Ryan/Jon #16:Obsessive Togoholic Disorder Support Group

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katbug said:
Thanks Twiz! I have been having fun! :D For some reason I think he has at least 1 sister....don't know why.....maybe because he seems closer to the girls then the guys at work.....might be able to relate them better because he grew up with girls. I also think he worked hard and put himself through school - w/o his parents help. Again - just theories. Maybe that is why he got hooked on gambling....liked the money that he never had before.....

I agree, I felt that he has an older sister, because of the neice with an ipod, (ipods are good for kids atleast 12) and a younger sister. He has the older brother protectivenss mentality, and he also has the middle sibling mentality, which could also be what explains his OCD, and the need to always be perfect, the need to show he is good enough.

Also Twiz, he got his BS in chemistry while in Boston, then when he went to Miami, he started going to night school to get his Masters in genetics. Also, I loved everything you wrote in your long post. Long long post, but beatiful. I agree.
you guys know the sweater vests he has to wear for his character, well he hates them. according to the CSI: Miami/CBS wiki site under Jon's profile in his trivia section. it say he hates the sweater vest he sometimes has to wear.
So, talking about Ryan's sibling's made me remember about a conversation I had with someone a couple of months ago, (you know who you are.)

"So we know he has an older sister (the neice with the ipod, Im saying is about 13) but he has the personality of a older brother/middle sibling. So I think he has a younger sister as well (because he's always overly protective) and with the scene in nml (no man's land) I think he might have had a chiidhood tragedy involving a younger sibling.

That might also be a reason why he became a cop. Perhaps his sister was murdered and they never found the killer, and he made a promise to himself that while he couldn't get her back, he'd do his damnest not to let another family go through what his did. And his parents, who had big plans for him, weren't pleased when he became a cop, instead of a doctor, or true to heart scientists,and that's why he doesn't talk to them, or why they weren't mentioned in nailed."

ETA: I wrote this really late, so my spelling is off, and I was typing fast, so yeah. I'm too lazy to fix my spellings. :lol:
Wow you guys have really good theories! And the sweater vests looked cute in him! And they also showed his muscles!:devil: Happilyhappy that may be a reason why he told that kid in 'No Man's Land' that people don't go to jail for accidents. Maybe he had a younger brother that then killed someone from his family and they weren't sentenced to a lot of jail time. I dunno I had a busy day so my mind is off right now. :rolleyes:
I thought about that too. All we can do for now is speculate, and hope we find out more information soon. Soon, please?
yeah I thought the way he got so upset about that kid killing his brother was showing something there. OMG maybe Ryan accidently shot and killed his brother when he was a kid...and maybe that's why he froze in that one EP..ya know we never got an explanation to that.Also why he takes such good care of his gun. COuld exlain a lot like why he's not close to his family..that would tear a family a part.
It was Driven, and yeah. That's an awesome theory Twiz! I can see that as a reason to why he froze.

They can use all of this information that they left for us in these episodes, (driven, no man's land, the gambling, etc) and form a very good explanation as to why he is the way he is. Especially with the anger and OCD.
AH Driven..thanks for that info..I can't remember ep names for crap. Oh yeah the anger problem would come in to that too, forgot about that. Man the TPTB could really come up with some awesome story line for him but will they???? probably not knowing them. The gambling thing is just so bad..I dont get it at all. I dont like that story line at all and I wish they hadn't gone that way..
No they should like just do a show about CSI: Miami all the writers explaining about the characters lives or something. I dunno it came to my head all of a sudden :p
CSI: Miami, a closer look. that's waht they could call it!!! oh and Ryan likes Calamari, or squid. in Dead Air he asked Natalia if she liked it and he seem excited when she said she did so i assumed he liked it.
OMG maybe Ryan accidently shot and killed his brother when he was a kid...and maybe that's why he froze in that one EP..ya know we never got an explanation to that.Also why he takes such good care of his gun. COuld exlain a lot like why he's not close to his family..that would tear a family a part.

Whoa, what if your theory came true, Twiz?! It makes a lot of sense. Sooner or later, they will have to come up with some Ryan storyline. I'm sure they'll do that for every character. But lets not raise our expectations too high. :D

Hmmm, does Ryan most probably have a brother or sister?
Wow, you all have such good theories. Any of them could be the one for Ryan. Truth is, as long as there's a background/personal storyline for Ryan, I'm happy :) And the rest doesn't matter. Ok, it actually does, because they could come up with a new storyline even worse than the ones they're bringing until now (gambling...).
TPTB, if you don't know what to do with Ryan, come over here, read some cool theories made with love for Ryan, get your inspiration, and write a good storyline for Ryan, with good chances for Jon to show is acting skills :p I know they don't need it, they can come up with lots of storylines, it was just to make sure the fans would be happy with it, as they would know what we expect the background to be :p
A nice backstory would be nice.....but I doubt that would be the case.......with as little info as we have - I bet he would have had a troubled childhood. I don't think abuse....but just not having to much money, maybe a lot of fighting.....that kind of thing.
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