Paul/Brass: I Got a Coupon #2

Re: Paul/Brass #2

I have read a lot of criticism about what Brass did - but I think he did the right thing by protecting Ray and I stand behind his actions (yes I know I'm in the extreme minority there -- maybe I even stand alone on that point).

Minority, maybe but alone, no. I don't know that I can say he did the right thing but I do think he did what he thought he had to do at the moment and that doesn't make me think any less of him. Brass is older than the rest of the CSIs (except DB). He's been doing the job a whole lot longer and I imagine he's seen a whole lot of bad in his lifetime. He's a very jaded cop so to him, getting someone like Haskell off the streets is a win, no matter how it comes about. And he wasn't about to let Ray go down for something like that. If it has been a different criminal, someone without Haskell's history, maybe Brass wouldn't have covered for Ray. But it was Haskell and to Brass, Haskell would have to come up several notches to even be considered scum.

He was pretty upset when he thought Warrick had gone bad.

What always seems to get brushed aside is Brass' guilt over Warrick's death. He said that he thought Warrick was guilty and felt that he didn't do anything to help him so if we can believe that continuity came into play (I swear I read something from CM about guilt over Warrick's death coming into play with the team's actions), this time around he wasn't going to do "nothing". I think he quickly assessed the situation and acted on his first instinct and to him, it wasn't about "protecting a murderer (Ray)"; it was about making sure Ray didn't go down for the death of a really sadistic murderer.

Do I think Brass is a bad cop? Not at all. Hiding cuffs to protect a team member doesn't equate to being a cop on the take or using his badge to get favors. He did what he thought he had to do and I can't fault him for that.

You know, in truth, what Brass did, didn't really shock me all that much because I started noticing changes in his character around the middle of season 10. He's not the same sarcastic, witty Captain that I've come to love. He's got a harder edge now and so I guess that's why I wasn't all that shocked by what he did with the cuffs.

This probably had more to do with whatever was ailing PG at the time than it did with Brass changing. And PG didn't get over whatever that was until sometime in S11. But at the same time, Brass and Ray didn't have the same rapport that Brass and Grissom had, Catherine acted like she'd never met him before (of if she did, they were at odds with each other), and he had little to no contact with the team like he had in the past so honestly, I don't think the writers knew what to do with the character. I think being around DB, someone older and more like Grissom, will bring back Brass' wit and sarcasm. Already we saw glimpses of it if the first episode so I'm optimistic it'll be back. :)
Re: Paul/Brass #2

He was sick for a while? I never realized. Interesting.

*still wants a crossover to see him match wits with Don Flack, the other master of snark and talk to Mac Marine to Marine*
Re: Paul/Brass #2

I just noticed that Paul/Brass doesn't have a cool title for his thread. We can fix that. Any suggestions? :)
Re: Paul/Brass #2

Good idea :)

Captain of Sarcasm

Captain of Quotes- Brass does get some of the best quotes imo
Re: Paul/Brass #2

How about, "I got a coupon." :lol: Probably my most favorite line of his. :lol:

Re: Paul/Brass #2

That's a good one :), I'm trying to come up with some quotes but I haven't liked any of them yet
Re: Paul/Brass #2

I really like "I got a coupon" especially since he was walking around holding out his badge like that in 73 Seconds. Second choice would be "Just a phone booth away from changing into my tights and saving the world" but that might be too long.
Re: Paul/Brass #2

There's another line I like. "What's the magic word?" "Warrent" We could use" The magic word is "Warrent" lol
Re: Paul/Brass #2

No more suggestions? Well, since a few people...including one of the big Brass fans :) ...liked the coupon one, we'll go with it for now. :)
They really do need to bring Ellie back, even if it's just as a dead body. At least then we'd have some sort of closure with her. It really sucks that she left the hospital in Way to Go and has never been seen since but it kind of gives me hope that Gavin Harris said they might bring her in.

On a different note, it was great to get more Brass backstory but in a previous episode he mentions that his brother and his uncle were cops. Guess they just decided now that his dad was also a cop.
You can certainly see how Brass has evolved from the two parter Assume Nothing and All For Our Country where the court clerk took the law into his own hands after seeing so many of the bad guys walks.
While he hasn't gone as far to pull the trigger, we have seen tonight and in a few other episodes where we see him more and more on the side of the cops who take the law into their own hands like the clerk did and less on the side of the system that says we can't do that.
In AFOC Brass is interrogating a suspect. In Crime after Crime Brass is talking candidly with DB. These are two different circumstances. If Vega had lived and Brass was interrogating him I'm sure Vega would say something like come on Jim, if you were me, you know you'd do the same thing and Brass might reply that no he wouldn’t have because he knows the difference between having those thoughts and acting on them.

Found a couple of nice reviews that specifically mention Brass\Paul in Crime After Crime:

From the Rochester City Newspaper

Always sad to see a recurring character die, but even more important was the effect it had on Brass (Paul Guilfoyle. Brass has bent the rules here and there over the years, and we've seen him struggle when the system failed him before. But this week raised some good questions that there aren't easy answers to: What can/should cops or investigators do if they know they have the killer but the legal system, or a skittish DA, won't prosecute? Richardson, and Vega, took matters into their own hands, and while I'm not advocating it, it is wearing on Brass to see criminals escape due to the nitty-gritty of the political and legal landscape. And this time it came with the additional weight of losing a fellow officer.

From Daemon's TV

So, who was his able-boded accomplice? There were really only three possibilities if you go on the writing theory that the murderer must be introduced in the first or second act: Vega, Vartann or Brass. For a second, I was honestly worried about Brass. I realize now that it was foreshadowing, but Paul Guilfoyle is a good actor, maybe too good, and for a second I had my doubts. At the end of the day, though, Brass will come down on the right side of the law. The day he doesn’t is the day I stop watching. And Vartann was too obvious; he’s always been a touch on the morally ambiguous side.