Ryan/Jon #16:Obsessive Togoholic Disorder Support Group

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His eyes are hazle i believe, It depends of the lighting to what colour they appeat, like my eyes, the can look blue, grey or green depending on the light.
*looks below* I'd say that would explain it right?

His eyes are "hazel." They have a brown inner ring and a green outer ring, so like Guns said, it depends on what he wears. Like green is prominent when he wears green, or pink, etc. And brown with blue and grays, etc. Because of this, it's just easy to say hazel. :D

The only reason why I know this is because I have the same effect on my eyes.
hey guys!! *waves* wow! lot's of new stuff about our sexy little Jon!!! it's nice to come back to all this new info and stuff! and camp was great!!!
it's was tons of fun!!! all we did was talk about the show. it's was great!!!! and get this, the one who looked like Speed, His name was Ryan and the one who looked like Ryan ,his name was Tim!! but the creepy thing was that the one who looks like Eric, well i told you his first name was Eric too, but what i didn't tell you was that his last name is Delco. creepy huh?
Hi everyone! Wow - lots of posting again. New topics - new members. Great to see the thread busy again. If it keeps up we will have to start thinking of new thread names again soon.

Here is a nice pic to start the day with.

Ryan - who else?
hey all!! guys, im going to be seeing No Mans Land in a couple of hours(its 11pm now, i was at work earlier so i catch it at 1am), and i know i will be bawling bout it, im a bog baby what can i say lol....anyways i was soo upset when i saw th rerun of the first part of it last week anyways..welcome all new comers!!!
Great picture Kat, that will definatly make our days better :)

Wolfe_Angel, Enjoy the eppy!

And Sorry Life_stlye, I don't know if he is signed on for anymore seasons, I sure hope so though ;)
Wow, as katbug said, we have some movement back again! Welcome (or welcome back) to everyone that popped in, it's great to see you all ;)

Thank you for the pictures, they are lovely!

As for the poll, I voted but I messed up a little bit, because I didn't notice we could choose 2 in some :p

About his eyes, I don't really care about knowing the colour, I just know that they're gorgeous :p Seriously, "hazel" suits him very very well. I kind of have that too, between brown and green...

I don't know about the contract either, but I really hope that he has it signed...
Thanks for that Katrina, He such a cutie with his hair like that. It kind of makes me feel like he is having a mid-life crisis but thats silly because he's only (almost) 30. :lol:
-Loving your icon by the way Kat

I can't really tell what color his eyes are at times, they're green, they're brown... drives me crazy sometimes because sometimes I am just staring at his eyes in some episodes trying to figure it out. ( Is it just me and did I say some times a lot of times :lol:)

My eyes don't really change color unless you count from dark blue to light blue. They have some yellow in them though which is really unusual :lol: I think Im a cat ;)
nice pic Kat!!! and that's the same jacket he wore in No Man's Land/ Man Down. i just watched Man Down last night and i noticed that. my eyes are exactly like Jon's. they look different colors depending on what i wear.
Shane posted a spoiler about Ryan and his job in the spoiler thread. He said Horatio calls Ryan about a job, and Ryan thinks it's going to be back at CSI but it's not at the lab yet... Bah. Just give him his job back already! Jeese.
Haha at first I didn't like Ryan's spikey hair. I was like wtf is that? But it's not too bad. It's sorta cute. Reminds me of Greg Sanders' hair. :D
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