn't on the list. but i thought he was in the first epsiode
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