Nick/Sara - -#22- - Sara's Nick's; You Can't Deny It!!

Re: Nick/Sara - -#22- - Sara's Nick's; You Can't Deny It

I finally seen dead doll and poor Nick was so heartbroken. and it was him who found her while Grissom was on a wrong trail. that must mean something. unless it was yet another attempt of TPTB to apiece Snickers fans and give to GSR fas what hey want

and Emily I really really really hope you are right. beacuse it would make a lot of sense and would only be fair after all this years. not only to us but to them too
Re: Nick/Sara - -#22- - Sara's Nick's; You Can't Deny It

I think if we take in all of the things that have happened in the GSR relationship, like the bee sting, Lady Heather, the leaving on a sabbatical (I assume Sara didn't know for very long before he left, and she certainly wasn't happy), the fact that he rarely called, Grissom turning her down and saying in Butterflied that she wasn't worth it (that's certainly something that would give me a complex!), and his being on the wrong track - all of these things to me scream that they aren't right for one another. And it's not because I'm Snickers . . .

Nick knew, just by following his heart, what needed to be done to find her. He stayed at Natalie's, he allowed his emotions to guide him. His outburst when he kicked the cot/cough/whatever, how his eyes scanned the wall and picked up on something that was out of place. He knew to go with Sofia because something was telling him to. He *found* her. THAT is the connection. They have this bond between them. It's undeniable, and no matter what, unbreakable.
Re: Nick/Sara - -#22- - Sara's Nick's; You Can't Deny It

i couldn't have said it better myself meg. snickers is the only right answer. i dont see how people aren't seeing it!! it's crazy.

i was reading something again and i think there might be another possibility for the 'last character scene.' grissom evidently gets a letter from sara (since sara saw grissom's letter) and he reads. i'm thinking THAT might also be the ending character. grissom's heart getting broken by a letter from sara of how she needs her space. lol:p! and also from the CBS promo, it made me SO mad that grissom's like 'i'm worried about you.' he's trying to make her stay when it's clear that she just needs to leave. warrick tells sara that he's not worried about her. she's strong and he knows she can make it through everything. but grissom, once again, is treating her like his child. i can't wait to see what nick says. he knows what she's going through she his probably gonna be the most understanding. but, ofcourse... his heart is going to breaking with every step she takes away from him!

i love it in dead doll, when nick comes out of his flashback and looks over at the pictures drawn of sara. he tries to stay strong and possitive but almost completely breaks down. nick was the only one to show REAL and TRUE emotions.


i really hope something happens with snickers. sandles had their time. when greg had a crush on sara. but i definatly think that greg has gotten of her.

greg and sara are gonna have a fight in the locker room. i think it's mostly because greg doesnt want her to leave and he probabbly thinks it's stupid why she's leaving. but, i think then after greg and sara's argument... sara will probably go to nick for comfort and nick's definatly going to be understand becasue he went through the same thing. ONE good thing about sara leaving: you dont have the feeling of 'wanting to kill youself' from all the stupid GSR scenes!

i can't wait till sara comes back!:) snickers is gonna happen! :D
Re: Nick/Sara - -#22- - Sara's Nick's; You Can't Deny It

Wow... the spoiler about... well the thing in the locker room. That makes me more than a little bit sad, but I guess it has to happen. I hope it does make room for Nick to make everything better.

I was thinking about it the other day... and they really have ruined my beautiful, perfect, wonderful show with all this crap.

Oh well.
Re: Nick/Sara - -#22- - Sara's Nick's; You Can't Deny It

Yeah, the romance, if it could even be called that, has taken over too much. Yes, I would've loved to have seen Snickers. And lots of it, but not at the expense of the show, or the fans enjoyment. This is just ridiculous. It's too soap opera like. If I want soaps, I'll watch Daytime TV (Which I do, but CSI is NOT a soap).

I'm glad that Warrick is supportive of her. Nice observation that Warrick is sure she'll be fine.

I'm not crazy about the idea of a fight with Greg - but I have to think about the say that goes something like if you can't be mad and take it out on those that mean the most to you, who can you take it out on? Most people bottle it up and only let loose on the people that they know will forgive them and come to understand why - even if it didn't make much sense at the time.

Truthfully, I'd like to see a fight between Nick and Sara. Not because he's trying to get her to stay if she honestly needs to leave, but because she needs to loose it. She needs to let it out. And Nick understands that. And then he sort of looses his temper about being kept in the dark about Grissom . . . and throughout the show, they'd be remorseful and always trying to apologize and then something would come up, and they'd promise to talk later, and then at the end of the episode, they'd officially patch things up, say that they love one another, kiss-kiss, and then she leaves, tearing up as she drives down the strip because she realizes how much she loves Nick and how blind she really was being with Grissom . . . .

OK, I'm going to leave my Snickers world, so I can head to Hell, aka WORK! *Groans*
Re: Nick/Sara - -#22- - Sara's Nick's; You Can't Deny It

yeah, i was kinda hoping it'd be nick and sara get into a fight. but this fight with sara and greg.. it's not gonna be pretty. sara's loosing it and greg's gonna be really sad. sara was kinda his supervisor when he became a CSI so i guess it's gonna be hard on him too. i just really hope we get SOME kind of snickers moment out of it. imagin if they didn't even make nick say a real goodbye. UUUGHH!! WOW I'D BE PISSED!! nick was one of the only people that just excepted sara when she came. no questions asked, he befriended her.

but i'm glad sara's leaving. it'll make less drama and hopefully move csi back to the way it was before. and then when grissom leaves, sara comes BACK:) and works with nick CONTINUOUSLY. ofcourse all the GSR fans will be mad but then.. THEY CAN HAVE THE FEELING WE'VE HAD OVER THESE LAST FEW SEASONS!! THEY CAN SUCK IT UP AND WE CAN USE ALL THEIR LITTLE 'grissom and sara are together, stop complaining' SAYING THEY TRY AND USE ON US. but.. instead it'll be 'HAHA!! nick and sara are togther! what do you have now!!'

ugh, ican't wait for that. GSR is annoying the crap out of me right now.

*cools down* ok.. moving back to happy snickers talk:)

i honeslty think we'll have some more snickers moment. nick's gonna be in the spot light this season and hopefully when a crazy case pops back up, he'll have another adorable flashback of sara:)

ee... so cute:)
Re: Nick/Sara - -#22- - Sara's Nick's; You Can't Deny It

At least after this episode the GSR stuff can't be nearly as bad anymore, so that'll be good.

It kind of feels like they are replacing the role that Nick had in Sara's life with Greg. He is obviously her best friend in this season, and it's great for both of them. But what about Nick? I mean... has he become chopped liver?
Re: Nick/Sara - -#22- - Sara's Nick's; You Can't Deny It

Hi I didn't abandon the couse!

i'm here and I have been watching...

I'll say more later when I watch the next episode :)

and I'm still a Snickers no matter what!
Re: Nick/Sara - -#22- - Sara's Nick's; You Can't Deny It

good to hear from you nsf2!

i know what you mean llk. at first i didn't mind the little sandles scenes but HAVE THEY COMPLETY FORGETTEN THAT NICK SAVED SARA? do we HAVE to shove it down their throats? i thought they made the episode, so the OBVISOULY know what's going on. NICK SAVED SARA. NICK LOVES SARA. NICK AND SARA HAVE TO GET TOGETHER!!

i dont think i can make it clearer.

sara's gonna figure out who she really loves when she comes back and sees that nick's still there, hoping for her love:) lol!!

i hope that greg and sara's fight isn't about sandles and stuff. like, i hope greg isn't fighting and arguing for sara to stay because he loves her. no, that's not right. greg is over sara!! but nick... nick's falling for her which is COMPLETELY adorable:) lol!!

well, i'm glad that they (nick and sara) are working together in the next episode. i dont think sara's gonna be completely there so nick (as sara did to nick when he wasn't focused on the case) can bring her down and HOPEFULY talk to her and HOPEFULLY say that one line that we've been dieing for him to say, 'it wasn't your day either'.

keep the faith you guys!!

oh, and llk, i made you your wallpaper BUT i'm not on the right computer right now. i saved it on another computer. so, as soon as i go on next time... i'll have it for you!:)
Re: Nick/Sara - -#22- - Sara's Nick's; You Can't Deny It

Oooh, that'd be awesome if Nick supported her like she did for him in Gum Drops. *sighs* That would be so amazing. I just keep hoping that since they work the case that we'll get more than one scene with them. I remember the episode in Season 6, I think it was called "Up in Smoke" or something - and we only got the teaser scene with them together. Otherwise, Sara seemed to be at the house, printing the chimney or whatever, and Nick was at the lab . . . I was so irritated. How can two CSIs that are leading a case only have one scene together?? It didn't seem right, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that that doesn't happen again in this episode . . .
Re: Nick/Sara - -#22- - Sara's Nick's; You Can't Deny It

But wait, are we sure Nick and Sara are working the case? From the promos it didn't seem like it (but then again the promos are more like fanvids lately :rolleyes:). I'm hoping we at least get SOMETHING. At this point I would settle for a concerned glance or a touch on the arm, I know we can't expect her to totally break down and him to be there. Writers suck.

LLK, I totally agree, they are kind of replacing the Sara/Nick friendship with Sara/Greg. That's sad for me not only because the Snickers relationship was special, but so was Sandles. They were sweet in different ways. Sandles was more cutesy, make you laugh, tease each other kind of stuff; Snickers was all about them being so in sync with each other that they knew the second something was wrong or one of them needed something. They were both great relationships, there was no reason to pick one or the other.

I guess I'll have to go back to my old DVDs and remenisce after Thursday. :rolleyes:
Re: Nick/Sara - -#22- - Sara's Nick's; You Can't Deny It

well, the thing about that episode was that it crossed over with catherine and warrick's case. didn't it? a girl got raped in that house i think. so, the people leading it (nick and sara) only got one scene together BUT the episode turned more over to catherine and warrick's case.

i liked that episode. really good. amazing storyline. no snickers scenes... but also no gsr scenes:) lol. always a possitive.

and yeah, i'd LOVE for that to happen to. i really want nick to say to sara 'it wasn't your day either'. i think nick NEEDS to say that line.

i can't wait to see hannah again. she got under sara's skin, i know that doesnt sound like someone you want to see again, but her character was intersting. nick and sara BETTEr work really close together is episode!!:)


i will remember you... will you remember me....

^^yes yes, i got that song off the promo. it's so sad:( i dont want sara to leave! but, i guess it's good. breaks gsr up and then when she comes back she can be free for nick:)
Re: Nick/Sara - -#22- - Sara's Nick's; You Can't Deny It

nicksarafan2 said:
Hi I didn't abandon the couse!

i'm here and I have been watching...

I'll say more later when I watch the next episode :)

and I'm still a Snickers no matter what!

i'm with you.
and i saw the promo over youtube just before i came here i love the bit with warrick(i like the friendship they had) and the rest is kinda a blur. and i wish there will be a nick and sara momment. i'm seen sara and nick argue but they always make up and i think i rather see nick being supportive of sara. i really cant wait for season 8 to be shown here. and i'm also hoping if sara comes back nick will be the first person she talks to.
Re: Nick/Sara - -#22- - Sara's Nick's; You Can't Deny It

Yes, Up in Smoke did become a Cath/Warrick episode, but Nick and Sara were still investigating the original case of how a body ended up in the chimney (ended up being the raped/murdered girls father who knew something had happened to her in that house). So, yeah . . . it was good episode.

I think the episode will have Snickers. Maybe I'm deluding myself, but maybe the reason why they didn't have a Snickers scene in the promo is because it's so powerful . . .

Quick ETA -- you probably already know this, but Jorja is apparently guest hosting tomorrow on The View! :)