move on and stop the torture


Lab Technician
Hi, everyone. I'm new here. I wrote this short SMACK story .
Please read and comment. Thank you all.

“Mac. You got a minute?” Stella asked outside Mac’s office.
“Sure. Come on in.”
“I need you to sign this form for me.” Stella handed Mac a piece of paper while sitting down on one of the guest’s chairs.
“What’s this?” Mac asked and took the form. “You want a week’s leave.”
“Yeah. A friend invited me to visit L.A. next week. It’s my first time off in 4 years.”
“Yeah, I’m sorry about that. You go ahead and enjoy your holidays, then.” Mac sighed and signed the form.
“Thank you, Mac.” Stella took back the form and started to get up when Flack came in.
“Hey, Mac, Stell. Am I interrupting?” Flack asked.
“No, No. I’m leaving.” Stella said.
Eyeing Stella left, Flack started, “So, she’s leaving.”
“Yeah, for L.A. next week.” Mac sighed and leaned back on his chair.
“You didn’t ask why she need a vacation all a sudden and you just let her go?” Flack raised his voice a bit.
“It’s her first vacation in 4 years. What’s wrong with that?” Mac was puzzled.
“Vacation? She didn’t tell you, did she?”
“Tell me what? Damn it, Flack. You just came in and asked me a bunch of questions that I don’t understand. What’s happening?’ Mac lost his patience.
“You know about Luke Davidson, the most famous P.I. in New York?” Flack asked.
“What about him?” Mac demanded.
“He’s setting up an office in L.A. He wants the most efficient person to run it and he’s approaching Stella. You understand what I mean now? Apparently, she’s going to L.A. to check out the prospect of starting a new life there. She’s leaving New York for good and she didn’t mention it. ” Flack shook his head.
“No way she will do that. You know how much she loves the city and the job. It’s just a vacation. You’re over reacting, Flack.” Mac argued.
“Yeah...Yeah. And how much do you know she loves you? How much you two are in love?” Flack moved forward and asked the questions in a whisper.
“Excuse me? What are you talking about?” Mac was caught off guarded.
“You’re always pretending, Mac. You keep telling yourself she’s a good friend, a partner. You just do not dare to make a move. You’re afraid to ruin your friendship and partnership with her. Let me ask you this ‘How did you so sure it would work out with Clair except she’s not working with you?’” Flack sighed and stood up. “I don’t know how long a woman can wait but I think Stell’s reaching her limit.”
“Alright, you are way out of line, Flack. Get out of here.” Mac stood up and pointed to the door angrily.
“You can boot me out all you want. As a friend, I don’t want to lose either one of you or seeing either one of you get hurt. You will regret it if you don’t grab her right now. Think about it.” Flack said sincerely.
After Flack left, Mac tried to clear his head. Flack was right, he knows that. He would never admit his feeling for Stella to anyone. She is smart, efficient, cheerful, and the most beautiful woman he ever met. It’s both torture and happy seeing her everyday. He just can’t bear it if he made a move but things turn sour. May be it’s a good thing to let her go.
He was staring blindly at the desk when his phone rang, then he dove into work again.
“Danny, do you think Mac’s a little cranky this week?” Lindsay whispered in Danny’s ear. “I mean since Stella went to L.A. the day before yesterday”
“Oh, he’s killing me. He even picked on my hand writing. I hope Stella’s here.” Danny whispered back.
“It’s odd, she told everyone not to call or text her when she was gone, said she need a real vacation. She only left me an emergency contact number.” Lindsay said.
“So you do know how to reach her but didn’t tell me.” Mac said behind them.
Both Danny and Lindsay jumped because of Mac’s sudden appear.
“I’m sorry, Mac. I don’t know…, I…” Lindsay was stuttering.
“It’s all right, give me the number.”
“But, Mac…” Lindsay was looking to Danny for help but he only shrugged.
“Ok.” Lindsay sighed and gave up. She took out a piece of paper from her purse and handed it to Mac.
When Stella stepped out of the airport, she was surprised to found Mac was waiting there.
“Mac, what are you doing here? Is everything OK?” Stella hurried forward.
“Seeing me is bad news?” Mac said with a weak smile.
“No, but…, OK.” Stella dropped her luggage. She gave Mac a big hug and kissed him on the cheek. “Oh, I’m so happy to see you, Mac.”
“Welcome home, Stella.” Mac hugged her back. He was relieved when he saw her coming through the door. Feeling her in his arms was even better.
“I didn’t tell anyone.”
“Well, I still work for the NYPD, Stella.”
“Hmm… Good job, detective.” Stella chuckled.
“Let’s get your things to your apartment before we have dinner.”
“Good idea. Can we buy some takeout on the way home? I am tired. I would rather have dinner at home if you don’t mind.”
“Sure.” Mac said.
Stella grinned and followed him to the car.
After dinner, they were sitting on the couch with a cup of coffee.
“How did you enjoy your vacation?” Mac asked.
“Wonderful. All those beautiful places and nice people, L.A. is a lovely city. You remember my friend Laura? She has two beautiful baby girls now. You would never get bored staying with them.” Stella laughed.
“You stayed with Laura?” Mac raised his eye brow.
“Yeah. It was Laura who invited me to L.A. What? I know this face. Is something troubling you?” Stella put her cup down and turned to face Mac.
“Someone told me about Luke Davidson.” Mac put down his cup too.
“Oh, that. He had asked me to join his company but I turned him down. His invitation reminded me of my friend Laura, who lived in L.A. now. I called her and she asked me if I want to go and visit. So I went and I’m back. You think I would leave without telling you? You think too much, Mac.” Stella clapped her laps and leaned back on the couch.
They fell into silence. A minute later, Mac broke the silence.
“I miss you, Stella.” Mac locked his hands together and lowered his head. “You told us not to contact you. I don’t know I would miss you so much. I even forced Lindsay to give me your number. I can’t make the call every time I picked up the phone because I believed you know what you are doing. At the same time, I was afraid that I was wrong and you would never come back.” He looked up and saw tears in Stella’s eyes.
“It was a test, Mac. I want to know if I can pull myself away from New York, from you. But I failed, my roots are here and my heart’s here. I miss you, Mac. You’re my family in my heart, even when you were with Clair. My road would be much tougher if you were not there for me. I didn’t believe my eyes when I saw you at the airport.” Tears slid down her cheeks.
Mac wiped her tears with his thumb and held her tight. Stella leaned her head on his shoulder.
“All these years, no matter how bad the situation was, you are always stayed with me, gave me comfort, helped me through. I appreciate you, Stella. I told you I would not do this job well without you. I want to keep our relationship professional, denying my feelings for you. Until last week, I didn’t realize my life would be so empty without you. Everything was not right.”
Stella smiled, “You still have your music and the kids from the lab.”
“The music’s comforting. The kids…” Mac cleared his throat before continue.
“What?” Stella was amused.
“Well, Danny and Lindsay thought I was cranky. Flack was teasing about my poker face. And I suspected Hawks was dodging me.” Mac chuckled.
Stella broke into laughter. “You really had a tough week, huh?”
“May be we should take vacation together next time.”
Stella stopped laughing and they fell into silence again.
“Mac, are you sure about this? I mean, about us. I really happy to hear everything you told me. But, I don’t know, what if…”
“Stella.” Mac interrupted before she can continue. “I had pondering on this over the week. We would not know the answer if we don’t try. I think we should move on and stop the torture.” Mac turned Stella to face him and kissed her gently on her lips. “I love you, Stella.
“I love you, Mac.” Stella kissed him back.
When they broke the kiss, Mac kissed Stella’s hair. “You should get some rest now. You’re tired and you are back to work tomorrow. I will pick you up in the morning.
We can have breakfast together.”
“OK.” Stella obliged. She walked Mac to the door and kissed him goodbye.
Stella closed the door and smiled to herself. This is the most wonderful day she ever had. Outside, Mac was smiling and enjoying the happiness.
Heyhey I didn't like it! I loved it! You're writing so well:thumbsup:. Haha we should send this tptb so they make them admit each others feeilins:guffaw:. It was a pleasure to read it:thumbsup:. I'm really looking froward to a next part.:drool:
My honest thank you to all the people who had read my story. I'm working on the next chapter right now. It's title is 'Happy birthdady to us". Hope I'll not disappoint you.
Hi, everyone. My new chapter is here. Your comment is welcome.


The bar was full as usual. The band was playing. Stella was sitting on the stool, sipping a glass of red wine with a smile. Her beautiful green eyes focused on this particular bass guitar player, Mac Taylor, her lover. Mac was smiling at her. Everything seemed usual but this was a very special Wednesday for them. It was Mac’s birthday, the very first birthday Stella could celebrate with him as his lover. Thank god they didn’t need to work.
The music ended in the listeners’ thundering applause.
The singer waited until the applause subsided, “Thank you, thank you. Well, tonight is my best friend Mac’s birthday. He has a very special wish. He thinks the most valuable present is a song from his Greek girlfriend.” He made a gesture to Stella. Everyone in the bar turned to her and applause, some of them whistled.
Stella felt blood flooded her face. She covered her face with her hands immediately. Mac stepped off the stage. He took Stella’s hands and led her up to the stage.
“God, Mac. Why didn’t you tip me off?” Stella complained.
“I like surprise present. Come on, just one song.” Mac smiled.
“Fine. I would not give you the one that I've prepared, then.”
Stella took the seat and the microphone. She started to sing a love song in Greek. Her voice was so rich and heart-warming. The listeners might not understand the lyrics but they were enjoying her beautiful voice.
Stella glanced to the door when it opened. Her heart skipped a beat when she saw the woman got in. It was Peyton. Mac was so absorbed in the song that he didn’t notice.
Peyton winked at Stella and placed a finger in front of her mouth. She sneaked behind Mac and tried to cover his eyes with her hands. Mac was startled by the motion. He turned in time to catch Peyton’s hands. Peyton giggled when she saw Mac’s stunned face.
“Hi, Mac. I never saw your face like this before. It’s funny.” Peyton was still giggling.
Stella finished the song and joined them.
“Stella, what a lovely song it was. You have a beautiful voice.” Peyton said.
“Thank you, Peyton. When did you come to New York?” Stella was a bit nervous.
“Well, I just arrived this morning. I am here to attend a medical conference. Today is Mac’s birthday. I tried to track him down here. I was more surprised to see you singing here.”
“Yeah. I didn’t buy him birthday present, so I sang him a song instead.” Stella lied.
Peyton turned to Mac. “Do you have any plan?”
“Look, I’ll let you two catch up. See you tomorrow, Mac.” Stella said before Mac answer Peyton’s question.
“Stella…” Mac and Peyton called out simultaneously but Stella was already gone.
Mac turned to Peyton, “I am sorry Peyton, I…”
“Go. I understand. I’ll call you tomorrow.” Peyton said with a weak smile.
Stella knew it was Mac who knocked on her apartment door.
“Hey.” She greeted him and let him in, then went back to the couch.
“Hey. You OK?” Mac asked.
Mac sat and pulled her to his side with a hand around her shoulder.
Stella leaned her head on his shoulder, “I’m sorry I fled.”
“It’s odd. Stella Bonasera didn’t fight for what’s hers.” Mac chuckled.
“It was so embarrassing. I didn’t know what to do.” Stella felt frustrated. “I was rude. Oh, God. This is totally not my department.”
“Don’t worry. She understands. She’s a friend.” Mac comforted her.
“She’s your ex-girlfriend.”
“You’re my girlfriend.”
“I’m sorry for ruined your birthday night.” She looked him in the eyes and placed a hand on his chest.
Mac didn’t answer but kissed her.
“You want your birthday present now?” Stella tried to get up.
“Present can wait. You’re all I want.” Mac deepened the kiss.
Stella relaxed and enjoyed this moment. She’s been waiting too long. This was their night, nothing exited but them.
Mac met Peyton at the Sullivan’s the next afternoon.
“Was she alright?” Peyton asked. “I’m sorry Mac. I didn’t mean to embarrass her.”
“No need to apologize. No harm’s done.”
“Woo… Happy birthday, huh?” Peyton teased.
“Now I’m embarrassed.” Mac said with a smile.
They fell into silence.
“Peyton, I’m sorry I didn’t stay with you.” Mac said apologetically.
“I knew it.” Peyton sighed, leaned forward and squeezed Mac’s hand.
“Do you remember that day in the lab? You brushed my hand off your shoulder. It was Stella coming. You didn’t want her to know about our relationship.”
“No, I just didn’t ready to go public.” Mac tried to explain.
“I tried to steal you. You tried to love me back. You even went to London with me. But you were too anxious to come back. Then I knew you really love her. I’ll never be the one. So I broke up with you, in a letter. I’m sorry.” Peyton said with moist eyes.
“Thank you, Peyton.”
Peyton took a deep breath, “You want to thank me? Take me out for dinner tonight, with your beautiful girlfriend of course. I’m going home tomorrow morning.”
“I can do that.” Mac smiled.
“Mac, you are a very lucky man.” Peyton squeezed his hand once more.
“Yeah, I know.”
Love the new part:thumbsup:.
I'm glad Peyton understood them:lol:. Haha I can really imagine the scene in the bar :D. :bolian:
Thank you everybody!!
I didn’t mean to write so much at first. It was your kindnesses that made me.
Here’s the final chapter. Hope you like it too.

Yes, we are in love!

Mac was pacing in his office. He couldn’t get hold of Stella since she had gone to the crime scene about 4 hours ago. Her cell phone was off. Where is she now? “Damn it, I should go with her.” He muttered to himself. But he got another case that needed more manpower. On the other hand, hers was just a minor case that she should’ve handle without any difficulty. Mac hurried to the doorway when Flack stormed in.
“The crime scene’s no sign of her. Her car was locked and parked outside the house. My men are searching the neighborhood now.” Flack said.
Mac sighed and rubbed his face with both hands.
“Relax, Mac. It is our Stella, remember? She’s one tough woman.” Flack comforted his friend.
Mac’s phone rang and he picked up immediately.
“Mac?” It was Stella.
“Stella? Where are you? Why was your phone off?”
Flack jumped when he heard Mac yelled at the phone.
“Calm down, Mac. I’m fine. I need you down the lab’s parking lot.”
“Why? Are you hurt?” Mac was worried.
“I said I’m fine. Just come down.” Stella ensured him.
“Alright, I’ll be right there.” Mac put down the phone and raced for the elevator. When Mac got to the parking lot, he saw Stella with a man and a little girl about 5 years old. Out of instinct, his hand was reaching for his gun.
“No, Mac. It is not necessary. It’s OK.” Stella stopped him.
The man tensed up and the little girl hid behind him. Stella turned and put a hand on the man’s shoulder.
“It’s OK, Eric. He’s my boss. You can trust him.” Then she crouched down beside the girl, “Hey Emily, let me talk to my boss for a minute and I’ll show you the place where I work, OK?” The little girl nodded.
Stella pulled Mac aside, “Mac, please, I’ll explain everything. For now, please take them up to the lab.”
Mac looked her in the eyes and nodded slowly.
In that morning.
Stella got into Mac’s office, “Mac, I have to go back to yesterday’s scene. There’s something I want to confirm.”
“You must handle that case solo, Stella. Flack just called in a multiple homicide. I need the kids to work with me.” Mac was putting on his coat.
“No problem. Good luck with your case.” They left together.
= = = = = = = = =
The house was clean except the blood pool near the coffee table in the sitting room. Stella put down her kit. She heard some noises from upstairs when she was heading to the kitchen. She drew her weapon and went upstairs. She found a little girl about 5 years old sat on the floor of a bedroom. Stella checked the room and found no one else. She replaced her weapon and approached the girl.
“Hi, you must be Emily. I’m Stella. How are you?” she said softly.
The girl didn’t answer but stared at Stella.
“Don’t move or I’ll blow your head off.” A man shouted behind Stella. She felt something hard touching the back of her head.
“OK. Take it easy.” Stella said.
Still pointing the gun at Stella, the man called out for the girl, “Come here, Emily.”
“Daddy.” The girl went to her father. The man took her little hand.
“Now, get up.” The man ordered Stella, “Give me your cuffs.”
The man cuffed Stella and urged her downstairs.
They left the house through the back door.
The man was driving away from the city.
“You must be Eric Clinton, the victim’s husband. Where are you taking me? You know you can not get away from what you did. There’s still chance if you turn yourself in.” Stella tried to convince the man.
“Shut up. I didn’t do anything.” The man said angrily.
“Daddy!” The girl started to cry.
The man pulled over.
“It’s OK, honey.” He wiped his daughter’s tears away and kissed her forehead.
“Look, Eric, I can help you if you’re telling the truth. I’m a crime scene investigator. I can prove your innocence.” Stella kept trying.
“How? I have a record. Who will believe me?” Eric growled.
“We believe in evidence.”
“I didn’t push her. We had a fight. She just fell and hit the coffee table when I tried to grab her hand.” Eric held his head and leaned on the steering wheel.
“She was poisoned.” Stella stated.
“What?” Eric turned to the back seat and looked at Stella.
“She was poisoned to dead. She must felt dizzy before she hit her head. I was back to your kitchen to check out the chemicals she used daily.” Stella explained. “See! The evidence can prove your innocence. If you uncuff me, we can go back to the kitchen to collect the chemicals. Then I can take you to my boss. He can help you.”
Mac and Stella took Eric and his daughter to the lab’s conference room. After Stella told him about her adventure, Mac asked her to follow him to his office.
Mac was desperately needed to touch her, hold her, kiss her until both of them can’t breathe. But he couldn’t do that. Works go first.
“Stella, he kidnapped you. I can’t let him go.” Mac said.
“No. I found him in his house. We talked in the car. Now, he’s here to help us solve his wife’s case.” Stella argued.
“You know it’s not true. No one will believe this crap. I always tell you to use your head not your heart. If we let him get away, he may do the same thing again.”
“He was scared. He has a daughter to take care of. He loves her. He’ll not hurt her in any way. Mac, we don’t need to send another kid into the system. I know how difficult for you to make the decision, but please.” Stella pleaded.
Once again in that day, Mac paced in his office. Finally, Mac sighed and reached out for Stella. He couldn’t help but needed to touch her. He held her tight and kissed the top of her head.
“I was so worried! Stella. I don’t know what I’ll do if I lost you. Promise me to be more careful next time.” Mac murmured in Stella’s hair.
They were startled by the sound of someone clearing his throat. It was Danny.
“Sorry, boss. We found a fingerprint match in our case. Need to pick up the dude.”
Danny fled as soon as he told Mac.
“Oh god, now Danny knows. Everybody in the lab will know in a minute.” Stella groaned.
“Let me worry this. You continue to work on your case. Warn Clinton about the consequences if he does this trick again.” He kissed her cheek and left the office.
All team members gathered at the Sullivan’s. With a bottle of beer, they waited for Mac to make the announcement.
Mac cleared his throat. “Hmm…”
“Come on, boss, spill it.” Danny teased.
“Danny! Lindsay glared at him.
Mac and Stella blushed at the same time.
“Alright, everyone, Stella’s my girlfriend.” Mac said with a shy smile.
“Hallelujah!” Danny cried and clunked the beer bottle with Flack.
“Danny!” Lindsay glared at Danny once again, then hugged Stella, “Congratulations!”
“Oh no, Stella my love, you break my heart!” Sid said exaggeratedly.
“Oh, Sid, you should’ve told me!” Stella flirted.
“Wow, wow, so he did tell, huh?” Danny pointed to Mac.
“Danny! Stop it!” Lindsay hit him on the arm.
“Danny Messer, you are fired.” Mac joined in.
Everybody laughed.
Mac and Stella felt so relieved. The announcement solidified their relationship. No matter how hard the road will be, they will never be parted.
Woah !! I love the new part! :drool: espacially the ending!! :thumbsup: I think we should definitely send this to TPTB. :D