Right and Wrong Couples of CSI: LV

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I'm curious of everyone elses' opinions on who's a good couple and who's not a good couple on our favorite show.
My Opinion:
Grissom/Sara - probably best couple on the show
Nick/Sara - alright but they have more of a brother/sister relationship
Greg/Sara - cute, but greg's like a little brother to her.
Catherine/Warrick - great
Grissom/Lady Heather - no. never. grissom is better with sara, not heather.
Grissom/Sofia - don't even get me started, no.
And I hate the idea of any gay couples on the show. It's stupid, and will never happen.

Just an opinion. Anyone care to share their opinions??
My opinion of the couples

1. Grissom and Sara- they are wrong for each other, All Sara have is crush, that all it is.
2. Nick and Sara- They best chemistry, they don't act like brother and sister. They flirt so much all through the season.
3. Greg and Sara- They are too much like brother and sister. Greg has a crush on her but Sara don't, she care about him since fifth season.
4. Grissom and Catherine- they belong together. Catherine know Grissom so well, Sara don't.
5. Grissom and Lady Heather- I'm not sure with this one. I don't them as a couple.
6. Grissom and Sofia- You like you say, jordan, Don't get me started on this one. I don't like Sofia.
7. Nick and Sofia- Same thing number 6, I don't think Nick and Sofia have chemistry. Nick don't look interested in her. He alway felt comfortable with Sara.
8. I don't slash either.

That's my opinion.
your opinions are good, and i could possibly partly agree with all of them except catherine and grissom being together.
i agree, they do know each other very well, but it's a strong friendship. if something happened between them that made them more then friends and then they split, it could ruin everything.

and as far as grissom and sara go, i think that they're good.
nick and sara would make a good couple to.
sara=lady pimp haha
This is probably going to get lobbed over to Shipper's Central and then locked, unfortunately.

Which sucks, because I really, REALLY wish that somewhere on Talk people could openly discuss pairings without worrying about treading on other people and being disrespectful.

On that subject, I was thinking about setting up a place, probably at MSn Groups, where opposing shippers could come and really discuss why they like theirs and don't like others and just talk to each other without it feeling like a war, but without the fake courtesy and so on.
Jordan: You might want to review the rules on banners, as hollie said.. Banners are supposed to be 220x70, I believe, and no bigger. Also, as Sarahvma said, this topic should probably be moved to "Shipper Central." Though, there already is a thread over there for couples you dislike the most, and there are also numerous threads for whatever ship you support.... so come on over!
whoa! cath and werrick? i donno.. it could happen, i guess. NO OFFENCE! its just my thought of opinion!
i also think that Griss and Cath... no, just no! their to much... into work, it could ruin EVERYTHING if anyone found out... EVERYTHING!
But nick and sara... shya! I mean, nick is scencitive, sara has gone through a tough life, and her even trying to get together with gill was a bad a idea, he is just to devoded to work to even remember her birthday! But nick is just that type of guy, protective and scencitive. (how the hell do you spell that?)
O ya, and Greg/Sara, sure... it was cute while it lasted, but gregs is just not mature enough for her, he could probaly take care of himslef, and someother girl, but sara's just to much for him... well thats what i think.
i also dont think that cath belongs to anyone, she just doesnt fit with anyone.

well you asked!
-Grissom/Sara - I can´t see any chemistry. And Grissom treats Sara badly. The boss/subordinate combined with the emotional power-imbalance also makes it destructive and puts the whole lab at risk.

-Nick/Sara - Great chemistry, perfect match with complementing personalities (also opposites attract).They have true friendship and they are a support to each other. Unfortunately TPTB seem against it.

-Greg/Sara - I shipped these two S5 but Eric app. gave up on this storyline by S6.

-Catherine/Warrick - No. Boss/subord could never work. See Gris/Sara.

-Grissom/Sofia - No opinion. Don´t like Sofia though.
Grissom & Sara: BEST couple. Undeniable chemistry :cool:

Grissom & Catherine: could have worked :rolleyes:

Grissom & Sofia: I think she's always been more attracted to him than he was to her :p

Grissom & Lady H: Soulmates. Don't know if their relationship would have lasted though. She's a little out there with her whip and leather boots, not Grissom's style -I think 'cause we don't know what really happened between them after all ;)

Catherine & Warrick: belong together :D

Sara & Nick: chemistry, but I don't think Nick sees her as a potential gf -ditto for Sara. More like a brother/sister relationship.

Sara & Greg: :lol: Poor Greggo. Sara has always had eyes for one man, and we all know who it is ;)
I am sending this to Shipper Central, I am not going to lock it as it does ask a good question, but this will be a decision I will leave up to the mods over there. :)
Grissom/Sara - There is no way anyone can deny the chemistry between these two. "Pin me down"? How can you deny that? Best couple by far.
Nick/Sara - I see a chemistry here; but it does not seem to be a romantic one. They are good friends.
Greg/Sara - Greg had a crush and that was about it.
Grissom/Lady Heather - I think it's a very good idea. But you can't live forever with a good idea. She is too strong for him.
Brass and Lady Heather - I can see it.
Grissom/Sofia - Sofia does not exist in my CSI world.
Catherine and Warrick - They should be together forever!

And the only slash I like is Greg/Nick. I think they would be incredibly cute together!
FoxRox said:
-Grissom/Sara - I can´t see any chemistry. And Grissom treats Sara badly. The boss/subordinate combined with the emotional power-imbalance also makes it destructive and puts the whole lab at risk.

-Nick/Sara - Great chemistry, perfect match with complementing personalities (also opposites attract).They have true friendship and they are a support to each other. Unfortunately TPTB seem against it.

-Greg/Sara - I shipped these two S5 but Eric app. gave up on this storyline by S6.

-Catherine/Warrick - No. Boss/subord could never work. See Gris/Sara.

-Grissom/Sofia - No opinion. Don´t like Sofia though.

In responce to what you said about Grissom treating Sara badly: I agree, he treats her wrong. But you can tell that he's in love with her, he's just not a people-person. He's obviously terrible with people but, believe it or not, he has feelings for her and they would make a great couple. Also, I think that it's quote possible that Grissom understands her, and she's one of the very few people who are very close to completly understanding him. That along with the fact that they are in love with each other explains why they would be a great couple.
In responce to your Nick/Sara comment: I agree. I think that Nick and Sara would make a nice couple. But I'm also still holding to my opinion in saying that their relationship is more brother/sister. Like you said, they're a support to each other and I think that is why they are better off being close friends with a strong brother/sister bond.

GrissomFREAK said:
Grissom & Sara: BEST couple. Undeniable chemistry :cool:

Grissom & Catherine: could have worked :rolleyes:

Grissom & Sofia: I think she's always been more attracted to him than he was to her :p

Grissom & Lady H: Soulmates. Don't know if their relationship would have lasted though. She's a little out there with her whip and leather boots, not Grissom's style -I think 'cause we don't know what really happened between them after all ;)

Catherine & Warrick: belong together :D

Sara & Nick: chemistry, but I don't think Nick sees her as a potential gf -ditto for Sara. More like a brother/sister relationship.

Sara & Greg: :lol: Poor Greggo. Sara has always had eyes for one man, and we all know who it is ;)

Going in order:
-Grissom and Sara are the best, I totally agree.
-It could haveworked between them, but not likely.
-Definatly. And now Sofia is gunna be soooo jealous of Sara. Haha.
-I don't think they're soulmates for a milisecond. Haha, but I'll admit that there is a little chemistry there. Not enough to be soulmates or to make a great couple though. Ugh, and I hate Lady Heather.
-They do, it's so obvious. They're cute to. ;)
-My thoughts on the relationship exactly.
-Yes, poor Greggy. More for me and my fellow Greg lovers though ^___^ [hehe]
SnowAngel58 said:
Grissom/Sara - There is no way anyone can deny the chemistry between these two. "Pin me down"? How can you deny that? Best couple by far.
Nick/Sara - I see a chemistry here; but it does not seem to be a romantic one. They are good friends.
Greg/Sara - Greg had a crush and that was about it.
Grissom/Lady Heather - I think it's a very good idea. But you can't live forever with a good idea. She is too strong for him.
Brass and Lady Heather - I can see it.
Grissom/Sofia - Sofia does not exist in my CSI world.
Catherine and Warrick - They should be together forever!

And the only slash I like is Greg/Nick. I think they would be incredibly cute together!

If you meant being cute together as in "In the same picture or screencap together not in a relationship simply because they're both hot/cute" then I'd agree.
But as a couple???? Please no. If Greg was like that I think I might die. :(
But thankfully, he's not ^_________^
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