Name the Tune


Hello I am just in the middle of watching CSI: NY season 2 episode 6 'YoungBlood'

and 10 minutes 30 seconds in, is a song which I want to know the name of.

Anyone care to help?
Hello! In another site i found 4 songs played in that episode. I think they are in order

An Honest Mistake by The Bravery.
Mission Le Peuple de L'Herbe feat. JC001.
I Disappear by The Faint.
Paranoiattack by The Faint.

Hope this helps :)
they do really like the faint on csi:ny, i can think of at least 3 times they've been used :lol: not that that's a bad thing, they're pretty good :)

there's one song i'm still stuck on though - i asked in the csi music question thread but no one answered :( and i can't make out the lyric well enough to google it (believe me i've tried!). argh.