"MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

At the Airport, Macalleigh became scared. "I't okay Macalleigh, I'm right here with you, no one is going to take you this time". "I know Horatio, I'll be okay. "Flight 101 now boarding at gate 2, non stop to Miami". "Well my angel, that's my flight, and I'll see you in Miami in two weeks, during your spring break". Pulling her close, infornt of her family, not caring, he whispered...."I'll call you tonight Macalleigh, I promise, as he softly touched his lips to hers.

Watching, Stella wrapped Mac's hand in hers, telling him it was okay, it's just sweet innocence, first time love". "Bye Mac, Stella, take care, and keep Macalleigh safe for me". "We will Horatio, call us when you arrive in Miami". "I will, I promise". Walking down the runway, Horatio didn't dare look back, for he wasn't about to let Macalleigh see his tears.

Turning into her dads arms, he wrapped her up tight. "I know my angel baby, but it will be two weeks before you know it". "Aww...come on sis, dont cry anymore, if you want we can go out tonight". "No thanks Gabe, I think I'll just stay in, and read the new book Horatio left me". "He left you a book, what's it called"? "Gentle Warrior" by Julie Garwood". "Sounds wonderful love, let's go get some lunch, before going home".

Just as they were to sit down to lunch, Mac recieved the call. "Taylor". "Mac...we have a huge problem, it seems Trent, and Michael escaped with two other felon's today, we have a WWS for them, but they haven't been spotted yet". "Christ, okay, thanks". Hanging up the phone, Mac knew he had to get Macalleigh home, before she happened to see it on the news.

"Come on guy's, I've changed my mind, let's pick up pizza, and take it home, after all, you wouldn't want to miss Horatio's call". "Okay daddy, that's fine, we can leave". Getting up Macalleigh seen their picture on the big screen TV, and as she back upped, she backed right into Horatio. "Horatio....as she wrapped her arms around him, I thought you left".

"I did Macalleigh, until I seen the news, so I got off the flight, I've already called dad, he's on his way to help, he's bringing Eric". "Okay..that's great, let's get Macalleigh home". As they left the Airport, Mac was in front of her, Horatio was in back, and Gabe, with his mom, on each side. "Just relax Macalleigh, breathe love, I promise, no one will hurt you this time, I'll protect you", he whispered in her ear.

Getting into the car, the Tyler's were watching in the shadow's.
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

great story I have read this one several times well my other two are at my friends house being looked over. grate job Linda
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

After Trent and Michael watch the Taylor's leave, they headed to the optical store. "Hello, how can I help you"? "We'd like to purchase a set of turquoise contacts". "Okay, we have three color's of turquoise, which would you prefer"? Looking at the three colors Trent said...."these ones, these are the exact color of...."ouff". "Shut up boy". "Sorry, you didn't have to punch me". "Just shut up, we'll take these ones".

After paying for the contacts, they headed to a beauty salon, and purchased a long blonde wig, the exact color of Macalleigh's. Sitting in the car, Trent started playing with himself. "Stop that you idiot, control yourself". "I can't, how long before we grab a girl, I can't wait". Watching the high school girls, Trent seen one he knew. "Hey Susie, how you doing"? "Trent....I thought you were in jail for trying to rape Macalleigh"?

"Nah...we were found innocent, she lied, would you like a drive home"? "No..I think I'll walk thanks". "Aww..come on Susie, you can help me catch up on what I've missed". "Okay...but only for an hour or so, then I have to leave". "Deal". Opening the door she got in. "This is my dad, his names Michael". "Hi..it's nice to meet you". Eyeing the young girl was making her very nervous. "Ummm...I think I've changed my mind, I'll walk".

Turning in his seat, Trent punched her square in the mouth knocking her out. "Let's go, before we are spotted". Driving out of town, they came across a deserted Motel, after paying for a room, with a drunked out owner, they carried Susie into the room. "Get the stuff out of the car, NOW!!! Bringing in the wig, and contacts, Michael placed them on Susie, then taking the ties from the drapes, he tied her wrists and ankles to the bed.

"Oooooh....look at her, she looks like Macalleigh, I can hardly wait for her to open those eyes". Slowly waking up, Susie tried to move, and realized she was tied to the bed, as she went to scream, Trent gagged her. "Shhh....it's okay Macalleigh, I won't hurt you much, but I need to touch you", as he stroked her face. "Trent.....what did I tell you, you will wait, damn it, you worthless piece of shit, smarten up". Taking a knife, Michael slit her blouse, exposing her bra.

"Clip, clip, little lady, I do believe you are the size of Macalleigh", slicing off her bra, she closed her eyes, crying. "Shh...come on now, open those eyes, we paid alot of money to have you look like Macalleigh, so we expect to see the goods".


Once Mac had his family in the house, Macalleigh sat on the couch rocking. "Come here angel baby, as her dad rocked her in his arms. "I can't do this again daddy, please, tell me this is a dream, please daddy". "I wish I could angel, but it's not, I'm so sorry, but you have to stay strong, and trust in us, we won't let anything happen". *Knock, knock*. "That must be dad, I'll get it.

Opening the door, Horatio seen his dad and Eric standing there. "Christ, how did you two get here so fast"? "I have very important contacts son, we came over by private jet". "Mac...how is she doing"? "Not good "H", we need to catch these bastards fast". "We will Mac, we will".
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

You're on a roll Linda, 3 chapters to catch up, hmff... I must have been real busy or lazy catching up this week. Sorry, but awesome updates. I hope Macalleigh is not in for yet another horrible experience, is she? :confused: Nah... Horatio jr. is there after all. ;)
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

Please ensure you comment only on the story, thank you.

"Can we start now dad, I so need to touch her"? "Sit boy, you'll wait, daddy's turn first". As he took his hand, he roughly caressed her, causing her to cry out. "Oh dad....sounds like she's a virgin, is she daddy"? Checking without care, she screamed. "Not anymore son, see". Still screaming as they attacked her, beat her, gropped her, she passed out from the pain, the terror, the agnony she was forced to endure.

"Oh come on, hey, wake up Susie....Susie, wake up". "She won't wake up dad, I think we loved her to sleep". Walking over, Michael checked for a pulse. "Shit...she's dead son, fuck....we need to get rid of the body, and get the hell out of here". "But dad...how are we going to clean up, we have no cleaning stuff, and look at the blood all over the bed".

"Shut up, you idiot, I've heard enough from you, this is all your fault, run to the desk clerk, tell him we need some soap, and extra towels, for we sprung a leak". "But what if he wants to see dad, then what". "Listen you little bastard, he's to drunk to see past the front window, now do as you are told".

Running to the office, he seen the clerk was sound asleep. Looking in the linen closet, he pulled out a mop, some bleach, some clean sheets, towels, and pillow cases. "Here dad...I got them, he was passed out cold". As they placed open the plastic wrapper that covered the bed, they rolled Susie up in it, and carried her to the trunk, throwing her in.

"Now let's get this room cleaned, and get the hell out of here". Scrubing the floor, sinks, bed posts, tables, and toilet, they loaded the bloody towels and sheets into a garbage bag, and took them with them, leaving behind Susie's necklace, and two blood stains under the bed. "Flip the mattress son, and let's get the hell out of here".

Leaving the Motel, they drove along the deserted road, and turned off near some rocks. Grab the shovel you idiot, and let's get her baried". Trying to dig through the hard ground and grass wasn't working. "Screw it, just leave her behind the rock, they'll know it's us anyway, now let's go".

Driving back to NY, they found a place to lie low for the night.
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Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

While they discussed the case, Mac tried to get Macalleigh settled upstairs. "Please daddy, I don't want to sleep, and I don't want no tranq's". "Macalleigh, angel baby please". "No dad, I don't want any, just leave me alone". "Mac....may I come in"? "Sure, what's the matter"? "Dad needs to see you, Danny just showed up, they've found a female DB, he needs you at the crime scene". "Okay...thanks son, Macalleigh, please take your pill". Turning away from her dad, she curled up into her pillow.

"I'll stay with her Mac, you go ahead". Sitting on the bed beside her, Horatio took her pill, the glass of water, and called her name. "Macalleigh...can you please take your pill, it's not to put you to sleep, it's just to relax you". "I don't want it Horatio, I don't need it". "You know what, you're right, but sometimes what we think we don't need, we really do, and I promise to stay with you". Whispering quietly, she said...."can you hold me, please". "Angel, that I can do, but how about we take your pill first, okay"?

Sitting up Macalleigh took the tranq, with a glass of water, and as she laid back down, she felt the weight of the bed go down, as Horatio climbed in behind her, wrapped her into the spoon position, and whispered...."Once upon a time, there was a beautiful Warrior princess, she lived with the strongest Clan in the Highlands, every night this princess named Macalleigh would go out hunting, looking for the evil that lurked in her holding".

Macalleigh giggled. "What's so funny you". "You are, I'm no warrior princess, you make me sound like Zena". "Hush you....I'm telling the story". Turning in his arms, she snuggled into his chest, and sighed. "Horatio...do you think this nightmare will ever be over"? "It will Macalleigh, that much I can promise you". Looking up into his blue eyes, as he looked into hers, she shyly kissed his lips, a quick little kiss. "I believe you". "Good, now try and sleep Macalleigh".

While he caressed her back, as she snuggled in closer, Horatio hoped to hell that he was with Macalleigh if they ever tried to take her again, for he wanted his revenge, his revenge for what they had done to his Macalleigh.

When Mac, Horatio, Eric, Flack, and Danny arrived at the crime scene, they found the girls broken, tortured body. "Oh God....". "Easy Danny, Sheldon what have you got". "I'm telling you Mac, this is the worst rape I've ever seen, it even goes beyond S&M, they've used some pretty nasty things on this child, but what's even worse, they dressed her to look like Macalleigh".

"I'm sorry...". "They dressed her to look like Macalleigh, blonde wig, and turquoise contacts in her eyes, these sick bastards went the whole nine yards, to have her look like your daughter". Standing in silence, Mac wasn't sure what to say. "Okay this stuff back to the lab, have Adam work on quickly". "I'll do the tire treads, this way we'll have some idea what they are driving". "Thanks Eric". "Lindsay is at the Motel Horatio, Stella's with her, I think we should head over there, they've found some evidence".

As everyone headed over to the Motel, Mac desperately tried to keep his cool, but everyone knew he was on the edge, for his knuckle's had turned white, as he gripped the steering wheel.
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

I'm glad H.jr is with MaCalleigh but I pitty the men if Mac gets hold of them! But it'll be fun :D
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Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

While Macalleigh slept, Horatio got up and walked over to the window, wondering where he and Macalleigh would be in ten years. As he thought, he could see them having at least three children, two boys with firery red hair, and one little girl with her mother's turquoise eyes, and the dogs, can't forget the dogs, with the fenced in yard.

"Nooooooo......nooooooo". Running over to the bed, he grabbed Macalleigh in his arms and rocked her, while she softly cried. "Shhh...it's okay angel, I have you, and I'll never let you go Macalleigh, never, do you understand, you have nothing to fear, I'll be your warrior, forever".

Knowing she had fallen back into sleep, he laid her back down, kissed her tear stained face, while covering her up. "Hey Horatio....how is she, mom said she heard her scream". "She's fine, just a nightmare, have you heard anything yet"? "No...just that they found the Motel, and apparentely they had the young girl dressed as Macalleigh, hair, and contacts, they tortured really good, and dad said Uncle Danny almost lost his lunch".

"For God sakes, we need to find these bastards". "I know Horatio, they are doing their best". "Listen Gabe, what do you think about us walking the streets for a while, you never know, we could see them"? "But who's going to sit with Macalleigh, she's going to call for you, and you won't be here". "I know, but her mom will be". "I don't know man, I don't think we should leave them alone, because if those sadistic bastards are watching, they could kill Macalleigh, and my mom".

"Yeah....I guess you're right, it was just an idea". "It was a good one Horatio, one that would be okay if dad, or Uncle H were here". "Shit...I got it, what if we pretend we are going out, and hide around the side, that could work". "I don't know Horatio, I just don't like the idea of leaving them at all, I have a really bad feeling, something will go wrong, I can't do it". "Okay man, okay". "Don't be mad Horatio, they are excellent ideas, but not with these two, they are to far gone, and could care less who they take out".

Meanwhile....arriving at the Motel, Lindsay showed Mac the necklace, with the blood splatter upon it. "That's not all, take a look at the mattress, Stella is the washroom, catching her breath, due to the mess they left. Pulling back the plastic, all that could be heard was "Christ", for there were piece's of the young girls lower extremities on the mattress. "For God sakes Mac, we need to catch these sick animals now, that poor girl, and to think no one heard her screams".

"I know Eric, and you can see through the gag, she was tortured so bad, she bit off her own tongue from the pain they forced her to feel". "Mac....what do you think"? "Mac...". Without a word to anyone, he walked from the room, headed out the door, rounded the corner, said a prayer for the child, and softly cried, for this could have very easily had been his daughter.