Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY.

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Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

It's Valentine's Day, and Danny walks into the Lab with a box of heart shaped chocolate's, and a little envelope.

Linds: Awww...Danny you shouldn't have". :rolleyes:

Danny: I didn't, these aren't yours, this card is yours". ;)

Linds: "Oh.... opens the card and sees, a membership for the "Whiner's of the Month club "What the hell is this Danny"? :confused:

Danny: It's a membership, where once a month, you can go and whine, to a therapist, about how you can't do this, or can't handle that, this way, our team doesn't have to listen to you whine anymore" ;)

*walks away*

What I wouldn't give to see that!!! That would be the best ever!!! So funny, it's priceless!!!
Darn it, why can't this actually happen lol!!! :lol:
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

It's Valentine's Day, and Danny walks into the Lab with a box of heart shaped chocolate's, and a little envelope.

Linds: Awww...Danny you shouldn't have". :rolleyes:

Danny: I didn't, these aren't yours, this card is yours". ;)

Linds: "Oh.... opens the card and sees, a membership for the "Whiner's of the Month club "What the hell is this Danny"? :confused:

Danny: It's a membership, where once a month, you can go and whine, to a therapist, about how you can't do this, or can't handle that, this way, our team doesn't have to listen to you whine anymore" ;)

*walks away*

What I wouldn't give to see that!!! That would be the best ever!!! So funny, it's priceless!!!
Darn it, why can't this actually happen lol!!! :lol:

YES! :D I think we also all know who those chocolates were really for..:devil:
:lol: Loving all the quotes, guys! I'm awful at these things, could only think of one.

I'm not coming into work today. I need a day off.

I'm sorry. I tried. :alienblush:
Mac: Adam?! You slept with Adam? What happened? Wasn't Flack available?
Stella: You mean you'd rather I'd slept with Flack.
Mac: No. I'd rather you didn't sleep with either of them. But if it had to be one of them instead of me, why couldn't it have been Flack?
Stella: Blame the writers.
Mac: Well, you and the writers have got the Smack fans buzzing like angry bees.
Stella: Sorry.
Mac: Tell it to the judge. Stella Bonasera, you're under arrest.
Stella: What?!?!?! You can't be serious, Mac.
Mac: I am serious. You're under arrest for solicitation, contributing to the delinquency of a minor...
Stella: Adam is an adult!!!
Mac: ...and statutory rape of a minor.
Stella: I just told you, Adam is an adult.
Mac: You have the right to remain silent. Use it.
Stella: UH!!!

You wanna know something? This is better than throwing bricks at the tv. I feel much better now.
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Mac: Adam?! You slept with Adam? What happened? Wasn't Flack available?
Stella: You mean you'd rather I'd slept with Flack.
Mac: No. I'd rather you didn't sleep with either of them. But if it had to be one other of them than me, why couldn't it have been Flack?
Stella: Blame the writers.
Mac: Well, you and the writers have got the Smack fans buzzing like angry bees.
Stella: Sorry.
Mac: Tell it to the judge. Stella Bonasera, you're under arrest.
Stella: What?!?!?! You can't be serious, Mac.
Mac: I am serious. You're under arrest for solicitation, contributing to the delinquency of a minor...
Stella: Adam is an adult!!!
Mac: ...and statutory rape of a minor.
Stella: I just told you, Adam is an adult.
Mac: You have the right to remain silent. Use it.
Stella: UH!!!

:guffaw::guffaw::guffaw::guffaw::guffaw::guffaw::guffaw::guffaw::guffaw::guffaw::guffaw::guffaw::guffaw: Oh My Goodness!:guffaw::guffaw::guffaw::guffaw::guffaw::guffaw: This is the first time i can see the comical side of this:guffaw:

Yeah, better a good laugh than a brick!
Stella: Hey Danny! Now that you're in a Wheelchair, you look EVEN MORE like Logan Cale from Dark Angel than ever!

Danny: Too bad my wife doesn't look like Jessica Alba!

Lindsay: (From across the hall) I heard that, buster!!!

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Mac: Hey, Ironsides. Take Ed, Mark, and Eve, and go check out a body in Central Park.

---=== OR ===---

Mac: Danny, you would do anything just to sit around all day.
Stella: Hey Danny! Now that you're in a Wheelchair, you look EVEN MORE like Logan Cale from Dark Angel than ever!

Danny: Too bad my wife doesn't look like Jessica Alba!

Lindsay: (From across the hall) I heard that, buster!!!

:guffaw: Brilliant!
Haylen: In order to stop all the competitiveness with Adam, I went to bed with him!

Stella: Did you notice how... "Adam Jr." tended to..."

Haylen: Lean sideways to the right!


Stella: But that did help it hit the *spot* though!

Haylen: Speak for yourself, I'm left-handed!

(Adam walks by)

Adam: Ladies.....


Adam: What?!??!!
LOL awesome! XD

Adam: *starts singing and dancing* Wake up in the morning feeling like P Diddy
Put my glasses on, I’m out the door - I’m gonna hit this city
Before I leave, brush my teeth with a bottle of Jack
Cause when I leave for the night, I ain’t coming back

Danny and Flack enters the room

Danny: DAMN! I love this song! *joins in singing*

Flack: YAY! *joins too*

Adam, Danny & Flack: Don’t stop, make it pop
DJ, blow my speakers up
Tonight, I’mma fight
‘Til we see the sunlight
Tick tock, on the clock
But the party don’t stop no
Woah-oh oh oh
Woah-oh oh oh
*Wild dancing*

Stella: PARTEEEEEEEEY! :hugegrin::hugegrin: *joins them*

A while later, the whole lab is singing and dancing, and then Mac walks in.

Mac: What. The. :confused:

Adam: Oh, hi Mac! Wanna join?

Mac: Oh, why not? *starts moonwalking*

Was that good enough? XD
BTW the song is Tik Tok by Ke$ha :]
The team are gathered in Mac's office.
Mac: 'So, who do we think did it, Suspect A, or Suspect B?'
Danny: 'My gut tells me it's Suspect A. Suspect B just seems like such a good guy to me.'
Mac: 'Flack....'
Flack: 'I know, I'll go and arrest Suspect B right now!'


Mac is interrogating a suspect.
Mac: I know you did it.
Suspect (grinning cockily): You have no evidence. You can't prove anything.'
Mac: 'I don't need any evidence. Danny Messer says he thinks you're innocent.'
Suspect (smile disappears, he goes pale, his eyes widen, he starts to sweat): 'Ok, ok, I confess, I did it, I did it! I'm not going to fight Messer's terrible intuition!'

and a special one for any Mac/Flack slash fans.

Ella (to Flack): 'Excuse me, do you know where Mac Taylor is?'
Flack: 'Why do you want him?'
Ella: 'I want to tell him I love him!'
Flack (pissy) : 'Hands off, b*tch, Mac's ass belongs to me, and I don't share'

and for Mac/Flack slash fans (and Friends fans)

Mac: Happy birthday, Flack'
*points to rather large present, which Flack tears open*
Flack (really excited): 'Oh wow, a scooter!'
Danny (to Lindsay, sulkily): I wanna scooter! Why'd'ya get me this stupid book!'
Flack and Danny start riding Flack's new scooter up and down the lab corridors, while Mac and Lindsay roll there eyes at each other.
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:guffaw: hilarious!

A bit long, but I thought I should post it anyways:

Hawkes had been kidnapped, but he managed to get away from them, and he ran and ran and ran. Finally he arrived at the crimelab, where he met up with Stella.

Stella: What happened to you?
Hawkes: They almost took me...
Stella: Then it is as bad as we thought. MAC! BLOCK THE EXITS!
Mac: Yes, ma'am! *runs off*
Danny approached them, he wondered if it was happening. With unhappy faces, Stella and Hawkes nodded. Danny sighed.
Danny: I should go and get Flack and Adam. We'll be in the morgue.
Stella: Good idea. Hurry, before they come. Hawkes, get your gun.

Mac had just blocked all the exits. He stood with his gun in his hand, ready to shoot. Suddenly, someone came towards him, and he pulled the trigger.
Mac: Phew. One down.

Danny walked towards Adam, and told him it was time to go. Adam immediately laid down the test results and ran alongside Danny. They were in the precinct in no time.

Adam: Flack! We have to move!
Flack: Just one second...
Then all of a sudden, the doors flew open, and three people with guns stood there. Flack, Danny and Adam ducked, and wasn't hit by them.
Danny: GO GO GO!

Lindsay sat on the breakroom couch, when Sid suddenly entered the room.
Sid: Hey, it's just me!
Lindsay: Thank God.
Sid: Can I hide in here? I don't wanna be in the middle of all the shooting.
Lindsay: Sure. But I think I gotta go now, I have to help fight the evil.
Sid: Good luck, and tell the others to don't get themselves killed, okay? It's a dangerous game.
Lindsay nodded, and tip-toed out of the breakroom.

Danny, Adam and Flack had gotten themselves into the morgue, and now they were sitting behind a autopsy table. It was silent down there. No one was around either.
Adam: Where is everybody?
Flack: They have probably evacuated.
Danny: Do you guys think we will...
Flack: Shh...
A young woman walked in with a gun in her hands. Flack got up and shot her. One in the chest and one in the shoulder.

Stella and Hawkes walked around in the crimelab looking for Angell. Suddenly, they heard footsteps. Stella got ready to shoot, but it was just Lindsay.
Hawkes: Hey. You seen Angell?
Lindsay: Nope. I was just looking for her.
Stella: Think she has been shot?
Lindsay: I don't know. We could go ask Sid, but it's very risky.
Hawkes: Okay. Let's look for Angell. It's better to go three together than alone. Remember, no speaking.
Stella: Got it.

Mac went up the stairs, looking for Stella and Hawkes, but instead he found Angell.
Mac: Hey. Have you taken out many of them?
Angell: Three. You?
Mac: I took out one down by one of the exits.
Angell: Then it's... what, at least three of them left?
Mac: Yeah.
Angell: Well, let's go get them then.

Stella, Hawkes and Lindsay went down the stairs, and soon they met Mac and Angell.
Lindsay: Hey, did you guys take down anyone?
Mac: Angell have taken three, and I have taken one. And you?
Hawkes: None so far.
Angell: I think I heard someone.
Stella: Quick, in here.
They walked in to a small room filled with buckets and such things.
Mac: Lindsay, do you want to?
Lindsay: Sure.
Lindsay sneaked out of the room, and shot both of them.
Lindsay: I got them!
Angell: One left, right?
Mac: Yes.
Stella: Wait a second, let's go check on Flack, Adam and Danny. Maybe they killed someone.
They walked down to the morgue, and found them sitting there behind a autopsy table.
Angell: Hey guys.
Adam: Oh, hi.
Mac: You killed anyone?
Flack: I took one.
Stella: Nice.

Three hours later

Can Mac Taylors team please come here?
I do now give them all a medal for their heroic actions today!
Please give them a applause!

"Wow. I really love the annual NYPD paintball contest." Mac thought proudly.

^ I'd like to see that one happen. :]
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