Pac Story: Magic Under New York Bridge

Okay, so I'm going back a wee bit here, got some catching up to do.

Hmm well, I'd have no problems playing ball in the snow with Flack and Danny. Poor Danny. Thought he was the ball player too. Never saw it coming? Ouch.

And Lisa, sneaking out to play with boys already? Wow. You've got a great rapport between the kids going, that's fer sure. And a wee bit of poetry too, uh... "I know that look and it reeks of deceit??" Jools has a career once the writer's strike is over anyways :lol: :lol: Unless she goes all Trump on us, minus the hair of course, and decides to go into real estate. "Damn I love this game," :lol: :lol:

"Damn," (if I say so myself that is) but Sam's a creepy little bugger ain't he. And Macster's winking? Takes after his dad, gonna be irresistable and a world of trouble.

Loved the MacFreddy chappie; actually thought the image of Peyton saying "Jeez, Mac..." was pretty freakin' amusing too... :lol:

And the latest one now. Wow but eight year olds holding hands and discussing careers and marriage, lawdy lawdy :lol: and Jools wanting to dwell in her sister's head to poke around is just too funny.

A great story there LMH ;)

And a happy new year to yas all. :D
Hmm well, I'd have no problems playing ball in the snow with Flack and Danny.
I don't think any of us would :p :lol:

Thanks for all the wonderful FB guy's, it's great to have such loyal readers. :)

Great to have you back "El Snarko", giant tackling hugs. :)
When Andrew and Lisa returned to the house, Mac asked them if they would like homemade pizza's.

"Anyone up to making Pizza"? "Oh, yes daddy, can we, that would be awesome". "Well then, come on, I have everything ready". As the kids headed into the kitchen, the phone rang. "I'll get it dad"....hello". "Hey MJ...where is your dad"? "Hold on Uncle, it's Danny". "Thanks son....what is it Danny"? "We need you at the lab, their is a female victim we picked up, and she's been asking for you". "What was she picked up for"? "DUI, three times the level". Sighing deep, Mac knew it was Tina's mom.

"Listen guy's...I have to go, but I promise to be back before their cooked". "Okay dad, stay safe"? "I will sweetheart, don't worry", as he kissed his daughter's and left. "Lisa....where is your dad going"? "He got a call from Uncle Danno, he was needed at the station". "Thanks love, so smell's yummy, even your brother or sister thinks so, look at her/him ripple". Laying her head on her mom's tummy, Jools said....she's going to be a strong one, most likely like our Lisa".

Caressing her Jools hair, she said..."I don't know about that love, you did enough kicking back then, I swore you were trying to plow your way out". Giggling she said..."how bout Macster, was always kicking"? "No, your brother was very quiet, until he decided he was going to come out quietly, while your dad, and I, were driving to the Hospital, your brother decided to find his own way to be born, which was in your dad's car".

"Wow...this is so cool mom, so we all gave you some kind of fits"? "Some more than other's Lisa". "MOM!! come on now, I wasn't that bad"? " you weren't, you were constantly hungry, and liked to scream, even when your supper was infront of you". *Ding Dong*. "I'll get it mom", said Macster as he opened the door". "What do you want Sam"? "I need to see your sister". Looking Sam straight in the eyes, he said..."NO!!!!! slamming the door in his face.


"Who was it Macster"? "Wrong address mom, no worries, now let's get those pizza's finished.
Poor Tina. Hope Mac straightens her mother out for once and for all. Mac and Peyton got themselves a little football team, and one hell of a goally (MJ). Now I wouldn't have mind to see Sam's face when MJ slammed the door on him. *Wrong adress mom* :lol: :lol: :lol: I nearly p**d myself here.
The following morning Peyton had trouble waking the kids for school. "Mac, Lisa, Jools, let's go, you are going to be late". "Aaah....come on mom, five minutes". "No more minute's you guy's are going to miss the bus". Dragging themselves out of bed, Lisa dressed in her black jeans, white tank top, with black jean jacket. " know you can't wear that to school, where's your uniform"? "I have it Jools, don't worry, I'll change at school".

When they got downstairs, Mac seen both his children dressed in their uniforms. "Where is Lisa"? "She's coming dad". Walking into the kitchen Lisa grabbed an apple, as her parents stared at her. "What!!". "Where is your uniform Lisa"? "Calm down dad, it's in my bag, I'll change when I get to school". "Listen Lisa, if I get one more call from your principle, I'm going to ship you to Military School".

"Don't worry dad, and beside's, I don't understand why we have to wear them anyways, it's not private school". "You all wear the same uniforms to keep the peace in schools, because if you all dress alike, there is no....I look better than you look, or those pants are gay, or your shirt is ugly". "Fine...I'll go change". "That's my girl". Heading up the stairs, Mac could hear Lisa say...."sometimes I wish I was nineteen". "Even if you were, I'd still make you wear one", yelled her dad.

When the kids got to school, they met up with Tina and Andrew. "Hey guy's, what's up"? "Not alot Andrew, are you ready for another two and a half month's of school, before our March break"? Before Lisa could answer, Sam walked up, leaned towards Lisa's ear and whispered...."hey beautiful". "Fuck you Sam, get off me". "I'm not on you let Lisa, but I can be". Turning around Lisa brought up her knee, and kicked him right in the nuts. " bloody little bitch". "Leave now Sam, before you get worse".

"Lisa Taylor! yelled the teacher, office now". "Oh Lisa, what's dad going say, he warned you". "I know Jools, don't worry, I'll be fine, just go to class, okay". "Okay...I'll take your books for you". Watching Lisa leave, Jools called her dad. "Taylor". "Daddy, it's Jools, Lisa's been taking to the office". Silence could be heard , "why love"? "You know that Sam Freedmount"? "Yes, I know of his family, what about him"? "He came up to lisa, behind her, and whispered she was beautiful, and Lisa told him to get off her, he said...I'm not on you, but I can be, and Lisa kicked him in the private's".

"Isn't this the boy, that has been after Lisa for month's"? 'he is daddy, but now Lisa is in the office, being repremanded". "Okay love, I'll be right there, you get to class". "Okay daddy, love you". "I love you to Jools".

Wow, how do you make a nineteen year old were what you want :lol: :lol: That'll be the day.
Poor Lies, but the troops are on their way, No worries here. Time Mac took care of that little Sam-brat. :devil:
^^^ Ehrm.... in this story I'm looking at Mac in antoher way. Is that a good thing or... is my hard drive running overtime *considering the small age difference?* He could pass off as my big brother :confused: :confused: :confused: :lol: :lol: :lol:
When Mac arrived at the school, he went right to the office, where he seen Lisa. "Not a word sweetheart, where's the principal"? "In the office with Sam". "Did you tell him what happened"? "I did dad, but now he's hearing Sam's side". Mac knew damn well he had a fight on his hands, as Sam came from money, and his dad, was a well known citizen.

Coming out of the office, Sam was smiling. "Det. Taylor, how are you sir, nice to see you again". "Sam...get to class", yelled his dad. "Detective", Peter said, as he left the office. "Det.Taylor, come in please". Taking Lisa by the hand, they walked into the office. "It seems we have a problem, I've got two stories, and no solution".

"Now you listen to me, that boy has been nothing but trouble, ever since he was old enough to walk". "Det.Taylor, I know this, I know all about Peter, his son's, and their criminal activities". "Then why haven't you done anything"? "Why hven't you". Mac knew the principal was right, for Peter covered his track's well. "So what's your solution"? "I think it would be best, to have Lisa transfered to another school".

"Excuse me...I think not, now you listen to me, if you can't contain Sam, then suspend him, but like hell, will my daughter be removed from this school, and if you can't handle your job as principal, then quit, and get someone in here that can, Lisa, back to class, and as for you, grow a set of balls". Storming out, Mac headed back to the office, to find everything he could on Peter Freedmont.

When school ended, Jools and Lisa headed home, while Macster headed over to Andrew's house. "Lisa...what did daddy say"? "I don't know Jools, he told me to go back too class, while he went into the office". "Was he mad at you"? "No...I think he was more angry at the situation". "Hey...little bitch", shouted Sam. "Just keep walking Lisa, ignore him". As they kept walking, Sam kept yelling rude remarks to Lisa. "Lisa, Jools...called Uncle Danny, get in".

"No...we can walk Uncle Danny". "I said get in, your dad knew Sam would start, so he asked me to pick you both up". Sighing, Lisa and Jools hopped into the car. When they pulled up at the house, Lisa kissed Uncle Danny and said..."we could have walked you know"? "I know...but what kind of Uncle would I be, if I let you"? "Bye Uncle Danny, said Jools, as she kissed him too.

When they entered the house, they heard the cries. "Lisa...Jools, is that you, help me, the baby is coming". Running into the living room, they seen their mom in full labour. " 911, and than daddy". Sitting on the floor, Jools, checked under her mom's skirt, and seen the baby's crown. "Okay mom, he/she isn't going to wait". Grabbing the clean blanket from the couch, Jools, placed it under her mom, telling her to huff, but not push.

"Jools, I need too, I can't take the pain, he wants out". As Lisa sat down beside them, she held her mom's hand. "It's okay mom, Jools will help you". Looking at her sister, with the look that said..."what, are you nuts". "Jools, you've read almost every medical book there is, you are going to have too help mom". With a deep breath, Jools told her mom...."bare down mom, now". As Peyton bared down, Lisa could hear the siren in the distance.

Running to the door, Lisa seen her dad pull up, infront of the Ambulance, and as they all entered the house, they heard the cries...."waaa...waaa..waaa". When they got into the living room, Mac seen Jools holding thier new baby. "It's a boy daddy, it's a boy", cried Jools. Bending down, Mac asked Peyton how she was feeling...."how are you love"? "Okay...tired but okay, your daughter is going to make a wonderful doctor". Taking the baby from Jools, Mac said..."welcome to the world, Gordon Kyle Taylor".

That's made me really happy after reading the 'Macalleigh' fic :) Those twins are just too good... I would have freaked out at that age :lol:
Nat, you're freaking out at that age? I'm ehr freaking out right now. I just took back my two little brats back to their mom, and now I'm reliving a very familiair scene (esp. with nr. 2). Linda, this is getting creepy, are you somehow entering my head? :devil: BTW, welcome to the Taylor Clan Gordon. :lol: