"One To Go" Discussion *SPOILERS*

I am totally happy with the episode and the way it ended. Once I saw it was Costa Rica I was sure it would be Sara there but was relieved anyway to see that was the case. Those (and there does seem to be a lot of you) who are not happy with Grissom and Sara together, well, at least they are gone now and you will not have to put up with anyone mentioning them again after the posts for this episode - at least until they show up sometime next year! After nine years of them together I cannot imagine how they could not have them together. And I do not seeGrissom as some puppy dog. Costa Rica has enough bugs to keep him happy for some time, Sara or no Sara.

The episode overall was really good too. I am not sure they could have done an episode with Grissom leaving that pleased everyone but at least I felt they tried to do that. I hope CSI can survive without Grissom but I really don't know if that is possible. It has been a wonderful ride,though, whatever happens. You don't often get a show of the calibre of CSI that goesnine years. My hat off to all the actors.
**shrinks in here*** geez, all the negativity regarding GSR makes me afraid to speak,
*Shrinks along with you.*:shifty:
No one, and I repeat no one should feel that they can not come in here and discuss this episode and what happened in it, that won't be tolerated. Now stop shrinking in and walk in normally.

BTW alot of people are mentioning screen times, just because [insert character name] had a short scene compared to [insert character name] doesn't mean anything, in some respects its not the screen time that matters its what is said, how it is said, expressions, and the feeling that you get watching it. Would a long scene with so and so have been better or out of character? Would it have given more or taken away? Its how its conveyed that counts imo, there maybe times when a longer screen time is required but it is dependent upon the character and the situations. ;)
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And as fellow Love fans would add inc. me since I am one, cue Nicky to walk in at that moment.:thumbsup:

I don't what this has to do with the episode since it is only an imagined relationship that isn't real?

I forgot to mention that I like Catherine winking at Grissom at the end. Thought that was fitting.

I think the scenes with Hodges and Grissom were too much too. I mean Nick and Greg deserved more than what they got.

As for the torture scenes, they were pretty tame compared to what I've seen.

I thought it was a good episode, but the end was not needed. However, at least we know for sure whether he went to Sara or not and we don't have to argue about it.
I was not at all surprised by what Grissom decided to do after he left - in fact, ever since mid-2008, I *knew* this had to be coming sooner or later. Last year, it was announced that both Jorja/Sara and William/Grissom would be making occasional guest appearances after their departures. This made me think seriously about this issue, and here's what I figured:

Although both Grissom and Sara had occasional relationships with other characters, none of those other relationships were as strong as the one between themselves. As such, I reasoned that if either character wanted to be written out completely (a la Warrick), that would be a different story, but since both characters agreed to make occasional guest appearances in the future, it wouldn't make sense for them to be separated forever.
And as fellow Love fans would add inc. me since I am one, cue Nicky to walk in at that moment.:thumbsup:

I don't what this has to do with the episode since it is only an imagined relationship that isn't real?

I was wondering that myself, all I saw was Nick walking in to show some evidence.:confused: What kind of ship moment was that?

The only ship moment I saw was at the end with Grissom and Sara, the only relationship that ever became canon on the show.
It's over.
Right? Their gone now, for good?

Oh God, I hope so! I have a feeling they'll pop up everywhere though for the sole purpose of making millions of viewers lose their stomach contents. It's a dead horse they never seem to finish beating. I doubt we will be let off the hook.

And as far as continuity, last time we saw Sara she made it clear she was happy, without him. Better off, actually. Things ending was for the best. So in true CSI stupidity, it makes complete sense for Grissom to find her in the middle of the jungle in Costa Rica so they can make out. :rolleyes:
And as far as continuity, last time we saw Sara she made it clear she was happy, without him. Better off, actually. Things ending was for the best. So in true CSI stupidity, it makes complete sense for Grissom to find her in the middle of the jungle in Costa Rica so they can make out. :rolleyes:
OK, you'll never count me in the camp of folks who favored a relationship between Grissom and Sara. But I think you're missing some points that the writers have made. It was just a few episodes ago that Catherine talked to Grissom about having a family in Vegas . . . or, at least, a work family, and Grissom replied to her that maybe it was time to up the ante. I thought it was clear then that he was going to make some choices about making "family" mean more in his life than just his work family.

I also think that Sara letting Grissom know that she was OK freed him, but not in the way that most people thought. It signaled to him that a relationship between them was not about need (Sara's, specifically), but it could now be on more of an equal footing because of the work she'd done to resolve things for herself and her feelings about him. So I think it actually made sense for him to return to her.

People are complaining that the Grissom we see now isn't the same Grissom we knew at the outset. Of course not. No one is static in life (or, at least, no one with a healthy mental/emotional outlook). And Grissom has made some significant choices to be a different person. We've seen evidence of that throughout the series. And, the truth of it is that he has aged. They all have. Eight years somehow seems like a whole lot more. I can understand the complaints about the writers supposedly not getting the characters, and to some extent I agree with that. But I also think that the changes we see are not entirely without foundation. If I think about it, some of it makes sense just based on the life experiences people have had . . . and time.

Anyway, onward and upward. Like it or not, Grissom is gone. Part of me is very sad about that, because it's the end of an era. William Petersen was the entire reason I started watching "CSI" . . . and he was the main reason I kept watching. For me, Petersen is a big part of what made "CSI" special and set it apart from the rest of the pack even after forensic science became the latest fad on TV (thanks to "CSI"). Yet a part of me felt that, as Grissom said, the time was right for him to go. And maybe it is possible for me to enjoy the series without him. Time will tell.
I also wish there wasn't so much negativity. It does make it hard to discuss the ep or harder than it would be normally. I don't think it ended badly at all. Everyone's got a right to like it or not like it though.

I agree that the half and half split really is the problem, they can't make both sides happy. Whatever direction they go will make some people mad.

I just wonder where all the pro-GSR people are, why they aren't posting too...it'd make for a lot more balance if they did.

At least they did try to appease both sides, giving us pro-GSRs our happy ending and making sure the anti-GSRs don't have to sit through it anymore.

I do agree the torture scenes were disturbing. POTTR did that to me too, made me want them to quit.
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I thought it was a wonderful exit for Grissom. The whole point of this arc is that Grissom is not the same person he was 8 or 9 years ago. But he is still a scientist, an entomologist, and now has discovered a better life outside of the darkness of CSI.
A perfect ending (actually a beginning) for Grissom and Sara; no dialogue needed, it took the usual less-then-a-minute of screen time, and, thankfully, was not ambiguous. Jorja was awesome, and I always have liked the nerdy, goofy-hat Grissom, so I was glad to see him go out like that.
Loved the walk out the lab and seeing everyone working; Catherine's wink was a nice touch. I thought everyone had a good amount of screen time with Grissom in these last 2 episodes. Many touching goodbye scenes (super Dave was my favorite), and one beautiful hello scene!

Nicely done, Mr. Petersen. You will be missed.
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Great exit for Grissom, the whole continunity of the show the creepy serial killer, they should put him in a cell with Natalie and they could compare stories The lines from Nick and Greg, and the ending, we all knew this would be the way it should be, and I so admire, honor and love Billy Petersen for continuing this great romance, he never wavered or faltered, on this ending, he always said this was the way it would end, him and Sara.. and one fan said they might eat their words. well get out your knife and fork, cause they
are together forever:thumbsup: sad that Billy is gone, but the ending was fantastic~And Jorja Fox once again wasn't listed in the credits, but there she was! And Billy Petersen and Jorja Fox are returning later, probably in S/10 as a married couple~This episode showed true love and the forever comitment that this couple had , and he left because he was sick and tired like she was, and all he wanted is to be with her, how beautiful~how perfect~thanks' TPTB and Billy and Jorja! nice exit!
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Reading through this thread, I get the impression that several people must've been watching this episode with stop watches. I mean does it really matter how long Grissom's scenes with Nick, Greg, and Hodges were? I suppose one might've been longer, but such thoughts never even crossed my mind. All three of them were still good scenes. Isn't that all that really matters?
Here's my summary –
- Part 2 was much better than part 1. Part 1 was very slow at times and the focus of the seminar got very boring for me. I even liked the serial killer stuff in Part 2.
- I’m anxious to see how Ray fits in with the rest of the team now as he’s only primarily worked with Grissom so far.
- I could use a little bit more Riley now. I’m really missing that second female presence on the show. Having both WP and LF on the screen together brings a very strong male presence. Almost too much testosterone there.
- The old serial killer (Haskell) was creepy in a way that I thought was great. I didn’t really like the younger kid as a killer. He wasn’t as creepy.
- As for Hodges – please let them keep quirky, funny Hodges as I don’t like him snarky (as he was when he began on the show)
- Nice little Grissom moments with Nick & Greg.
- It’s great to see more of the little ‘Catherine as supervisor’ moments – like where she offered to Nick that he could go home as he was exhausted.
- I would liked to have seen a small flashback of Grissom & Warrick as Grissom was holding the funeral pamphlet. At least one of those famous Warrick Brown smiles.
- And what’s with the reorganization of the administration? Ecklie as Undersheriff? I was really starting to like him as Assistant Lab Director. As I said previously, I sure hope he’s around more (and not always grumpy now!). He & Catherine have had some great scenes throughout the years. (I still think he has a ‘thing’ for her! LOL)
- As usual, Brass gets some great one-liners.
- It seems Greg’s becoming the A/V guy in what used to be Warrick’s area of expertise.

my full review can be found here
- It seems Greg’s becoming the A/V guy in what used to be Warrick’s area of expertise.

Isn't that Archie's job? Please don't make him redundant......

Anyway, for what it's worth, I enjoyed this episode. I have an extremely short attention span, and 35 minutes went by before I checked how long to go (must be some sort of record for me!!).

I'm glad to see Ecklie get promoted, I like his character. I also thought the scene with Hodges and Grissom was great, Hodges behaves like such a petulant spoilt child - love it! And so nice to see Henry back.

I'm not surprised at how they ended it, but it could have been a lot worse!! I liked that there wasn't any cake in the break room though.
Well, I suppose since the complete wreckage they've done of Grissom's character the past couple of years, I shouldn't be surprised at an ending that really ruined it.

IMHO, they should have ended it with Grissom going out of the lab - that would have made everyone happy and wouldn't have turned what could have been an excellent moment into a movie cliche.

Gil pausing, staring at Catherine, her catching his eye and winking at him - perfect. Subtle and no PDA, just what Grissom is like.

BTW, that scene - totally can see other storylines coming from that in the future.
This episode was absolutely awful. I was let down, extremely let down. No offense and I don't want to make enemies on my first post but I honestly don't like Sara and Gil being with her. He told her to leave, I don't understand it! Sad...upset.