Question about Danny's brother Louie


Lab Technician
Did Louie ever come out of his coma from "Run Silent, Run Deep" (season 2)? Did we ever find out what happened to him?
Carmine says he's alive, and Peter Lenkov (writer, exec. producer of the show) said that at some point down the road Louie's fate will be addressed!
Sure! Louie's stroyline is far from being closed! I'm looking forward the day we can see him again on the screen.



"I'm glad you stayed"
The fact that Louie keeps coming up in threads and questions should send a message to the writers that we really want to see him back! More than any other storyline/recurring character, I see people posting wondering/wanting to know about what happened to Louie. To me that says a lot, and I hope at some point, when the strike is over, we'll get that storyline.
Thanks for all the replies. The reason why I asked is that I wrote a fanfic a while back where Louie is still in a coma and is murdered (sorry) by someone in the Tanglewood gang, and was thinking of adapting it into a screenplay for a contest. But I think I'll hold off on that for a while since I have another screenplay set to go and from what Top41 says it may be resolved at some point. Thanks again!
There was a very brief mention of him in Raising Shane, but nothing about how he's doing. Presumably he's alive if Shane knew about him.
I suppose he doesn't have to alive for Shane to know about him but Shane did obviousley do some digging around about Danny and Hawkes- So who knows what he knew!
Point taken - he must've done a LOT of digging to find out about Sheldon's habits, clothes etc.

Maybe the writers deliberately kept it vague so they could leave it open for the time being?
Carmine said Louie is alive in a recent interview with CSI Files, and Peter Lenkov (one of the Exec Producers of the show) said that there's more story there in an interview he did with the site as well. You can read both here. I imagine we'll be seeing Louie again! I hope it's sooner rather than later.
^ Sadly, with the strike going on I guess Louie's going to be confined to whatever limbo they put him in for who knows how long. I hope the writers won't forget about him when all this is over... :rolleyes:
Louie's been forgotten about for so long, what's a little longer? :lol: ;)

I bet the writers are a little surprised we still remember him, but then, I think they know how popular Danny is...